mass protest at capital hill

Is this guy for real? I'm pretty sure fascists would love the Daily Mail, after all it is written with decidedly low intellect and should appeal to that ilk quite well.

He's for real, but the world he lives in is partially imaginary.
mat, your posts are always funny :p

Bread fat calculation errors, hilarious salary expectations and this have made my day :)
The media pretty much blanked this event, I didn't even hear about it until I read on a forum from someone that went.

If you want to know where this spurious 2m claim came from.

Worst of all, some American sites are using the dailymail to claim that 1m were at the march. You'd think they'd have sources closer to home.

Glen Beck of fox news (not on the fox news channel though) using the dailymail as a source

The march itself he has promoted on his TV show for ages.
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I'm not convinced that Obama's policies undermine the USA constitution more than things such as the Patriot Act, Guantanamo Bay, etc.

Protestors do have a point though - Obama's policies do involve more government and more taxes.
Found this photo taken by someone who was there:


She says:

This is a telephoto shot from Fourth Street looking back to the main body of the demonstration. It was not densely crowded, even near the stage. Most of the crowd was contained in the two blocks from the stage to Second Street.


That's not 2 million. It's not remotely close to 1 million. Hell, it's not even 100,000. We're talking tens of thousands (~60,000?) at the very most. And that's being generous.

Anglion said:
Protestors do have a point though - Obama's policies do involve more government and more taxes.

It involves no more government, and I expect that Obama would simply raise current taxes rather than imposing new ones.
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