On the third episode now and it sucks massively compared to the 1st, its got a bad banshee feel.Just finished season 2 and was quite disappointed tbh, maybe I had too high expectations from season 1 but felt there were too many placeholders and that they ran out of ideas at the end.
I got up to episode 11 and had to stop watching. Very disappointed.
Punisher accidentally kills a few women and suddenly has a crisis of conscience and starts blubbing because “men are bad”
Why does this PC/SJW stuff seep it’s way into literally everything good lord.
I think you've misunderstood the meaning of that scene. Or you're projecting your own distaste for "PC/SJW stuff".
The world sees Frank Castle as a murdering psychopath. But this isn't how Frank sees himself. He's the hero of his own narrative. He kills bad people. He doesn't kill innocent people. In that scene, he blind-fired at a wall, and three innocent people died. The aftermath is about Frank's moral dilemma, not "SJW stuff". Is he still the hero? Or has his rage at Billy Russo's turned him in to the villain?
Killing women isn't necessarily a problem. Frank has done it before. Likely women were used to represent "innocents" for this scene solely because those women, dressed that way, are quite clearly out of place. It removes any ambiguity over whether they were enemy combatants.
Arguably, children would have served this role even better. But that's maybe a step too far for Netflix.
Season 2 seems to borrow heavily on a lot of pre-existing material (granted it is hard to do anything really new these days) - quite a few bits seemed to have liberally borrowed from John Carpenter movies like Assault on Precinct 13 and maybe even some Farcry 5 influence.