Could definitely feel the influence of Joss Whedon in this - the dialogue in particular. Let's see if it continues into the following episodes.
Good start anyway

Certainly has promise.
Thought the dialogue was particularly un-Whedon, it was clumsy and painful at times. The scientist geeks were awful in every way, poor actors, poor lines, it's painfully bad writing when every scientist person is just a geek who can't speak normally, cliched rubbish, totally un-Whedon.
The bird who was in ER and Stargate Universe is a generally irritating/awful actress but as yet wasn't poor in this, had a fairly small role in this particular episode. Main guy who, as above is probably a clone or similar, is good, HIMYM women was decent in the film and this. The main new agent guy was good enough.
It was so cliche ridden though it was cringe worthy, the "you'll never find me" open door bit, the truth serum. There is potential but it felt, not cool and expensive but rather cheap and rushed. They are doing that in your face camera work very often and not a strong cast of known people. Considering the money going into Avengers and all the films it seems odd to make a tv show to gel with the universe that felt such a different style in terms of cast/quality/camera work.
It wasn't terrible, it wasn't great, considering the franchise I was expecting something much bigger, much grander, with a much stronger cast/writing and better directing/camera work.