Mass effect, what a ride!

25 Oct 2010
Bristol, UK
Wow, so i've had mass effect 1 on my steam list for about 6 months and have finally gotten around to playing it... how could i have allowed myself to miss out on this for so long?!?

So many 'RPGs' of late are nothing but glorified FPS or hack'n'slash affairs, it's so nice to finally play something that feels like an RPG! The characters actually feel like people, i found myself being truly sorry for some of the things i had to do, or some of the decisions i made wrongly... i never empathise with game characters normally!

It's also nice to see a morale choice system that isn't, as a certain game reviewer once said just a choice between 'mother Teresa or baby eating' (nerd points for anyone who can name the reviewer). Mass effect gives a lot of middle ground, or atleast i thought so.

This isn't to say the combat is boring.. not at all is shockingly tactical and at times quite intense, the immersive story really helps give a sense of urgency to certain combat heavy areas.

Anyone who's made the same mistake as me, likes RPGs but hasn't played this yet go and play it now, you wont regret it!

I am curious as to what other people thought, and what i should do next, play through again or move onto mass effect 2?
I just dont get Mass Effect at all, tried to play it twice and all I felt like I was doing was go here do that, go down that corridor and get this, I found it very boring and the combat was terrible
I just dont get Mass Effect at all, tried to play it twice and all I felt like I was doing was go here do that, go down that corridor and get this, I found it very boring and the combat was terrible

Understandable, each to their own i guess, i will agree it can be quite linear at times, i did find myself wishing for abit more exploration (possibly as i've been spoiled by fallout: NV).

The combat may not be the best ever but i found it quite engaging, if it did lack a little in variety.
I just dont get Mass Effect at all, tried to play it twice and all I felt like I was doing was go here do that, go down that corridor and get this, I found it very boring and the combat was terrible

I think I can slightly agree, I played Mass Effect 1 a few weeks back. Like the OP got the game in a steam sale. finally got a keyboard that didn't lose connection ( I was using a really poor wireless keyboard and this game needs the WSAD keys to play) and whilst I really did enjoy the game, I found the driving really tricky and the combat was awkward...

Very good story, excellent voice over’s and stunning music and very nice graphics but driving that tank was tedious at times and I couldn't always aim straight.... I also found the XP level up system confusing for me, as I'm no RPG player, so left the entire game to sort this out..

Overall - very good game let down by some iffy controls.

Not played Mass effect 2 yet - got that in a steam sale as well.. :p
I agree that driving the mako was a bit of a pain, cool idea not so great execution.
I always loved the banter between squad members when you're out and about, they have personalities and all are more complex than black and white good or evil.
I agree that driving the mako was a bit of a pain, cool idea not so great execution.
I always loved the banter between squad members when you're out and about, they have personalities and all are more complex than black and white good or evil.

You should play SW: KotOR, the banter that goes on between your squad members is pretty funny.
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You should play SW: KotRO, the banter that goes on between your squad members is pretty funny.

I have done, both of them, fantastic games... meatbag (who doesn't love wandering around with a slightly insane battledroid)

I've decided i'm going to have to start on mass effect 2, must find out what happens next! now if only i get get the day to speed up so i could get out of work!
make sure you import your ME1 save into ME2!

That's the plan, is the only reason i played the 1st one to be honest, wasn't expecting to get sucked into the story as much as i did.

EDIT: Curses! now i wanna play KOTOR again just for HK-47, love that guy.
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I bought Mass Effect in the Steam summer sales. I have only played for 10 minutes or so. I'm going to have to start playing it very soon. If I like the game (and I think I will), I'll get Mass Effect 2 in the Steam Christmas sales, provided the price is low enough.
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