Masons get lean log!

Legs + Shoulders

60 x 10 x 2
90 x 10
110 x 8 <- yea buddy
120 x 3
130 x 2 <- NO PROBLEM
140 x f

Lunges (barbell on shoulder)
30 x 10 x 4 (5 on each leg)

Calf Raises

Overhead Press
20 x 15 x 2
30 x 10
40 x 8 x 2

Face Pulls <- OMG I love this exercise!
23 x 10 x 2 hold last rep for as long as possible
27 x 10
23 x 10

Raises 21s Front, Side, Rear
7.5KG 3 sets. Form wasn't great, wanted 5KG dumb bells couldn't find any.

HIIT X-Trainer
15 minutes. 148 calories burnt. nom.

All in all, nice session. Shame about the squat, I WILL GET YOU!
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Everyday, is a max day.

Hey :( my last back day wasn't a max day. Just feel like I have more in my squat. Deadlift + bench feel like I'm reaching my limit (for now) whereas squat always feel like theres more in me.
Chest + Triceps

Bench Press
The pause reps were 2 second pauses got a partner to count ""

bar x lots
(50 x 5, 50 x 5pause) x 2
(60 x 5, 60 x 3pause) x 3
(70 x 5, 70 x 1pause)
(60 x 5, 60 x 3pause)
(50 x 10, 50 x 5pause)

Nice and dirty.

DB Pullover
20 x 10 x 4
27.5 x 5
27.5 x 4, 27.5 x f :(

Was absolutely recked at this point.
BW - 40 x 8 x 4
BW - 50 x 20.

Dat arm pump

30 x 10 x 3
40 x 8 x 2

10 minutes HIIT X-Trainer
Last session did 148 calories in 15 minutes, this time did 111 in 10 :o. Was pretty tired after.
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Is that assisted dips? Get smashing the unassisted!

Dead lifts 160kg. Squats 135kg. Requires assistance with dips... :confused: ;) :D

Triples are where strength training is best (3-4 reps)... Singes/doubles just fry your central nervous system without any real beneficial muscle fatigue/damage.
Yes. Usually can get 5 or so reps up. But after that mammoth bench session and DB pullovers I was pretty tired and struggled hard. Tbf I do weight 100KG.
Dead lifts 160kg. Squats 135kg. Requires assistance with dips... :confused: ;) :D

Triples are where strength training is best (3-4 reps)... Singes/doubles just fry your central nervous system without any real beneficial muscle fatigue/damage.

Yeah my upperbody is vastly weaker than my lower body. If I did dips first thing. Then fine I could do body weight NP.
Yes. Usually can get 5 or so reps up. But after that mammoth bench session and DB pullovers I was pretty tired and struggled hard. Tbf I do weight 100KG.

I weigh (or did before I started fasting) 94kg and can dip with an additional 20kg or so.

So stop making excuses and train properly. ;) :D

Regardless, you have achieved more than a lot of people ever manage with your squats and dead lifts, so keep at it! :)
I weigh (or did before I started fasting) 94kg and can dip with an additional 20kg or so.

So stop making excuses and train properly. ;) :D

Regardless, you have achieved more than a lot of people ever manage with your squats and dead lifts, so keep at it! :)

I physically can't :/ my upperbody is so much weaker than lower body. I'm working on it!
Agreed. I am now 97kg and struggled terribly at dips just 8 weeks ago. Now I'm doing 5 reps weighted with 20kg. Upper body strength (and size) has benefited no end from this. I wouldn't have done that without recommendation from the members here.

Get dipping! ;) (even if it is just 1 or 2 reps to begin - do that and build from there).
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Gooooooooooood session today :D

Back + Biceps

60 x lots
70 x 15
100 x 6
120 x 3 <- double over hand
120 x 3 <- double over hand
120 x 3 <- mixed grip
120 x 3 <- mixed grip
60 x 10

T-Bar Row
20 + bar x 10
30 + bar x 10
40 + bar x 10
40 + bar x 10
45 + bar x 8

60 x 10 x 4

Bicep 21s
3 sets 5 Kg

2 arm curls
15 x 10 x 4
To failure last set:
15 x 22

HIIT X-Trainer
15 minutes 161 calories (13 calorie improvement over last time I did 15 minutes :D)
Great session today.

Legs + Shoulders

60 x 15
80 x 10
110 x 3
110 x 3
110 x 3
110 x 3
60 x lots

My depth has come on leaps and bounds. Stretching before squats is epic, friends say I'm getting below parallel now. :)

Walking lunges
30 x 16 x 3 (8 reps per leg)
Holy crap felt ruined after them.
Small space, so right leg, left leg, turn around, right leg, left leg, turn around repeat x 4 x 3.

Seated Calf Raise thing
40 x 20 x 2
40 x 35

OHP Super set
The plan was: 40 x 6, 30 x 8, 20 x 10 For 3 sets. 0 rest between the weights. Rest after the set for a while.
The reality:
40 x 6, 30 x 8, 20 x 7
40 x 6, 30 x 7, 20 x 7
40 x 6, 30 x 6, 20 x 5

Oh and you had to clean it from the floor too lol.

That was the best and worst thing I've ever done at the gym haha. Such an awesome shoulder pump.

Face Pulls
27 x 10 x 3. Hold the last rep as long as you can.

X-Trainer Interval Training
My legs were shaking just from standing up before I even got to this.
10 minutes. 109 calories. Nasty stuff.
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Cleaning from the floor? Now that I would... Probably not like to see! ;) I'll update the 'How to clean' thread with work from the floor... :)

Still, very good work for somebody who hasn't been going that long!
Cleaning from the floor? Now that I would... Probably not like to see! ;) I'll update the 'How to clean' thread with work from the floor... :)

Still, very good work for somebody who hasn't been going that long!

Eh, it was only once to get it up to your shoulders. Then do all the presses and put down, however I thought my technique was alright, so it was probably awful haha. However I think it was you who was saying in the Crossfit Grace thread that you were disappointed by the lack of hip drive and so I was definitely putting a conscious effort to hip drive. It was only cleaning 40, 30 and 20 so it wasn't that bad.
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