US: Marvels Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (US timeline) *spoilers*

Thought I'd venture into this thread after watching it.

I've never watched something that started off so badly and ended up so brilliant in one series...Fringe comes close but that was nowhere near as bad as this to begin with!

The last six episodes or so was like watching one long film, the Mrs and I couldn't put it down!

Absolutely fantastic second half of the series, can't wait for season 2!
I enjoyed the series and look forward to the next but the more I llok back on it the more I see the gaping flaws.
For example:
Grant was trained by Garrett to be totally emotionless and not to form attachments. However, the entire basis for his actions in the latter part of the series was his emotional debt to Garrett. Unles I really missed soemthing, it made no sense at all.
The Clairvoyant. I watched Capt America 2 and the episodes right up to the unveiling of the clairvoyant. I thought it was an amazing piece of script writing to have the computer-based intelligence of the Hydra scientist (able to presumably access all of SHIELD's computer networks) be the clairvoyant. After all, he seemed to have amazing levels of access into SHIELD system. Perhaps using Garrett as a physical emissary or just having Garrett bluffing to help himself. But no, the idea they went with was that Garrett (who seems to be at the same level as Coulson) could amass some much knowledge (and presumably spend so much time learning and collating) that he could appear to have supernatural gifts. And the Hydra scientist? Well, it appears he was just trapped in that aged hardware network cooling his heels for a few decades. What a let down. From genius film/series tie-in to dull, middle of the road TV scripting.
That's an interesting take on it.

When they mentioned the events in Thor 2 we stopped watching until we had watched Thor 2 but we haven't seen Captain America 2 so came to that a bit blind. It wasn't a hardship to wait as it was so awful at that point!

When Hydra flashed up on the screens the first time we knew it from C.A.1 but that was it, maybe we have actually benefited from not seeing C.A.2 yet!
You're probably right, TheBigCheese. To be honest, the whole Clairvoyant thing left rather a sour taste in my mouth because fundamentally it makes no sense. How does someone at Garrett's level get access to all that data and then mine it so effectively that no-one else can figure out how he's doing it? Also, is SHIELD so lax that their agents get huge amounts of time off to cool their heels and just read up on everyone and everything? With all of Fury's paranoia there is no system that tacked that Garrett was accessing files for even his colleagues? Such a wasted opportunity.
Thought I'd venture into this thread after watching it.

I've never watched something that started off so badly and ended up so brilliant in one series...Fringe comes close but that was nowhere near as bad as this to begin with!

The last six episodes or so was like watching one long film, the Mrs and I couldn't put it down!

Absolutely fantastic second half of the series, can't wait for season 2!

I gave this a go, watched all of the first episode then half of the second before i said enoughs enough this is terrible. Havent bothered with it since.

So how good does it get because it'd have to get game of thrones good for me to watch it now after the first 2 episodes and i cant really see that happening.
If you are determined to dislike the show, then nothing anybody tells you will convince you otherwise, however, the last six episodes or so (basically after CA2) the whole tone of the show changed.
If you are determined to dislike the show, then nothing anybody tells you will convince you otherwise, however, the last six episodes or so (basically after CA2) the whole tone of the show changed.

I wasnt determined to dislike the show. i was really looking forward to it but from the bit i saw it was a cheesy badly written / acted show.
Just finished it, linking it chronologically with the Marvel films.

Weak start indeed, but I absolutely loved the latter half of the series. Yes, it's a bit cheesy, but then so was Buffy and Angel, which I also loved. The fact that their isn't anything else remotely like it on is also a good thing. It's not perfect, but it is a hell of a lot more enjoyable than 90% of tv out there.

Roll on season 2!
Apparently we get half of season 2 then it stops and Agent Carter starts airing instead then the second half of season 2 starts in the spring after it finishes.
I quite enjoyed it to be honest - was a bit silly and whimsical in the beginning but then seems to "serious-up" towards the end - until Garrett's 2nd death than is! :D

Be interesting what direction they take in season 2 as well as how the films show interaction with SHIELD now it's essentially an underground operation!

I wonder if they will reveal Phil to be alive to the heroes?
Hopefully Agent Carter is good and not just 'filler'

Please don't read below if you don't know or don't want to know the significance between Peggy and Sharon carter from cap 1 & 2 movies *spoilers*

One thing I was a little surprise is

Peggy Carter from cap1 is played by Atwell and she obviously quite popular if they are making a series

But why didn't she play Sharon Carter in cap 2 movie as well because in the main story, Steve when he first gets unthawed and meets Agent Carter for the first time in the modern age, he mistaken's Sharon for Peggy Carter as they are meant to look identical in appearance

In a twisted kind of way dispite being heartbroken in the end Cap still hooks up with "Carter" and gets to be happy ;)
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Thought I'd venture into this thread after watching it.

I've never watched something that started off so badly and ended up so brilliant in one series...Fringe comes close but that was nowhere near as bad as this to begin with!

The last six episodes or so was like watching one long film, the Mrs and I couldn't put it down!

Absolutely fantastic second half of the series, can't wait for season 2!

This echoes my thoughts exactly! I had on Sky+ and just got round to watching it last week. I thought the first couple of episodes were poor and I nearly gave up and deleted it all. I'm glad I didn't!
Didn't see the twist at the end coming..

Was quite a shock to reveal Fitz has been hallucinating Simmons and shes actually left the team temporarily
I gave up on this when it had its mid-ish season break. It wasn't particularly good so I never went back to it. Is it worth a second shot?
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