Marvel Heroes

just started this it feels a bit like diablo 3 shame i can't play the characters i want to yet without paying = (

I know why it feels like diablo now, it's made my the same guy ahah
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I believe it's patched, I'll test tonight if it still works I'll let you know... Think one of the reasons it was so good was double exp was bugged and wasn't going down, also because I've completed the game I was able to teleport to areas... One boss kept giving me 5k exp per kill and all you would do was reset the story, teleport there kill him, rinse and repeat but after about 5 times that stopped :(
Just downloaded it, thought I'd give it a go, started the thing, played for just under and hour, seems like a pretty cool game under first impressions, might invest some more time into it
Tried this earlier, rolled Thing, spent an hour or so playing - seemed fairly decent, can see myself spending more time on it.
Cool, dont really have many games atm, finally got to paragon 100 in d3 a while back and have been levelling the other toons but been getting bored, this looks to be a bit of an alternative for a while atleast :)
thanks for the heads up = ) I just unlocked iron man because i couldn't be ****** leveling one of those starters up for ages waiting to unlock him in game =/
This game is still way too easy as it was in beta. I remember someone posting that it was made easier for beta / droprates altered which made sense because I was getting epics from everything.. only now in launch I still am getting epics from everything, been head to toe in them since lvl10 :(

I seriously hope a challenge appears at some point in this as it feels very solid to play.
Redeemed mine too thanks! Can't get into the game at the moment though, says its offline :(

Edit: In now.
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