US: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (US timeline) *spoilers*

I thought it was alright too. Not great, but fun I guess.
It does seem like they're trying a little too hard to capture the Iron Man style comedy elements.

Yeah, the scientists were a bit unbelievable and the car was just silly. Still, like you say Nexus, if we can buy into the flying aircraft carrier, then...
Both the woman he saved at the beginning and the occupants of the car should have died from whiplash though :D

Good call on the clone thing.
Maybe, although wouldn't that require the original Coulson to be in control of it according the lore?
The line by Stark was just a nod to the comic fans IMO, nothing more.

Ed: Then again, they can change anything they want. Perhaps there'll be an episode where he discovers that he's a robot or something :D

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Anyone could be in control of it, and they can change the exact functioning of an LMD for the movieverse

There's also talk of his over use of the word magic in the pilot hinting at magic being behind it. Though I figured this was just part of a repetitive response like a machine would.

Anyways, cloning just doesn't feel on the cards and is a bit of a crap considering the source material they have to pull from.
Yeah, I doubt it's as basic as 'simply' cloning him. Something along those lines with a bit of wow/ooh/wtf thrown in, sure.

Either way, they'll spin it out for as long they can, so we'll just have to keep guessing until then :)
really liked it up to the last 30 odd seconds with "lola" that just ruined it for me there was no need for it
Yeah I think there is more to it than just cloning too, just not sure exactly what it is........ also noticed the constant use of "Tahiti is a magical place"

And yup, personally the two scientists did my head in BIG TIME! Especially the guy, it actually came to the point where I was wanting to mute it whenever he came on screen...
You can tell which parts Joss Whedon wrote in the pilot and which parts he didn't.

I still quite enjoyed it though. Seems pretty mindless so far, but I don't mind.

Also Coulson is clearly a life model decoy. Stark mentioned them in Iron Man 2. I'm calling it now.
Not a bad episode, still a bit too cheesy in some parts, Nick Fury's scene was AWESOME though! I now have hope that we might see one or more of the avengers..........

Think I'll stick with the show as it is "fun" to watch.
Meh, I thought the Fury scene was embarrassing.... this is a group of people for which cost effectively doesn't matter and the punchline was obvious. The same scene with the hover/aircraft carrier thing and say Tony Stark having destroyed it would work that will be a multi billion pound project, this was a basic cargo plane with a little wood veneer paneling added to a second floor...... was just beyond silly.

The action was meh, the firefight was stupid, they got in the John Woo spinning while firing shot with dramatic music. The scientists were again awful to the point I wanted to punch them in the face. It's all so routine, predictable and a lot of it badly acted. Then ripping off the "gave them a common enemy" line and it being an incredibly cliched and stupid way for team building. Way to take an amazing premise and fill it with boring actors, dialogue and ideas.

Reminds me a touch of the, I forget the name of the god awful super hero family show(guy from shield, bird from buffy/angel/dexter). Good idea but so inside the box, small minded thinking. Either show I think could have gone the ridiculous budget, great cast, think big and everyone would love it route and it would make money. Instead they've gone the awesome idea, let the superhero angle con people into watching it while making it as bland and cheap and frankly rubbish as possible.

I'm not sure I even need to mention how stupid the premise a freaking flexible rubber dingy sealing a hole in a plane is. If the hole was 2 inches wide that thing would have been sucked through......
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For me after 10 minutes I wanted to turn it off. Which means I probably will give up on it.

I cannot stand the scientist, in fact I hate them. Staying stuff like, "the inverse polarity of the subcutaneous matter transfer system might implode". Gggrrrrr.
Oh and that British chicks annoying over playing of an English accent. Ohhh I'm so posh and proper!!
Those two are only just beating "teen angst with a laptop" Skye, as what the hell is the point of my character except to look hot.
Agent Colson as much as I like him in Avengers, is sooooooo cheesy. He thinks he's coolest man on earth and he seems to be narrating the actions of the other people when they're about to something cool, in some strange way to make a point of it.
The effects are frankly awful. One of the first scenes with that hacker chicks van in shot, looked like a 1950's studio with a painting in the background. Same with Peru.
Melinda May is tiresome and was a crap actor in Stargate Universe, and she almost as bad in this.

3/10 for me.

Seems I'm not alone and that people must not have thought much of the first ep..
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The two scientists would have been fine if they'd just toned them down a bit. As it is they're like kids who have been given too much sugar and speed.
Reminds me a touch of the, I forget the name of the god awful super hero family show(guy from shield, bird from buffy/angel/dexter). Good idea but so inside the box, small minded thinking. Either show I think could have gone the ridiculous budget, great cast, think big and everyone would love it route and it would make money. Instead they've gone the awesome idea, let the superhero angle con people into watching it while making it as bland and cheap and frankly rubbish as possible.

I'm not sure I even need to mention how stupid the premise a freaking flexible rubber dingy sealing a hole in a plane is. If the hole was 2 inches wide that thing would have been sucked through......

No ordinary family? That was a show that had promise but rarely built on it. I don't think I will go writing off Agents of SHIELD just yet though. I usually give things at least between half a season - a full season before turning off, especially US shows. I find they tend to have the first few as set up of stories, character backgrounds and they aren't always that good but they can improve. Ep 2 was a well worn story and so OTT cheesey with the common enemy thing blah blah blah but now they have set the premise for how the team comes together etc maybe the episode will improve.

The rubber dingy was predictable and I think pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable in these sort of shows as you need to leave most logic at the door. Ultimately how is a flying aircraft carrier anymore sensible than a rubber liferaft blocking the whole :p

The two scientists would have been fine if they'd just toned them down a bit. As it is they're like kids who have been given too much sugar and speed.

Agree with this really. I understand why they want to make the scientists excitable but I think they have gone too far.

Overall though middle of the road so far for me, not a show I feel I need to watch and can't wait for the next episode but perfectly acceptable for zoned out tv when you don't want something serious.
THing is if it's something we can't do you accept it as part of the scify, when it's a bog standard plane and pretends to be nothing but a bog standard plane with people being sucked out of the hole... then you really have to realise that it wouldn't even come close to working.

That is where good and bad writing show up. Ultimately they've got predone boring stories and bad cliched characters that bring precisely nothing new. Why, why must the scientists be this stupid. Ridiculously intelligent people won't be unable to realise most people can't understand the scientific babble and as such wouldn't use it with agents. It's boring to listen to, badly writen and takes up time when they could be actually being interesting. It's gibberish to distract from lack of story or interest. As yet you could have cut the scientists completely out of the show and lost exactly nothing at all, called in a team from wherever then they can tell them over screen something useless. The trying to find a solution in ep 1, they didn't actually find the solution on camera, it was just a waste. It's like pointless filler and made both episodes feel very empty, very few closed in locations, lots of filler gibberish and no real character development.
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