Man bags

I use a satchel type bag, pretty good quality actually, use it for my uni work, putting wallet, phone, car stereo and keys in it. If i lost i'd be screwed.
I really don't see what people's problem with carrying a bag around is. Generally when I leave my house in the morning I have no idea how the day is going to end or what having some stuff with me is handy...

For work I need to take two phones, ipod, wallet, keys, hardback A4 pad, usually my laptop (and I detest carrying stupid dell laptop bags) and other bits and pieces for work. I don't know if I'll be going out after work, so a can of deodorant and toothbrush is nice to have. You fit that lot in your pockets...

At the weekend it's good for a book and a paper to read, bottle of water, maybe a change of clothes in case I don't make it home that night.

Now if you want to make out that it's somehow gay to be able to carry what you might need without looking like you've shoved a kitchen sink in your pocket then good for you but in my humble opinion you're a fool...

my bag... (or whatever you'd prefer to call it)

I have one but i only use it when im carrying my console around, Rest of the time i use the sidepockets in my Camo's to put phone/wallet in, doesnt show and pockets are free :)
I don't use a man bag, but they'd be pretty useful because I often carry a drink around with me because I have a condition where I get thirsty really easily, but I usually end up just holding a bottle.
I like to see upcomming hollywood movies with manbags in em.

I think man bags are great. Espacially if you got kids ;)
Why don't these man bag users just get a rucksack? I carried some girls bag at college for her and it just weighs your shoulder down. Uncomfortable and un-stylish
debatable, backpacks give me a sweaty back too :(

Well on a guy they are. This is coming from me as well. A person who is very camp. Straightens and dyes his hair. Oh and who got asked if he was gay by 2 guys last week in college. One of them was gay :eek:
Well on a guy they are. This is coming from me as well. A person who is very camp. Straightens and dyes his hair. Oh and who got asked if he was gay by 2 guys last week in college. One of them was gay :eek:

i think thay can look alright personally, also there more accesible then having something on your back, and keep having to take it off just to get something out.
i think thay can look alright personally, also there more accesible then having something on your back, and keep having to take it off just to get something out.

You can get the one strap rucksacks which you can swing round. I know there is a camera bag like this which is meant to be very easy to access your camera. :)

Also if you need access to your drink...


Stylish and accessible! :D

You don't need to carry your mp3 charger and your phone charger every where you go. You don't need a selection of magazines either.
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