It's been a bad couple of weeks 
Contracted Sepsis last week so was taken in to hospital, just in time they said.
I was really looking forward to maybe getting this build done in time for i58, but the chances are very low now,
I'm also still awaiting the GPU so that will hold me back.
The setbacks are not all bad though, this means I can spend a bit more time on the build and try something
that I was not going to attempt if the build was defiantly on track for completion in time for the show.
Had done some more paint work before my trip to hospital so I will upload them photos for you in the next update
along with some work I did yesterday.
I've also setup the components I have to check there all working as intended, so I'm happy to report the CPU, DDR, MB,
PSU and water pump are all running fine.
The MB looks beautiful!
But the red will need to go and I plan to make a cover/covers for the MB.
I did get myself some white plexi, however I think I will now be using clear so the LEDs on the MB can still be seen,
if I paint most of the cover white and leave the parts covering the LEDs clear it should workout fine.

Contracted Sepsis last week so was taken in to hospital, just in time they said.
I was really looking forward to maybe getting this build done in time for i58, but the chances are very low now,
I'm also still awaiting the GPU so that will hold me back.
The setbacks are not all bad though, this means I can spend a bit more time on the build and try something
that I was not going to attempt if the build was defiantly on track for completion in time for the show.
Had done some more paint work before my trip to hospital so I will upload them photos for you in the next update
along with some work I did yesterday.
I've also setup the components I have to check there all working as intended, so I'm happy to report the CPU, DDR, MB,
PSU and water pump are all running fine.

The MB looks beautiful!
But the red will need to go and I plan to make a cover/covers for the MB.
I did get myself some white plexi, however I think I will now be using clear so the LEDs on the MB can still be seen,
if I paint most of the cover white and leave the parts covering the LEDs clear it should workout fine.