Is their spaceship powered by some of Rossi's ecat magic box thingies?
No, pretty much of the shelf parts.
Like the space-x Falcom heavy lifter and dragon capsule.
Is their spaceship powered by some of Rossi's ecat magic box thingies?
Yesterday's coffee is tomorrow's coffee
oooh this could be fanTASTIC!! just imagine, we could send Jedward, Katie Price, the Kardashians and Simon Cowell....and they will never come back.
They probably don't even know about our little solar system yet
Just wait until Voyager 1 exits our neighbourhood and its messages and starmap of who and where we are get found
I remember reading about this a few weeks ago. I believe it is a one way trip !
I remember reading about this a few weeks ago. I believe it is a one way trip !
Could go quite far eventually. Like a Mars version of Sim City!
Yep, it's not possible with current technology to get people back apparently.
Mars is an absolute hellhole compared to the harshest environment on Earth, an environment so harsh that it kills people who are just travelling through it. Mars will kill you in seconds if you're not in a sealed environment, it has many ways to kill you with and there is no possibility of rescue if anything goes wrong in a way that doesn't kill you immediately.Love has recently returned from Antarctica which he says is a "picnic compared to Mars". "It's full of water, you can go outside and breathe the air. It's paradise compared to Mars and yet nobody has moved there permanently."
It was based around similar ideas as Constructor by system3, but yes I forgot its name too and it doesn't appear to be the work of the same publisher.I remember a REALLY old pc game (very early 90's) where it was a simCity like game but on Mars. I cannot for the life of me remember the name of it but this kind of reminds me of it.