Wow, so i've had mass effect 1 on my steam list for about 6 months and have finally gotten around to playing it... how could i have allowed myself to miss out on this for so long?!?
So many 'RPGs' of late are nothing but glorified FPS or hack'n'slash affairs, it's so nice to finally play something that feels like an RPG! The characters actually feel like people, i found myself being truly sorry for some of the things i had to do, or some of the decisions i made wrongly... i never empathise with game characters normally!
It's also nice to see a morale choice system that isn't, as a certain game reviewer once said just a choice between 'mother Teresa or baby eating' (nerd points for anyone who can name the reviewer). Mass effect gives a lot of middle ground, or atleast i thought so.
This isn't to say the combat is boring.. not at all is shockingly tactical and at times quite intense, the immersive story really helps give a sense of urgency to certain combat heavy areas.
Anyone who's made the same mistake as me, likes RPGs but hasn't played this yet go and play it now, you wont regret it!
I am curious as to what other people thought, and what i should do next, play through again or move onto mass effect 2?
So many 'RPGs' of late are nothing but glorified FPS or hack'n'slash affairs, it's so nice to finally play something that feels like an RPG! The characters actually feel like people, i found myself being truly sorry for some of the things i had to do, or some of the decisions i made wrongly... i never empathise with game characters normally!
It's also nice to see a morale choice system that isn't, as a certain game reviewer once said just a choice between 'mother Teresa or baby eating' (nerd points for anyone who can name the reviewer). Mass effect gives a lot of middle ground, or atleast i thought so.
This isn't to say the combat is boring.. not at all is shockingly tactical and at times quite intense, the immersive story really helps give a sense of urgency to certain combat heavy areas.
Anyone who's made the same mistake as me, likes RPGs but hasn't played this yet go and play it now, you wont regret it!
I am curious as to what other people thought, and what i should do next, play through again or move onto mass effect 2?