Marble Arch Mound

Why are the BBC not reporting on the giant pigeons attacking children?

The pigeons are the visitors and that is the reaction.

It's like Londoners have never seen the countryside before, but have played Minecraft, so this is what they think it looks like :D

And because London, you have to pay to walk up the tiny Minecraft hill.
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It is quite simple - it was never meant to cost £6m, and it was £6.25 average a ticket with an expected 200k people. That's £1.25m turnover and over a million+ in additional footfall intangible benefits.

For comparison, the Angel of the North cost £800k and delivers £0 in revenue.

You still deliver £0 in revenue if you charge £6.25 per ticket then have to refund everyone because it was so terrible.
I saw this being built, under its skeleton scaffolding bars basically. I was a bit confused as normally you put scaffolding alongside buildings lol
ergh no one mentioned Boris and his white elephant bridge 53Million down the drain ... so the moral is go big or go home.
The comparison between pictures from the proposed design and how it looks in reality is just laughable. Of course, the obvious false elements of the design (eg existing trees magically disappearing so as not to obscure views) should have been picked up by the council before they paid for construction, and the obvious failed implementation (eg the greenery is clearly less established than in the design (and also just missing full stop), loads of cluttered fences and commercial bins all around it) should have been challenged before opening.

The fact that none of this was picked up by the council, on top of the obscene cost means it seems quite appropriate for the guy in charge of it to resign, but tbh I'm sure the council leader should bear responsibility too - I'm sure there were many points along the procurement that the council leader should have stepped in to take a closer look but didn't.

The company that designed and built this thing appears almost fraudulent in how different the proposal is to what was actually built too:

If this was my council I'd be furious, but given this is Westminster it's not really such a big deal because they probably have money coming out of their ears.
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2 million is still a lot of money for any council. But it's funny how the government bang on about not having cash, everyones wages have to be frozen (except theirs) etc, but manage to pull millions out of their arse for this sort of crap which is of no benefit to the public whatsoever.

Then they ask £4.50 to basically walk up and down a fire escape just takes the ****.

It smells like fraud or money laundering tbh.
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The 25m mound, designed by Dutch architects MVRDV, was intended to attract visitors back to the heart of London

Well theres your problem, nobody told the dutch designers that the uk population is used to just finding hills lying around the place, we dont need to build them.
2 million is still a lot of money for any council. But it's funny how the government bang on about not having cash, everyones wages have to be frozen (except theirs) etc, but manage to pull millions out of their arse for this sort of crap which is of no benefit to the public whatsoever.

Then they ask £4.50 to basically walk up and down a fire escape just takes the ****.

It smells like fraud or money laundering tbh.

Makes me laugh, in a sad way, the council around here bang on about having no money but spank millions on vanity traffic light systems and other huge road layout changes which no one wants, asked for, don't actually solve anything and far from essential if they were that hard up as the existing system was coping even if not ideal.

I'm guessing someone was making money from that though :s
I'm struggling, as well, to see £6m worth of value in it.

I'm struggling to see £6 worth of value in it, let alone £6 million.

A very small artificial hill with dying plants on it. Wow! World class city! Who wouldn't pay to walk up a very small artificial hill? I bet people will fly in from all over the world to pay to walk up a very small artificial hill.

There are far more impressive artificial hills in the UK, ones that have significant historical value. Not a pile of dirt made with modern equipment.
Makes me laugh, in a sad way, the council around here bang on about having no money but spank millions on vanity traffic light systems and other huge road layout changes which no one wants, asked for, don't actually solve anything and far from essential if they were that hard up as the existing system was coping even if not ideal.

indeed, wonder how many miles of decent quality resurfacing you could do for that kinda cash.
ergh no one mentioned Boris and his white elephant bridge 53Million down the drain ... so the moral is go big or go home.

Its ok, its London. Anywhere else and they can't even find the money to fill the potholes in the road

Makes me laugh, in a sad way, the council around here bang on about having no money but spank millions on vanity traffic light systems and other huge road layout changes which no one wants, asked for, don't actually solve anything and far from essential if they were that hard up as the existing system was coping even if not ideal.

I'm guessing someone was making money from that though :s

Oh don't get me started around here they've had roadworks here there and everywhere that are... narrowing the pavement areas close to junctions to make the road surface a whole 18 inches wider. Never mind the fact there a potholes large enough to lose people in the road absolutely needs to be 18 inches wider on the corners. Lord knows how much that cost.
I went there an hour ago it was free, some random black guy was dancing to some Indian music.

Metal scaffolding all around, like a building site. Dunno how it cost so much....
I love this. This should be left where it is and commemorated as a monument to the incompetence of the council. The fact that this has gone from an idea to fruition without one of the hundreds of people involved in the process going "what the hell are you thinking?" really does highlight what a dumpster fire that council is. I mean, think about it - this idea must've gone through at least 100 peoples' inboxes to get to this point, and not one of them flagged it.

It just needs a plaque at the bottom calling it something arty farty like "A reflection of the failures of contemporary government of the 21st century" - add some smaller exhibitions to it, like an area where you're not allowed to walk because it's a "low traffic neighbourhood" and a few others, and it'll be fantastic.
wonder how they're planning to cut/maintain the grass/trees on the steep parts...strimmer drones?!

the sheer drop on the white wall facing the arch looks pretty dangerous tbh - guess you're not meant to but doesn't look hard to get to that part
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