Making rice non sticky

I must cook it in the simplest way ever - and I use Basmati Rice

1. Add 1 cup of rice and 2 cups of water per person
2. Bring the water the the boil FIRST
3. Add the rice. Stir once
4. Boil uncovered for 10 minutes
5. Sieve off the excess water

Perfect rice that doesn't clump every time
Someone suggested to me that you're best to wash the rice before you start by soaking it several times rather than through running water - keep soaking and rinsing until, I guess, the water doesn't change colour.
yeh best way i find, is to soak the rice in a jar of water for 30-mins or so then boil ** water in pan, add the rice to it, then about 10 mins or so ** done.
Cooking rice the Turkish way.

Easy steps

1) Turn heat on medium
2) 2 large wooden spoons of butter in a suitable pan
3) Allow the butter to melt
4) Add the amount of rice you want to cook, 35g per person (american rice will do)
5) The rice will turn transparent colour when it starts to cook
6) Add boiling water
7) Leave for approx 30 minutes

The trick here is not to stir the rice, allowing all the water to evaporate.

Hopefully all works well, you will have a saucepan of rice that does not stick together and has lots of tiny holes.
I usually dont bother rinsing the rice at all. Bring it to the boil in plenty of water until you see the starch coming out into the water and making it clumpy.
Remove rice from heat, throw water away and rinse rice through.

Place in fresh water and bring back to the boil, then drain and serve.
Boil in the bag and then drain the water and get a potato masher and press all the water out, sorted. Fluffy rice.

Uncle Bens Express rice, I always put in abit of water first and shake all the rice about then cook for 30s then shake then cook repeat.
/going OT

Family mainly cooks Thai fragrant rice..

Wash rice with sieve, put rice in cooking bowl of electric rice cooker, add correct amount of water, switch rice cooker on.. then wait for nice fluffy rice.

Could be done on gas cooker but the rice in bottom part of pan becomes hard or burnt/unedible, so waste of good rice.
its so easy, i do it the gordon ramsey way:

1 cup of rice, 2 cups of water.
washed rice into a saucepan, with the 2 cups of boiling water.
bring back to the biol for about two mins.
turn off heat, leave for about ten mins
turn out into a seive and fluff up with a fork on the plate. .

never fails, how much rice you lot cooking for it to take 20 mins or 30 mins!

ajgoodfellow said:
When you're a broke student trying to survive on £5 a week you do!

Tesco, £12.99 BOGOF. Split it with a friend and get 10Kg for £6.50 each?
1. Measure out 1 cup of basmati rice.
2. Wash rice in sieve with fast flowing hot water to remove as much starch as possible.
3. Add rice to saucepan.
3. Boil water and add 2 cups of water to saucepan.
4. Heat on high until the water is level with the rice, after that put a lid on and decrease the heat down to minimum.

Also people may want to remember that after they cook the rice they should never leave it out for more then 2 hours.

Rice contain a bacterium called Bacillus cereus. Because it is spore forming it can survive high temperatures reached during normal cooking processes e.g. frying and boiling. After cooling the spores will germinate into living bacteria. The bacteria produce a exotoxin which will cause quite nasty gastroenteritis (food poisoning)
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