I shall do cheers! not home at the mo though so tonight
Mine is in sig
I've added Rebel last night, just waiting to be added so I can see you!
You have to add me then it will show up, it won't tell you you've been added, it's a 2 way thing with friend codes.
Cool cheers I shall add you as soon as I have had some food!
If you give me a time tonight I'll be on, I'm at work til 7 so will be home and have some din dins p) shortly after!
I assume you've added me to your friends list in MK ? I did check the other day but the only 2 people I added recently (one yourself) are both question marks! says it will show when you add me!
MKFC is: 2363 6496 6047
Yeah it siad that to me aswell when i checked in the mario kart channel but when i checked in game u were there. ill try and get on tonight but not sure as the england match is on at 8pm .
Had somehow forgotten this thread. Will add both yourself and Rebel tonight.MKFC is: 2363 6496 6047