
Mwahahaha <breathes> hahahah! Funniest thing I've seen in ages, should be in the joke thread! :D

Should get my bf a pair for xmas just for a laugh!
The horror.

The horror.

I dare someone to go to a GD meet wearing that.
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the type of girl dressing like that would attract, pretty or not, I would not be interested in.

Fashion is a personal thing and all opinion based. I just leave people to it and wear what I like the look of.
I saw this early and couldn't help but think that the bloke above 'What the well-dressed man will wear this season. Apparently' looked like InvaderGIR off this very forum :o

Sorry mate :p
The horror.

The horror.

I dare someone to go to a GD meet wearing that.

You don't need to dare anyone here. There's plenty of weirdos that would wear that out of choice that frequent GD. Freefaller, for instance (he is French after all).:D

Oh. My. God. Jesus. Make. It. Stop. Please.

My mouth was open as that played, I could only watch a few moments... it truly made me a sad sad panda.
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