Max's Training Log - 1 Year On

Thanks dude :)

Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 2




Assistance Work:

Leg press
Walking lunges
Calf raises

Pleased with the squats today, grinded it out good and proper!
Cycle 3 - Week 1 - Day 3




Assistance Work:

DB shoulder press
DB push press
Side raises
Rear delt flys

Bit rushed today as I had a lot to do but pleased with my OHP.

Off on holiday tomorrow, I have use of a gym but it will be hard to follow 5/3/1 but I will see what happens.

Maybe letting my hair down a bit will do me good.
Well there is a decent gym here which is cool!

Done bench and squats, have noted them down and will update at the end of the week :)

Training is more intense out here, 5k hilly bike ride to the gym, train, cycle back...all in 30 degrees heat!

The weight will be falling off me at this rate!
Back from holiday!

Lost my record of 5/3/1 stuff on my phone :( So I'm ignoring that cycle!

Going to hit Cycle 4 hard then re-assess and start a new wave.

Aim is to hit 3 PBs at the New Years meet :o
De-load complete, last cycle of the first wave coming up Sunday.

In the middle of moving house, new gym, so things are a bit up in the air but hoping to hit some decent numbers this time round.
New gym gains, or not :p

Cycle 4 - Week 1







Almost accepted the fact that till after Christmas the gains will be hindered, moving house and other stuff is getting in the way but I'm trying /excuses
Felt tasty too, the last 5 reps were actually the best ones!

Squatting in a proper rack now so knowing I have the safety there gives me a bit more confidence.

Will be giving the 140kg squat my best effort :D
Cycle 4 - Week 1 - Day 3



My assistance work at the moment comprises of:

Side raises
DB shoulder press
KB push press
Rear delt flies

Still coasting a bit if I'm honest, I think I jumped into the first few cycles like a madman and have plateaued out as a result, or I'm just being a wuss.

Like I said, plan is to hit some PRs at the meet and start fresh on 5/3/1 in the New Year and try to stay away from the cardio deadlifts and just go for a slow and steady approach to reach my goals.
Also hating my new gym, I've seen some sights since I joined.

Contemplating a home gym in the new year, something to think about.

I did klokovs last cycle and enjoyed them actually, will have another go with them after x-mas.
Ugggggggggggggggggh I've hit a motivational wall for the first time!

Stopped at 10 reps tonight, few more left in the tank but I just didn't feel like churning out 15 deadlifts in a row :s

Cycle 4 - Week 1 - Day 4



I just think doing 10+ deadlifts seems madness, I want to get my 5/3/1 set up so im hitting only a couple of reps on the main lift.

Re-think over xmas, also going to try training first thing before work now im doing different shifts.

/more complaining
Hoping to learn some new lifts at the meet, front squat in particular.

Will put a post up over x-mas summarising 2013 as although I'm feeling a bit demotivated at the moment, looking back I have made some good gains in my lifts and calorie intake :p

Thanks ts316, best of luck!
Was going to hold off on this for another fortnight or so and get some more recent photos but I'm needing motivation badly so here goes...

2013 Review

Starting weight: 90kg
Current weight: 90kg :p

Lowest weight:86.7kg (I think)

Highest weight: 91.5kg

December 2012:

October 2013:

Believe it or not I am nearly the same weight in these two photos :eek:

Starting calories/macros: ~2000cal 200p/100c/100f

Result: Weight loss

Current calories macros: ~3000cal 250p/225c/110f

Result: Maintenance/very very slow bulk

Main Lifts at the start of the year: (All 5x5)

Squats - 90kg
Bench - 62.5kg
OHP - 30kg
Deadlift - 90kg

Current 1RMs being attempted at the bro down/before new year.

Squats - 140kg
Bench - 100kg
OHP - 65kg
Deadlift - 170kg

Will do another post with my thoughts and feelings in a while, had some spare time so I wrote this bit now.
And yet another weak session :confused:

Cycle 4 - Week 2 - Day 1



Bear in mind I hit 80*8 and 85*4 in earlier cycles.

I am still having intense training sessions but my strength just doesn't seem to be going anywhere....

Time to ramp up the calories a bit perhaps, any advice chaps?

I don't want to change program really as I do enjoy the structure of 5/3/1 and I should be making better strength progress.
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This is now a major issue in my opinion, where the hell do I go from here?

Cycle 4 - Week 2 - Day 2



Bear in mind last week I got 95*15...

I've gone from a desk job to being on my feet all day so I think I need to add in some more calories but surely this can't effect my lifts to this extent?
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