He hasn't got long to do unpopular things, so I doubt this is going to be a good one. He can probably be nasty in 2017 but by 2018 the next election is getting too close to be too harsh.
Fuel duty I think will go up and that will be the least popular thing in there.
Top rate income tax may move down on the basis of dodgy short term maths that, in any case, probably makes little difference to the income tax collected.
Hopefully an increase in the tax free interest allowance, and an increase in the ISA allowances making saving virtually tax free for all but the top few %.
I'm more worried that, with him leaving pensions alone and bringing in the tax-free savings band, ISA's have their days numbered.
Most taxpayers will not benefit from ISA's over and above the benefit of the new tax free allowances because most of the country does not save.
Would love to see a reimplementation of MIRAS for owner occupiers or something similar upto a reasonable level. In effect flipping the switch vs the current situation where B2L are tax efficient vs owner occupier.
I'd rather he finishes what he started and gets rid of tax relief on personal BTL entirely so that it is on the same terms as any other personally held investment. You want tax relief, form a company.
Some kind of duty/tax on foreign registered lorries (ie something like a pay as you go roadtax)
Vote Brexit first?
Get rid of the NI removal for those of pension age.
Get rid of NI fullstop
It's a historical anomaly from the employee point of view and a tax on jobs from the employer point of view. Roll both NI payments into income tax. But that would be too simple and will never happen.