Marvel Studios Echo

13 Mar 2007
South Yorkshire

No bad deed goes unpunished.All episodes of Marvel Studios Echo a new Original series, streaming January 10.
I'll inevitably watch it, but I must confess I forgot that this show had even been announced. I prefer the shows more closely linked with the main films/characters. First MCU/D+ show with all episodes dropped at once, if I'm not mistaken.

I saw a fight scene between daredevil and echo from the show on social media last week, my god it looks terrible.

Wonder why disney have a review embargo on this until it drops..
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I, like the rest of the world it seems are superhero'd out, all new releases from Marvel and WB are not peaking my interest 1 bit, think they flooded the market too much.
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I, like the rest of the world it seems are superhero'd out, all new releases from Marvel and WB are not peaking my interest 1 bit, think they flooded the market too much.
Yep, the over exposure is real. There's no so many that once you've slipped behind you, or at least I, no longer really care to catch up.

Probably a bit a of naivety on my part but it feels like from Iron Man -> End Game it was a bit like a labour of love. Now it feels like they just want to rush films out, just because.

The money machine needs to keep printing but if I were in charge I would've probably given Marvel a few years to rest and reset then go again.
Agreed, seems like they need to ride that cash cow to exhaustion

A couple of years hiatus whilst writing some decent story lines would give everyone the reset they need I feel personally
They already said this, and some future shows, will be unlinked from the main MCU stuff. I didn't really like the character in Hawkeye anyway, so this will be the first Marvel show on D+ that I skip. Any others that fall under this new "Marvel Spotlight" brand I'll skip as well.

Dropping it all once and hoping it sinks from trace and all memory faster than a big fat poo by the look of it.
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