Marvel Heroes

oh dear !! they've messed it all up :p

Hey everyone. After an evening of working to see if there was a quick solution to the issues we encountered when we brought up Game Update 1.11 tonight, we've decided to go with 'Plan B' - reverting the Live game to its pre-Game Update 1.11 state. This is safer and will allow the game to be up and for you to play in the live environment while we diagnose, fix, text and redeploy Game Update 1.11.

There's quite a lot of info here so I'll try and lay it out as clearly as possible.

What does 'reverting the Live game' mean?

In short: some big downloads, I'm afraid.

Tonight we'll be deploying a patch which will revert the game state back to the last patch pre-1.11. At the same time we'll be resetting all character progress to where it was right before we took the game offline for maintenance at 3PM PDT this afternoon.

For you to play in the Live game until we re-deploy Game Update 1.11, you will have to download the patch being deployed tonight. There's no way to automatically 'revert your game' without this patch.

Later, when Game Update 1.11 is deployed again, you'll have to re-download that patch as well. We know this sucks and we apologize, it's a lot of downloading.
And they wonder why they have lost so many players. :rolleyes:

After reading the patch notes I was really looking forward to playing this again. Oh well!
Shane there isn't a group finder.

Not that I can okay anyway but would be more keen to play if I could easily find groups, the fact I could never find groups for daily missions stc was extremely irritating.

Another rollback, shambles once again.
you asked for it :p

Game Update Notes: 7/31/2013 –
Today’s patch is massive and far-reaching. We’ve been working overtime to upgrade almost every component of Marvel Heroes. With this patch we’ve also added our first new hero – the Human Torch – and made a massive change to the way you acquire heroes with the new alternate currency system, Eternity Splinters.
In addition to polish, buffs and overall improvements, we’ve introduced a few features that didn’t make it on launch day. With so many additions to the game, there will be inevitable glitches, unintended changes and even a few changes that didn’t make it into the patch notes below. We’ll be monitoring everything very closely as the patch goes live and standing by to fix anything that is out of place.
New Hero: Human Torch

Human Torch has arrived in Marvel Heroes! Please see this news story for full details on how to get Human Torch and other details. Human Torch is available as an in-game purchase or in exchange for Eternity Splinters. If you want to talk about Human Torch drop by the
Human Torch Forum to swap tips and tricks with other players and learn the best way to play!
New free hero system: Eternity Splinters

Eternity Splinters are a new system introduced with this patch for Marvel Heroes. Eternity Splinters replace hero token drops and offer players a chance to earn every hero in any order they wish, simply by playing the game. Adam Warlock sells all heroes for Eternity Splinters along with a few other items. He can be found beside Gambit in all three of the social hubs.
Eternity Splinters drop from all enemies throughout the game. Their drop rate is influenced by your Special Item Find bonus. The rate of drop is tuned to make Marvel Heroes slightly faster than other free-to-play games in terms of getting free heroes, as we continue to work towards the goal of being the most player-focused game possible. We will continue to evaluate and iterate until we are 100% satisfied that we are meeting that goal.
We intend to add many things to the Eternity Splinter vendor and anticipate future polls and player discussion about items they would like to see.
For those players who still have old Cosmic Keys, they have been converted in your inventory and S.T.A.S.H. on a 1-1 basis for Eternity Splinters. Not many players purchased Cosmic Keys (almost all of them are from drops), but if you purchased a Cosmic Key from the in-game store up to 7 days previous to their removal from the game on July 2nd, and that key has not been used, we will refund the Gs you used to purchase it.
Adam Warlock sells a random hero box that could contain any hero. You can theoretically get a hero you already own from this box, in which case it can be used to upgrade your Ultimate Power.
New Zone Added: Midtown Patrol

A revamped Limbo mode has been added. Enter Manhattan to face off against waves of tough bosses in a city teeming with life!

  • Patrol Manhattan to fight crime, save civilians and keep the city safe.
  • Available for all levels of players.
  • New super villain groups attack the city periodically and must be shut down.
  • No time limit, no ’threat‘ meter. Everything is challenging, but manageable with the right gear and tactics.
New items in the in-game store

We’ve added several new items to the in-game store. Press ‘X’ while in game to browse and purchase any of these items.

  • Human Torch

  • Human Torch: Blue Costume
  • Human Torch: Red Costume
  • Iron Man: Shotgun Armor
  • Wolverine: Ronin costume

  • Holographic Crafter: Use this to summon a holographic crafter, who will persist for 15 minutes. The holographic crafter has a one-hour cooldown but can be used permanently.
  • Matrix of Unbinding: Use this in a crafting recipe to unbind an artifact, weapon or armor item that is bound to you.
  • Ultron Silver: Avengers Assemble in awe of this new pet.
S.T.A.S.H Tabs:

  • Three additional General S.T.A.S.H tabs – access these via your S.T.A.S.H.
  • Three additional Crafting S.T.A.S.H tabs – access these via your S.T.A.S.H.
Performance Upgrades

Many areas of the game have performance improvements. Some are extremely significant and will greatly upgrade your play experience. A team is continuing to work on this.
Advanced graphics options were added to the video options page. The graphics slider will auto change the new options. Changing an advanced option will set the graphics slider to ’Custom‘ level.
Gameplay Changes

Rested Experience:

The concept of “rested experience” has been removed from the game and replaced with a permanent increase in experience and Special Item Find (server side). You can now play whichever hero you wish, whenever you wish and not worry about min/maxing rested experience. Overall experience will be higher for all players by a noticeable margin.
Movement powers:

You can now use movement powers in hubs to get around quicker.
Damage over time powers:

These powers can now critical hit and scale properly when in groups.
Damage in groups improved:

Enemy health now increases (AKA player damage decreases) at a lower rate when more players are nearby. Grouping will be even more rewarding now.
User Interface

Chat: New options exist on the chat window to control chat filters. Additional chat functionality has been added along with “social”, “lfg” and “endgame” channels with UI to control them. More chat upgrades will appear in the future.
Damage numbers: Floating combat text numbers have been added as an option. Expect a few iterations as we iterate on these to ensure they look good and work right. Green is healing, red is damage and yellow are critical hits. Turn them on by pressing Esc for options and go to the Gameplay options section.
Supergroups: Additional functionality has been added to the Supergroup interface (some sorting technology, display of officer and supergroup name appearing on tab). Additional functionality will be added in future patches to continually improve supergroup support.
Keybinding can now be reverted to default settings.
You can now map mouse buttons 3-6 to various game functions.
The daily terminals will now tell you if you can earn a cosmic shard by completing them. Mouse over the interface to see if a cosmic shard is available.
Zoom levels in hubs is more flexible so you can see your hero in more detail.
Bodysliders: The Bodyslider button next to the Minimap now "fills up" to indicate how much time is left on cooldown. The Bodyslider icon will also change after you use it to return to town indicating that using it again returns you back to the field.
Social panel: Added player sorting to the Social Panel tabs.
Added confirmation when donating artifacts.
When closing the options menu or switching tabs you will be asked if you want to save pending changes.
Story Warp: Now includes level ranges for each chapter.

New artifacts:

  • Talisman of K'un Lun!
  • Beta Particle Mini-Reactor! This artifact allows you to bring back dead allies in half the usual time.
All artifacts may now only have one copy equipped. This is a step to support future artifact plans.
Crafting elements are now stackable, up to 10 per stack.
Experience orbs from bosses last longer so they won’t disappear during cutscenes.
Darkhold Scroll gives bonus damage to ‘taunted’ enemies.
Idol of Khonshu no longer uses up its buff if you hit with a ranged power twice.
Mandarin Medal tooltips clarified. Several other tooltips rewritten or clarified. We will keep iterating on this when players report confusion about exactly what an item does.
Medal sell price is now higher, as intended.
Pyro’s Medallion now has freeze resistance.
Doctor Doom’s Medallion can now roll a slightly higher chance to fear on hit.
Slightly buffed Electro Medallion.
Mandarin Medal now has upgraded visual effects.
New items that drop in the world will no longer have attack speed for one tree only. Existing items are unaffected.
Cosmic items sell for slightly more.
The Bovine Sector recipe can be sold for 5,000 credits, so players have something to do with it when they find a second one.
To ensure you don’t accidentally donate a recipe, there is now a confirmation pop-up box.
Several small buffs to the ranges of various items and affixes in the game to make them competitive with the best.
Significantly increased experience orb gains from discoveries and events.
Tooltip Improvements

We’ve added several pages of tooltip upgrades – too many to list. This impacts powers, items and other UI elements.
Tooltips should now take into consideration the Bonus Damage Multiplier for all powers. Previously tooltips showed damage as though all powers had a 100% damage multiplier from Damage Rating on items, which is generally not the case. Most powers have anywhere from 10%-90% damage.
Costume Cores

All costume cores now have either 25% item rarity boost or 20% special item find, in addition to other bonuses.
We realize most players prefer one of those bonuses, so we added those to every core in addition to other bonuses so players could personalize their heroes better.
All cores will have 0-2 additional bonuses in addition to item rarity boost or special item find. New bonuses have been added to cores, which you will discover.
Existing cores are unchanged.
Missions and Enemies

Many small and medium sized upgrades have been added to missions in various chapters. Too many to list, but should continue to make the new player experience smoother, clearer and more fun.
Turrets, flying enemies and some of the larger bosses have a higher chance to resist knockaround effects.
Grey enemies no longer drop special items (they always had a reduced chance, but now it is 0 chance).
Zone Content

A few new enemy types have been added in the world. In addition Poison Cloud and Missile Shield may be present on enemies. With the latter, missile users will need to enter within approximately half screen range in order to damage the enemy.
A waypoint now exists at the start of the Castle Doom final instance.
When a group member closes a warp in Group Challenge, a banner will notify the entire group.
Red and Green terminal side bosses now drop significantly more experience orbs and credits.
The following zone content has been added by the world team. Most of these were slated for launch but didn’t make it in.

  • Chapter 1: “Symbiote Infestation” side mission in Crumbling Brownstones
  • Chapter 3: “Demonic Incursion” event in the Bamboo Forest
  • Chapter 7: “Dinosaur Graveyard” Treasure room in the Dinosaur Jungle (new larger format)
  • Chapter 7: “Sacred Valley” Treasure room in the Dinosaur Jungle (new larger format)

New PvP modes are in development, but not in this patch.
The new “Fire and Ice” themed PVP map is under heavy internal testing and development and will be released to Test Center by the end of August. Other modes are in various stages of development.
Valkyrie has showed up in the game as a harbinger of the new PvP format that we are testing internally. When the new format goes live you will be able to buy special rings from her by spending Golden Crowns. You get 1 golden crown for each PvP match you complete.
We will release more info on the new PvP format when it goes to Test Center.
Hero Upgrades

We’re changing and improving heroes every day - many upgrades will appear on the Test Center server in the weeks ahead but will not be captured in these patch notes.
Our goal with designing heroes is always to make all heroes play well and feel powerful in multiple situations.
General Hero Changes

For maximum flexibility, all powers can now be bound to all mouse buttons and all keyboard keys.
Heroes can no longer move or attack within the first 0.5 seconds of a hero switch, to prevent an accidental cancellation.
The Area Power and Movement Power keywords are now visible on all applicable power tooltips. Work will continue to ensure all powers have tooltips that are as clear as possible to ensure player understanding of the systems.
Black Panther:

This represents an initial review pass of Black Panther. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
All physical and ranged combat powers are now tagged as Fighting Powers to gain bonuses from stats.

  • Agile Kick: Reduced the cost from 24 to 20.
  • Enervating Slash: Removed the slow effect as it was redundant with Freezing Slash. The power now weakens and does damage over time to enemies.
  • Freezing Slash: Increased the damage of the power by 20%. The slow no longer scales off of ranks in Enervating Slash, but now scales off of ranks in itself. Attack speed increased by 25% to be competitive with Enervating Slash. Slow effect strengthened to match the previous slow strength of Enervating Slash.
  • Jungle Snare: Power now also makes enemies more vulnerable to damage.
  • Panther God's Gift: Power can now be slotted on right mouse button. Resistance debuff now reduces enemy defenses by a large scaling amount to have a larger impact on bosses.
  • Panther Slash: Increased the damage of the power by 20%.
  • Panther Speed: Power now also increases crit chance while active, giving the power a role in combat. Reduced the cost from 50 to 35, to better match the strength of the ability. Also added a cooldown that matches the duration of the effect, to indicate when the power should be reactivated.
  • Panther's Grace and Panther Sight: The unlock order of these two powers has now been swapped. Panther's Grace now unlocks at level 16, allowing players to reach high dodge scores earlier. Panther's Sight now unlocks at level 20, and the damage bonus granted has been increased to better match its new position.
  • Predator's Aim: Power now reduces enemy defenses by a scaling percentage to be more effective against bosses. Effect duration has also been rebalanced to match the strength of the defense reduction.
  • Triple Shot: Increased the damage by roughly 50%. Reduced the spread and slightly increased the projectile size to better clear groups and be more effective against large single enemies. Reduced the spirit cost from 30 to 27.
  • Vibranium Trap: Increased damage contribution from items to be more competitive with Scything Slash.

This represents an initial review pass of Cable. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.

  • Blistering Bolt: Increased the damage scaling by 5%. Also increased the damage synergy from 2% to 2.5% in other basic powers, to be consistent with Searing Shot.
  • Bodyslider Bomb (Ultimate Power): The power has been rebalanced to no longer deal percentage based damage, but instead deal a large amount of flat damage (damage dealt is similar to what Cyclops can achieve with his ultimateUltimate Power). The taunt now affects enemies that are offscreen. The explosion now affects the entire screen, always stuns bosses, and no longer teleports enemies away from the explosion area. These changes allow the power to function more consistently in end game.
  • Bold Aura: Slightly increased the bonus damage scaling to have a more rewarding growth rate.Concussion Blast: Power activation and projectile travel speed have been increased by 5%, to make the power more responsive. Damage has been increased by 10%.
  • Elusive Roll (now Defensive Roll): Power has been renamed to Defensive Roll, and changed to roll to the mouse cursor position. Additionally, a small passive dodge bonus has been added to the power to give more reward when points are placed in the power, or when an item buffs/grants ranks in the power.
  • Energy Pulse: Increased the damage scaling by 5%. Power now deals scaling bonus damage when it crits. Also increased the damage synergy from 1% to 2.5% in other basic powers, to be consistent with Searing Shot.
  • Mental Resilience: Power now clears and grants temporary immunity to all forms of crowd control, not just mental negative status conditions.
  • Quick Bodyslide: Removed the cooldown from the power. We'll make additional adjustments to this power in a future update, and rebalance this power and Deadpool's version to be consistent with each other.
  • Searing Shot: Increased the damage scaling by 5%.
  • Vortex Grenade: The activation speed of this power has been sped up (both animation and travel time for grenade) to be more responsive. The power now also has a 1% damage synergy with Homing Shot in addition to the duration synergy.

This represents an initial review pass of Colossus. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
These changes for Colossus are based on feedback from the forums, including feedback from the Top 5 changes thread. Overall, we're buffing Colossus to be more relevant in both a melee DPS role and a support/tank role.
Basic Powers have been buffed to be more relevant in end game.

  • Steel Punch: Damage increased by 20% and damage synergy increased from 2% to 2.5% per point in other basic powers.
  • Reeling Punch: Damage increased by 20% and damage synergy increased from 2% to 2.5% per point in other basic powers.
  • Osmium Punch: Damage increased by 20% and damage synergy increased from 2% to 2.5% per point in other basic powers. Also adjusted the amount of Armor regenerated to better match the new Armor strength (see below).
Knockdown powers have been buffed to allow for easier flow into double damage with Reeling Punch.

  • Demolition Stomp: Knockdown increased to 1.5 seconds. Also increased damage by 25% to be competitive with Spinning Fists, and to encourage using this as an opener for his knockdown combos.
  • Crushing Smite: Knockdown increased to 2 seconds.
  • Steel Splash: Knockdown increased to 2 seconds. Additionally, this power has been sped up, with both the activation speed and travel speed increased by 15%.
  • Osmium Charge: Knockdown increased to 1.5 seconds.
Colossus’auras have been buffed to provide more team support and encourage use.

  • Battle Aura: Bonus damage increased by 25%.
  • Protective Aura: Defense bonus increased by 25%.
  • Sustaining Aura: Spirit regen increased by 25%.
  • Stalwart Aura: Tenacity bonus increased by 25%.
Secondary Resource (Armor): We've buffed Colossus' Armor secondary resource, to make it more relevant to end game. The Armor regen rate has been increased by 50%.
Osmium Skin: Power now grants a scaling percent bonus to Armor and Armor regen rate, allowing ranks in the power to be meaningful at all levels.

This represents an initial review pass of Cyclops. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.

  • Combat Roll: Now rolls towards the mouse cursor, not away from it, damaging enemies.
  • Tactical Kick: Now lowers defenses of enemies.
  • Sweeping Kick: Now weakens enemies.
  • Side Roll: Now adds a dodge buff at the end of movement.
  • Uncanny Focus: Now regenerates 8 spirit per second; this does not scale. Now grants a dodge bonus of 0.5% per rank, and upon successful dodge, restores 0.5% of spirit per rank in the power.
  • Channeled Blast: Power now animates and rotates faster, and has an additional slow effect. Added synergy with Optic Barrage and changed UI to reflect this.
  • Optic Barrage: Increased damage bonus awarded by items for Optic Barrage. Added synergy with Channeled Blast.
  • Optic Devastation: Medals now grant bonuses to this power.
  • Cunning Blast: Now performs a backwards roll away from the cursor, instead of a slower leap.
  • Secondary Resource (Command Points): Increased the rate to gain Command Points. There will be more work done on Cyclops’ secondary resource in the future.
  • Tactical Command: Duration now increases with rank.
  • Defensive Tactician: The dodge bonus was unintuitive. It was applied only against targets affected by Tactical Analysis, but that meant it wouldn’t show up in the Character Sheet and would be difficult to tell who you could dodge more against. Made the following changes:
    1. Decreased dodge bonus, made it unconditional so that it is on all the time if you are near Cyclops (and always on Cyclops).
    2. Added flat damage debuff (weaken) to targets affected by Tactical Analysis.
    3. Adjusted dodge bonuses on dodge powers so that you cap out to 50% when all three dodge powers are rank 20.
  • Increased damage (and bonus damage from items) for several spirit spending powers:
    1. Channeled Blast
    2. Cunning Blast
    3. Explosive Blast
    4. Maximum Optic Beam (Ultimate Power)
    5. Optic Barrage
    6. Piercing Blast
    7. Wide Beam

    This represents an initial review pass of Daredevil. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Statistics: Energy Projection now increases to 2 at level 10.
    • Club Strike: Attack speed increased by 10%.
    • Club Sweep: Damage increased by 10%.
    • Elektra Alliance (Ultimate Power): Elektra is now un-targetable and invulnerable.
    • Enter the Void: Cost reduced from 10 to 5. Duration increases at every rank, and scales in duration to make the progression per rank better. Tooltip fixed.
    • Man Without Fear: Now provides 5% more dodge at max rank. Provides slightly more dodge at each rank to make the progression per rank better.
    • Radar Ping: Cost reduced from 10 to 5.
    • Restorative Trance: Healing per second increased by 10% at every rank.
    • Taser Club: Attack speed increased by 10%. Updated VFX.
    • Whirling Club: Damage increased by 20%.

    This represents an initial review pass of Deadpool. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Big Ol' Stab: Damage increased by 10%. Cost reduced from 14 to 10 spirit.
    • Itty Bitty Boom: Explosion delay decreased by 60%. Projectile speed increased by 50%.
    • Secondary resource (Pain): No longer decays over time.
    • Flesh Wounds: Attack speed increased by 20%.
    • Shoot All the Bullets: Damage increased by 20%. Cost reduced from 20 to 15.
    • Slice n' Dice: Damage increased by 15%. Cost reduced from 25 to 19.

    This represents an initial review pass of Hawkeye. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Destructive Volley (Ultimate Power): Damage over time per rank increased and debuff duration per rank decreased to ensure a net per second gain in overall damage. (The base homing arrow hits remain unchanged.)
    • Freeze Arrow: Now affects multiple targets in a small area around the point of impact.
    • Shrieking Arrow: Firing speed and range increased.
    • Taser Arrow: Now arcs to more than one target at higher ranks, although not to quite the same degree as Captain America’s shield bounces or a lightning power.
    • Tear Gas Arrow: Now calculates its damage per second so that the duration scaling on the area of effect is a pure increase, instead of stretching and scaling higher values to fit. Firing speed and range increased.
    • Trick Arrows: Several powers in this category have had their spirit costs reduced.
    • Vibranium Arrowheads: Now improves the defense penetration of ALL powers, not just ones on the Archery tab to help open some alternative builds.

    This represents an initial review pass of Hulk. The defense system upgrade will have a huge impact on Hulk and he will be designed around that system in the coming weeks. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Health: Hulk’s base health at all levels has been increased by 20%.
    • Secondary resource (Anger): Now gained more quickly. Removed passive defense buff for hoarding Anger. Removed damage buff on powers for hoarding Anger. When spending Anger, Hulk now gets a heal (10% HP over 3 seconds).
    • Passives: Buffed Anger gaining passives:
      1. Worldbreaker: Activation chance is now 100% on hit, added bonus crit chance and crit damage.
      2. Short Temper: automatically doubles the Anger gain you get from getting hit; added defense and max HP buffs.
    • Introduced animation speed difference between Furious Punch and Savage Swing.
    • Unbridled Rampage: Added damage buff and health regeneration for duration of power. Added flat, non-scaling heal percent per anger spent. Removed restriction on Anger gain. Duration no longer scales with ranks. Movement/Cast speed increase is only applied (at a flat 20%) if you spend more than 3 anger points.
    • Stances: Stances have been redesigned so they are mostly passive with a short activated ability (passive effects are still on even if the power is not equipped). Activated abilities start with a 20 second cooldown and scale down .25 seconds per rank.
      1. Hulk Tough: Added a damage shield that scales with ranks; activate to become immune to damage for 3 seconds.
      2. Hulk Free: Added a movement speed buff; activate to cleanse CC effects and to become immune to them for 3 seconds.
      3. Hulk Mad: Added a crit chance; activate to guarantee crits for 5 seconds.
    • Roars:
      1. Mighty Roar: Redesigned to taunt and give damage debuff to enemies.
      2. Terrible Roar: Redesigned to deal damage and give damage vulnerability to enemies.
      3. Rubble Toss: Added a stun on spending Anger point.
    • Increased damage for the following powers:
      1. Crushing Leap
      2. Demolishing Charge
      3. Furious Punch
      4. Ground Smash
    Iron Man:

    This represents an initial review pass of Iron Man. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Jet-Assisted Slam: Adjusted the power to hit as an AoE instead of a forward cone, to make the power easier to use. Added 2% damage synergies with Hyper-Velocity Charge and Death From Above.
    • Hyper-Velocity Charge: Added 2% damage synergies with Jet-Assisted Slam and Death From Above.
    • Death From Above: Added 2% damage synergies with Jet-Assisted Slam and Hyper-Velocity Charge.
    • Our primary goal for Iron Man in this patch was to improve the feel of his basic powers and his trio of micro-missile powers. For his basic powers, we focused on speeding up the attacks and the projectiles so that they’re easier to use against mobile enemies.
      1. Repulsor Beam: Sped up the attack animation by 15% and the projectile speed by 60%.
      2. Freon Ray: Sped up the attack animation by 15% and the projectile speed by 60%.
      3. Disruptor Beam: Sped up the attack animation by 15% and the projectile speed by 60%.
    • For the micro-missile powers, we improved their targeting methods and gave Micro-Missiles and Missile Salvo a little bit more damage.
    • Micro-Missiles: Increased starting damage by 33%. Updated the targeting of this power. The power can now be manually targeted by activating while the mouse cursor is over an enemy. When no target is selected, the missiles prioritize enemies in the center of the screen. If there are no enemies in the center of the screen, the missiles target the nearest enemy.
    • Missile Salvo: Increased the damage scaling by 25% and raised the starting damage to be more competitive with Micro-Missiles.
    • Automated Missiles: Updated the targeting of this power. The missile prioritizes enemies in the center of the screen. If there are no enemies in the center of the screen, the missile targets the nearest enemy.
    Jean Grey:

    Jean Grey has a significant number of changes in the works for an upcoming patch. For today, we wanted to increase her base move speed as part of a global design review.
    • Jean Grey's base movement speed has been increased by roughly 10% to be on par with most other heroes.
    Ms. Marvel:

    This represents an initial review pass of Miss Marvel. We intend to further review Ms. Marvel’s basic mechanics, tankiness and overall power trees. As with all heroes, additional design passes will continue to occur, taking into account performance data from the live server, Test Center server and player feedback.
    • Statistics: Energy Projection now increases to 6 at level 54.
    • Photon Punch: Now increases photonic energy with each strike. Now deals physical damage.
    • Cosmic Haymaker: Slightly increased range, and improved the targeting. Haymakers should not miss as often.
    • Mighty Punch: Damage increased by 20%, putting it on par with Photon Punch.
    • Defiant Escape: No longer requires or spends photonic energy to become immune to conditions for a brief duration, and gains 0.25 seconds of immunity per point (up from 0.1 seconds). After activation, players can now move immediately and can activate the power without being under the effects of crowd control.
    • Photonic Blast: Now a basic power. Now has a 3% damage synergy with Stellar Beam.
    • Stellar Beam: Now a basic power. Now has a 3% damage synergy with Photonic Blast.
    • Photonic Wave: Damage increased by 10%. Secondary resource cost removed. Cost reduced from 27 to 20. Now has a 3% damage synergy with Photonic Devastation.
    • Photonic Devastation: Now has a 2% damage synergy with Photonic Wave. Secondary resource cost removed.
    • Photonic Regeneration: Secondary resource cost has been removed to activate the instant heal. Photonic Regeneration's healing effects are now increasing by your current level of Photonic Regeneration. Heal over time duration is now 3 seconds (down from 5). Cooldown has increased to 3 seconds. Healing has been slightly reduced to compensate for the reduced activation costs.
    • Stellar Flare: Maximum charge up time has been reduced by 25%. Ms. Marvel is now immune to all crowd control while channeling Stellar Flare. Now grants a 50% damage reduction buff for a short duration. The duration is based on how much photonic energy you consumed when using the power, up to 10 seconds at maximum photonic energy.
    • Photonic Defense: Now adds photonic energy for each attack blocked.
    • Energy Absorption: Now has a chance to gain photonic energy when dealing energy damage.
    • Kree Toughness: Now has a secondary effect of increasing attack speed for fighting powers, based on how much photonic energy you currently have.
    • Warbird Charge: Now adds photonic energy for each enemy that is hit.
    • Crashdown Strike: Finishing animation is now shorter, and can be cancelled immediately after Ms. Marvel has landed. Now grants a 50% damage reduction buff for a short duration. The duration is based on how much photonic energy you consumed when using the power, up to 10 seconds at maximum photonic energy.
    • Binary Overdrive (Ultimate Power): Now increases all types of damage.
    • Secondary resource (Photonic Energy): has been converted to a 'pip' system, to make it easier for players to see how much energy they have at a quick glance. Photonic Energy now grants percent damage reduction, up to 30% at maximum photonic energy (3% per pip.)
    • Increased damage scaling for these powers:
      1. Flying Knee
      2. Roundhouse Kick
      3. Uppercut Blast
      4. Warbird Charge

    • Movement speed has been increased by roughly 10% to be on par with most other heroes.
    • Chemical Mine: Explosion delay timer reduced by 25%. No longer reduces the defenses of affected enemies.
    • Explosive Rocket: now deals double damage to targets at the center of its effect.
    • Pain Tolerance: Now reduces damage by a flat percentage. This mitigation amount increases when Punisher has low health.
    • Proximity Mine: explosion delay timer reduced by 25%. Now reduces the defenses of affected enemies.
    • econdary resource (Vengeance): No longer decays.
    • Show No Mercy: Can now be used against any target. Base damage reduced by 38%. Now deals double damage against stunned or knocked down targets.
    • Sticky Mine: Explosion delay timer reduced by 25%.
    Scarlet Witch:

    We’ve made some improvements to Scarlet Witch in light of the global change to damage over time powers. We focused on improving her speed and the strength of her direct damage spells.
    • Movement speed has been increased by roughly 10% to be on par with most other heroes.
    • We also increased the attack speed and damage on her basic powers and Hex Orb:
      1. Hex Bolt: Damage increased by 20% and projectile speed increased by 60%.
      2. Menacing Hex: Attack speed increased by 20% and projectile speed increased by 60%.
      3. Bewitching Hex: Attack speed increased by 20% and projectile speed increased by 60%.
      4. Hex Orb: Damage increased by 20%.
    • Chaos Tempest: Sped up power activation and recovery by 25% to make the power easier to use in dense combat.
    • Secondary resource (Chaos Flux): Added a decay and made it do something all the time. It now it gives % damage bonus based on current amount. A larger redesign for this secondary resource is in development that involves some cool new engineering.
    • Unmake Reality (Ultimate Power): Now allows loot to drop from enemies killed by it!

    Spider-Man just has some simple changes in this patch before a larger review.
    • Corrosive Web Fluid: Increased damage scaling, and added a damage synergy with Web Spray in addition to the duration synergy.
    • Leaping Assault: Now knocks down enemies rather than knocks back. Also now flags enemies as ’webbed‘ to combo with Sticky Strike.

    Due to changes in Storm's power trees, all Storm players have been given a free respec for their power points.
    • Chain Lightning/Thundering Bolt: Chain Lightning is now unlocked at level 6. Thundering Bolt is now unlocked at level 16. Chain Lightning is a fun, iconic skill and should be available at a lower level. Thundering Bolt was swapped since Storm has access to other crowd control methods in early levels. Damage on these powers have been adjusted appropriately for their new positions in the power tree.
    • Crashing Hail: Damage scaling has been massively increased. Synergy has been converted to damage rather than duration. The duration scaling per level has been lowered in favor of higher damage scaling for more power interactivity.
    • Storm’s tempest powers have been divided into two categories to allow Storm players more flexibility over the buffs they want to activate. Two tempest powers – Thundering Tempest and Quickening Tempest – have been renamed and moved.
    • Gusting Tempest and Freezing Tempest are still classified tempest powers, and only one of the two can be active at once. They now drain spirit over time while active, are both located in the Stormcrafter tree, and have gained additional effects.
    • Gusting Tempest: Now deflects all projectiles upon turning the skill on or off, and has gained a passive chance while active to deflect projectiles in addition to knocking back enemies.
    • Freezing Tempest: Now deals energy damage to all enemies in the tempest area while active, and has gained a damage synergy with Crashing Hail.
    • Refreshing Breeze and Quickening Breeze (formerly Quickening Tempest) are now classified as breeze powers, and only one of the two may be active at a time. They now reserve a percentage of your maximum spirit.
    • You may have a breeze power and a tempest power active simultaneously.
    • Thundering Maelstrom (formerly Thundering Tempest): Will no longer disable tempest powers (or breeze powers) and is not classified as either. Players may use a tempest power, breeze power, and Thunder Maelstrom all at once.
    • Lightning Rush: Now part of the Skybreaker tree, and unlocks at level 28 (up from level 10). The damage of the skill has been accordingly increased. Storm already has mobility skills at early and mid levels, and we wanted to open up the level 10 Windrider unlock spot for a new passive (see below).
    • Turbulent Winds: A new passive power unlocked at level 10, Turbulent Winds adds a damage vulnerability debuff to Buffeting Zephyr, Sirocco Rush, and Sudden Tornado. This passive will bring more utility and gameplay to the wind powers, and give Storm players more combo potential with their builds.
    • Crashing Hail and Blizzard have been combined into one power. The new Crashing Hail now unlocks at level 20 (down from 28), and slows enemies in its area of effect in addition to the damage and armor reduction. The damage and damage scaling of the skill has been increased, and it now has a damage synergy with Freezing Tempest. Blizzard did not provide enough impact, and this change will solidify Hail as debuff-centric AoE with solid damage.
    • Lightning Rush: now deals double damage against stunned targets.
    • Thundering Bolt: has gained a small amount of scaling on the stun duration with power ranks.
    • Sirocco Rush: no longer has a synergy with Lightning Rush. Instead, Sirocco Rush now gains stun duration with power ranks.
    • Sudden Tornado: now knocks foes back (instead of knockup), and fires three tornadoes per cast. The damage of each tornado has been reduced to compensate, but the end result is an overall increase in the damage and utility of the power. Quickening Breeze now scales by a flat amount with each power point. This will result in higher ranks of the power becoming more effective than previously.
    • Spirited: now scales by a flat amount with each power point. This will result in higher ranks of the skill becoming more effective than previously. Spirited now increases your maximum spirit by a percentage in addition to restoring spirit per second.
    • Lightning Storm: now has an upfront burst of damage when cast. The lingering DoT field's damage has been scaled down roughly 20% to compensate, the result of this will be an overall increase in the damage of the power.
    • Slow effects on Freezing Tempest, Crashing Hail, and Thundering Maelstrom have had their scaling increased per power point, rather than slow bonus synergies with each other.
    • Gusting Tempest and Freezing Tempest reserve a flat amount of spirit to keep active, have gained additional effects, and now share a damage synergy.
    • Gusting Tempest has gained light physical damage and is now tagged as a Wind Power, and its deflection chance has been retuned to be higher at rank 1.
    • Freezing Tempest has gained a chance to freeze enemies within its area.
    • Crashing Hail, Thundering Maelstrom, and Lightning Storm now share a damage synergy with each other.
    • Quickening Breeze and Refreshing Breeze now reserve 20% spirit to maintain.
    • Refreshing Breeze now restores light health over time in addition to increasing defenses and cleansing on toggle.
    • Lightning Rush has gained synergy with stunning Lightning powers - Stunning Bolt, Thunderstrike, and Lightning Column.
    • Turbulent Winds grants a short burst of movement speed when Storm dodges an attack.
    • Increased the slow and slow scaling of Thundering Maelstrom and Crashing Hail.
    • Increased the damage scaling of Ball Lightning.

    Thing will receive a full review in the coming weeks.
    • Steadfast Aura: Now grants healing per second. This improvement, and the defense improvement to Guardian Aura, were made to help offset the reduction in bonus damage granted by Aggressive Aura, which was granting multiple times the bonus that other similar powers were.

    These are all the changes for Thor from the last month or so, combined. We are continuing to monitor Thor, particularly as related to the defense system upgrade coming in the next major patch.
    • Almighty Mjolnir: Increased initial damage by 20%. Increased missile radius by 20%. Reduced the additional Spirit cost for charging Almighty Mjolnir to 5 per second (down from 10 per second). Initial spirit cost of this power remains unchanged.
    • Asgardian Smite: Increased damage by 20%.
    • Asgardian Stamina: Increased bonus health from to 50 per rank (up from 15).
    • Bring the Thunder: Increased animation speed.
    • Hammer Punch: In addition to its regular damage, made this ability deal 1% of targets max health on hit, scaling by 0.1% per level of this skill. Increased spirit cost to 20.
    • Hammer Strike: Increased animation speed. Increased the scaling on damage.
    • Leaping Smite: This power now automatically stuns the foe. Removed all Odinforce references and requirements. Increased scaling damage slightly (~15%).
    • Lightning Smash: Increased the energy damage component by 25% (this will help other powers that scale based on Lightning Smash). Tagged as a Fighting Power to match other melee hammer powers.
    • Lightning Strike: Increased damage by 30%.
    • Mighty Shockwave: Attack speed increased by 100%. Travel speed increased by 50%. Area width increased by 10%.
    • Secondary resource (Odinforce): You gain a small amount of Odinforce whenever you hit with a ranged power and a large amount of Odinforce whenever you hit with a melee power or kill an enemy. Removed the mechanic which gained Odinforce when enemies are nearby.
    • Storm Hammer: Increased animation speed. Increased damage by 20%. Increased the movement speed for Mjolnir by 35%.
    • Thunder Surge now God Blast: Massively increased the base damage and scaling damage. God Blast spends all remaining Odinforce and adds significant damage per point of Odinforce used. Animation speed increased to be more responsive. We’ll be watching the data on this power to ensure it lives up to its name!
    • Thundering Strike: This power will now ignore some defense (2.5% defense penetration per rank in the power). Increased radius. Made the chance to stun scale more aggressively at higher ranks.
    • Thunderous Charge: Increased damage by 10%.
    • Changed unlock levels of some of Thor's Powers and updated damage curves.

    All power synergies and dependencies for Wolverine have been removed in favor of higher base damage per rank and self-sufficient power mechanics in order to encourage power point allocation diversity, especially in endgame builds.
    • Adamantium Skeleton: Bonus physical and energy defense increased. Now adds bonus tenacity against all negative status effects instead of just forced movement. Unlocks at level 20.
    • Adrenaline Rush: Now a toggled effect. Dodge bonus now scales only off of ranks in Adrenaline Rush (synergy with Furious Lunge ranks removed). Overall benefits reduced at lower ranks and increased at higher ranks.
    • Blood Hungry Sweep (new power): A PBAoE slash that deals extra damage to bleeding targets. Unlocks at level 10.
    • Bloody Slash: No longer slows enemies. Attack speed increased. Base damage increased. Bleed damage decreased.
    • Bloody Victory: Now a passive power that heals Wolverine each time he defeats an enemy. Unlocks at level 28.
    • Brutal Slash: Damage increased. Unlocks at level 3.
    • Cage the Beast: Now has a 5 second cooldown. Cannot be used while at max spirit.
    • Eviscerate: Damage increased. No longer uses Spirit on activation. Unlocks at level 1.
    • Feral Growl: Now stuns nearby enemies. No longer causes fear to distant enemies. Now unlocks at level 18.
    • Feral Senses: No longer adds bonus chance to avoid missiles. Now unlocks at level 8.
    • Furious Lunge: Now unlocks at level 2.
    • Hack ‘n’ Slash: No longer procs an extra AoE attack on crit. Attack speed increased. Damage increased. Now awards double Fury generation. Now deals damage in a small arc in front of Wolverine (the functionality now matches Wolverine’s other basic powers).
    • I’m the Best There Is: Can now be used against any target. Base damage decreased. Now deals double damage to bleeding targets.
    • Quick Slash: Damage no longer gains bonus scaling above rank 20.
    • Regeneration Boost: Now has a 5 second cooldown. Healing increased. Now cannot be used while at max health. Cost reduced. Now unlocks at level 16.
    • Savage Recovery: No longer increases Attack Speed or Move Speed. Now increases crit chance by 40% while its effect is active.
    • Smell Weakness: Removed from Wolverine’s powers, and replaced with Blood Hungry Sweep.
    • Unleash the Beast: Now applies its effects instantly.
    • Wolverine's bleed effects should now tick every half second instead of every second.Character Sheet and Damage Rating.
    • A few new stats have been added to the character sheet. We are looking to iterate on presentation of information to ensure that it is easy to understand.
    • Players were sometimes confused when the equipped an item with +10 damage and didn’t get +10 damage on every power. This is because every power has a damage rating multiplier; this multiplies the damage rating value which now shows up on the character sheet. We are going to add Damage Rating Multiplier to each power’s tooltip at some point in the future.
    • Autofire powers, particularly, get less Damage per shot because they have a low Damage Rating Multiplier while Hulk’s Punch gets full value from Damage Rating.
    • This does not change any powers or items; it is simply a presentation change.
    Bug Fixes

    There are many pages of small bugs that have been fixed. These include many VFX fixes, tooltip bugs, enemy behavior bugs, animation bugs, item/artifact bugs and interface quirks.
    Top 10 fixes that you are likely to notice:

    • Some missions that were not giving party credit on interaction with mission objects have been adjusted to properly give party credit when anyone in the party interacts with the object.
    • Resistance penetration should work for all skillshot powers.
    • Healing and other beneficial effects will now work when you are Invulnerable.
    • Items and Powers that grant a percentage of generic armor to all types of damage, should now be reflected with an updated number on the Character Sheet.
    • Fixed the character sheet's ‘stats’ tab not displaying health regen granted by powers.
    • Items and Powers that grant a percentage of generic armor to all types of damage, should now be reflected with an updated number on the Character Sheet.
    • Vanity Pets are no longer targeted by bouncing attacks.
    • The summons from the AIM Robot Dispenser now follow you around instead of wandering off randomly.
    • All slow powers should actually slow correctly.

Cheers mate reading now:D
Right finally got round to patching > reset patch > new patch !! :p

I would say the game is definitely better, many classes got upgraded/re-vamped and the splinters that you collect to buy a character drop pretty often. I tried the new 'Limbo' mode which is great, you can get multiple elite bosses spawning amongst tons of enemies which is just pure carnage.

The new splinters system is live, you collect these and then trade them for characters. It does take a lot of them (approx 400 for Human Torch) however the greater your special find tally is the more they will drop. I have no rare/special % find on my Iron-Man but got 6 splinters within 20mins of playing.

Now, do I want the Human Torch ? :p


175 splinters for a random hero going with the rest ranging from 200 - 600 !
Last edited:
Haven't played this game in ages, however I did log on to buy the Human Torch with my free money I got for pre-ordering :D He seems a lot of fun to be honest.
My steam copy still not working. Anybody else having trouble with Steam?

Might just buy Human Torch but sounds like you can build up the splinters quite quickly :)
My steam copy still not working. Anybody else having trouble with Steam?

Might just buy Human Torch but sounds like you can build up the splinters quite quickly :)

Have you done the usual things like verify client integrity in steam ? patched it up fully ? did you originally use Bitraider for the download or straight from Steam ?

Human Torch is great fun and is your typical glass cannon high damage output king of class.
Yip done all that!

I get this error on both Steam and Bitraider copy.

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: MarvelGame.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 51faa7d3
Fault Module Name: StackHash_5a90
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 00000000
Exception Code: 00000000
Exception Offset: 00000000
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 2057
Additional Information 1: 5a90
Additional Information 2: 5a900280be4005e558f8e43965d762da
Additional Information 3: 97ac
Additional Information 4: 97ac195a2d06ce69aaa9723a60f73e82
Someone posted a similar problem and was told to do the following, it's a small 43kb file (maybe make a backup of it).

Please navigate to the following folder: \My Documents\My Games\Marvel Heroes\MarvelGame\Config

Then delete the file MarvelEngine and restart the Live game.

Agent Nikki
Tech Support Representative .
Tried that too and still not working. Saying that, it looks like it hasn't created a new one after I deleted it :confused:

I've raised a ticket.

Thanks for that anyway!
500mb patch today with lots of nice changes,fixes and buffage :p

Game Update:
As our first patch after 1.11, this small game update focuses on cleaning up outstanding issues, fixing bugs and improving the experience of Marvel Heroes. We’ll moving towards the big August patch and will be adding some larger features in the coming weeks.
If you have feedback or a bug report, please visit our Official Forums and let us know!
Hero Changes

The design team continues to use community feedback and constant review to improve heroes to insure they’re 10/10 fun and feel like a 10/10 in power. This week has fewer changes than the massive 1.11, but players of the following heroes should definitely find new and powerful options.
Many heroes will design design updates on Test Center in the next two weeks. Please don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts.
Ms. Marvel

Ms. Marvel received a massive overhaul last week based on community feedback, but the design team wanted to make an additional improvement to a power for maximum usability. Please let us know how you feel about the changes to Ms. Marvel in our forums, as we always want to hear feedback on the changes we’re making.

  • Stellar Beam: Attack speed increased by 15%.

With this patch, we have made changes to insure Deadpool’s Ultimate Power, Server Lag, feels more useful and powerful, but Deadpool is currently pending a major design review and should have large changes coming fairly soon.

  • Server Lag (Ultimate Power) has been changed to improve its usefulness and power in all situations:
    1. Server Lag will no longer heal stunned enemies. This was intended to be a "Deadpool-like" effect, but we feel that Deadpool players will be much more excited to use it with this change.
    2. The Stun effect of Server Lag will now work on bosses more reliably, but will stun them for a shorter amount of time than normal enemies.
Human Torch

We do not have many changes for Human Torch’s powers this week, but we have made a change to his Level 1 passive, Fuel for the Flame to be more in line with our intended damage output. As always, please let us know how this change feels in relation to the rest of Human Torch’s builds.

  • Fuel for the Flame: Damage reduced by 15%.

Spider-Man has received a few changes this week to insure that he feels like the wall-crawler we all know and love. He is currently a pending a design review which will bring a much larger list of changes in the future.

  • Corrosive Web Fluid: The damage growth rate has been doubled, increasing how much damage gained per point spent and the top end damage of the power. A bug was also fixed that prevented the power from dealing crits.
  • Leaping Assault: The overall damage has been increased by more than 25% to be more competitive in end game. A bug was also fixed that caused the power to not benefit from “Area Power” keyworded items.
  • Webswinging: A bug was fixed that prevented the power from correctly applying the passive movement speed buff. Spider-Man should now be able to move around the battlefield quickly in any situation, as intended.
  • Web 'Em All: The range of the power has been increased. A bug was fixed that allowed the power to permanently root bosses.

In 1.11, Storm received a large redesign, improving her playstyles and buffing many of her powers. This patch contains some small changes to her “Breeze” powers that were requested by the community in order to improve playability and fun.

  • Breeze Powers: No longer toggled on and off, but remain active until another breeze power is used. This allows for the powers to be activated to grant an additional effect without removing the aura.
  • Refreshing Breeze: Activating this power now cleanses you and your teammates of crowd control effects, activates the aura effects, and removes Quickening Breeze if that power is active.
  • Quickening Breeze: Activating the power grants a brief burst of movement speed to you and your teammates, and removes Refreshing Breeze if that power is active.

The son of Odin and God of Thunder, Thor is a hero who deserved another review despite his changes in 1.11. The design team made a huge effort to insure Thor players had viable and fun options in Midtown, endgame, and in general. Please let us know how you feel about these changes in the Thor subforum of our official forums.

  • Immortal Combat: New Passive - Increases Thor's defense and tenacity when he hits with a melee power, and grants passive defense penetration to melee powers.
  • Thor's power synergies have been reworked:
    1. Basic attacks have a 1.5% damage synergy with each other. Lightning Smash, Storm Strike, and Thundering Strike are no longer dependant on other powers for their damage.
    2. Hammer Throw, Almighty Mjolnir, and Storm Hammer have a 2% damage synergy with each other.
    3. Hammer Smash and Mighty Shockwave share a 2.5% damage synergy.
    4. Range synergies for Mighty Shockwave and Almighty Mjolnir have been removed. The default ranges for these skills has increased accordingly.
    5. Call the Lightning and Bring the Thunder now share a damage synergy. Bring the Thunder's stun chance dependancy synergy has been removed.

  • Hammer Throw, Storm Hammer, Almighty Mjolnir: The throw speed and range has been normalized for all three powers.
  • Almighty Mjolnir: Damage has been increase roughly 70% and no longer deals synergy-based physical damage on returning. It now deals energy damage equal to the original thrown damage on the return. The power's maximum charge time has been sped up. The total spirit cost for a full charge remains the same.
  • Leaping Smite: Tooltip now properly scales the stun duration with ranks.
  • Hammer Smash and Boomerang Throw: Knockdown duration now increases with ranks.
  • Storm Hammer: Damage scaling has been increased.
  • Call the Lightning: Duration now increases with ranks.
  • Bring the Thunder: Stun change now scales with ranks. The base stun chance has been reduced to compensate for the recent increase in attack speed and frequency of damage over time.
  • God Blast: Area of effect has been significantly increased, and its damage has been increased by roughly 15%. God Blast now gains 20% increased critical strike chance for each pip of Odinforce consumed.
  • Asgardian Stamina: Now grants a small amount of health regeneration in addition to its other effects.
  • Godly Valor: Diminishing returns on ranks has been removed. The amount of spirit restored has been increased, and it now grants 2 pips of Odinforce when used (instead of consuming 1 pip). It has gained short cooldown which decreases with ranks.
  • Aesir's Boon: No longer consumes a pip of Odinforce to gain crowd control immunity. The initial duration and duration scaling has been slightly reduced. To prevent overlapping the buff and accidentally consuming unneeded spirit, Aesir's Boon has gained a 2 second cooldown.
  • Mjolnir's Flight: Now increases movement speed passively with ranks.
  • Godly Valor: This power has been redesigned. Instead of consuming Odinforce to grant spirit, Godly Valor is now a combat cooldown power which causes a lightning strike to all enemies around you, granting spirit per enemy hit.
Midtown Changes

Our newest game mode, Midtown Patrol is receiving a handful of changes to make sure it’s both a rewarding experience and a fun one. The team is going to continue to make changes to Midtown to insure that every type of player feels their playstyle is the correct one.

  • Reduced density of Midtown Manhattan ambush points (this should reduce the amount of chaos on screen in many events).
  • Removed boss “leashing” in Midtown so that bosses will no longer teleport back to their previous location and instantly heal.
  • Increased time between supervillain attacks in Midtown to give players more time to fight normal enemies before the next wave of supervillains.
  • Reduced health for many supervillains in Midtown based on community feedback. We want these battles to be challenging and not breezed through, but we also want them to not feel like a chore.
  • Reduced maximum ambush elements and spaced out their arrival in Midtown slightly to help performance. This will prevent ambush events from spawning where there are no players and therefore needlessly causing performance issues.
  • We have increased the overall amount of experience given by enemies in order to accommodate for the density being reduced.
  • Greatly increased the XP gained from bosses by adding 8 “super” XP orbs to them. This will be a massive improvement for players who enjoy killing bosses, even if they are just chasing XP.
Endgame Changes

Significantly increased XP on red daily bosses in order to help bring the risk vs. reward more balanced. We intend to overhaul red terminals in the near future.
PvP Rings Vendor, Valkyrie, has been removed from the Hubs to clear up her confusing purpose. This is subject to return once the new PvP zone has been released.
Boss Changes

  • Living Laser will now use his Laser Teleport power less frequently.
  • Wizard will now use his Teleport power less frequently.
  • Elektra will now use her Shadowstrike power less frequently
New Costumes and Pet

New costumes have been added to the in-game store and can now be dropped by enemies:

  • Ms. Marvel - Warbird Costume
  • Scarlet Witch - House Of M Costume
  • Jean Grey - Marvel Girl Costume
A miniature version of Dragon Man can now be purchased as a pet! This lovable android dragon can be seen in the pages of “FF” as a caretaker of the many children in the Future Foundation.
Miscellaneous Changes

The Supergroup Sanction item will now cost only 1999 credits to purchase.
Increased how often health/spirit on basic attack proc effects will activate.
Fortune Cards can now be purchased from Clea as a vendor. They cost 10 Cosmic Shards, and there is no daily limit on how many you can purchase. The quest to turn in cosmic shards has been removed. Clea now resides in the endgame terminal room.
Bug Fixes

Players will no longer see an entry portal in Latveria in which the "Region is Still Streaming" dialogue pops up. This zone will be added in a future patch.
Items that are above max level should no longer drop.
Fixed an issue that could prevent newly created characters from receiving the Trouble at the Raft mission.
User Interface (UI):

Death and resurrection confirmation dialogs will now appear in-game only. If they happen while you are in the Escape/Options menu, they will appear once you return to the game.
Miscellaneous Hero:

Heroes can no longer be injured by performing emotes or self-targeted powers while +crit bonus damage items are equipped.

  • Lil Deadpool: Power will now activate properly when spending Pain.
Human Torch:

  • Fiery Uppercut: No longer mentions synergy with a Black Widow power.
  • Stat upgrades now unlock at their intended levels. They previously all unlocked at level 9.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Searing Arcfire to have lingering DoT that was not scaling with Fuel for the Flame.
  • Adjusted Power Fan to be properly populated. The fan previously placed all of Human Torch’s powers in a straight line.
  • Fixed an issue with Human Torch's Blazing Retribution in which the melee restriction was taken off and the power no longer worked at all.
  • Adjusted Fuel For The Flame so that the DoT effects can now critically hit.
Ms Marvel:

  • Fixed an issue where Ms. Marvel would not regenerate spirit properly while using her Basic Powers.
  • Fixed an issue with synergies in the Photonics tree's basic powers (Photonic Blast and Stellar Beam) not working properly.
Scarlet Witch:

  • Adjusted Spirit Bolt to apply defense debuffs to both Energy and Mental correctly.

Did you get the problem fixed Vuvu ?
yeah all sorted mate cheers. It was a driver issue. I was running a driver which was about 2 months old. :rolleyes::confused: still cant connect Steam though.

so I'm up for running some dailies?

also got Human Torch up to 11, he is a lot of fun.
Another huge patch, and Emma Frost released, some really good improvements :D

Also Gambit has been confirmed as the next hero release after Luke Cage, woohoo!
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