Mayhems Pastel White Splitting

This has me a little worried now.
Same problem here.
First, batch from March. I assumed the system wasn't as clean as required.
2 weeks later, new radiators, all properly cleaned, batch from January. Same outcome.
Now PC is off, all blocks required opening for cleaning, all tubing in the rubbish, as it was tainted.
Never again.
Mayhems reply to me. Cant argue with the service...

Hi Vince,


Please can you Provide:-

Full Name

Full Address,


Tel / Mobile number.

Email Address

I will be sending the following to you:-

5 litres of Ultra Clear H20

X1 250ml Clear Coolant

Full Blitz Kit ( Parts 1 & 2 ]

I can give further advice on cleaning if you have problems.
There is a video of using the blitz kit [ Link Below]

Cant complain at that really. I had to clean out again and refill last night as it was blocked up again... only coolant I have is more pastel so ill just keep stripping it down and refilling until the mayhems stuff turns up.

Hope its fairly quick as stripping the wifes machine down every 3/4 days is not fun. Now I see why an AIO is an easy option.

Also based on the most recent in here january 2020 pastel white is not a safe bet either. Fwiw i left a load of pastel white in the ek filling bottle and it split in there as well over a few days.
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Yea I probably could have but I don't have any laying around so just used what I had. Glutten for punishment.
Hell if you are getting a blitz kit sent to you shortly, tap water probably wouldn't do all that much harm!!

Edit - obviously not great advice! Your tap water could be harder than Chuck Norris for all I know.


This was after 6 days without use as I've been busy this week and not had any reason to turn the system on. It's hard to explain what it looks like. It's definitely separating but there's no "settling" particles anywhere. As soon as I turn it on, it remixes and returns back to how it did when it first went in. Definitely problems but doesn't appear as bad as we've seen for other people.


This was after 6 days without use as I've been busy this week and not had any reason to turn the system on. It's hard to explain what it looks like. It's definitely separating but there's no "settling" particles anywhere. As soon as I turn it on, it remixes and returns back to how it did when it first went in. Definitely problems but doesn't appear as bad as we've seen for other people.

Mine had done similar, a LOT of particles came out of the radiators when I flushed them.
I've just brought and filled up with some Pastel White this weekend. Brought from OCUK. I was using Pastel White before I installed new res and cpu block this weekend. I'll check the date on the bottle but I'm now worried it might do the same if this batch of Pastel White is duff.

Is it a bad batch or just separating for some due to components used?
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I've just brought and installed some Pastel White this weekend. Brought from OCUK. I've was using Pastel White before I installed new res and cpu block this weekend. I'll check the date on the bottle but I'm now worried it might do the same if this batch of Pastel White is duff.

Is it a bad batch or just separating for some due to components used?
Seems to be bad batches as people affected have had different hardware in their loop.
It was a pain, absolutely.

What I will say though is that Mayhems were fantastic, their response and service was first class.

I don't recommend asking for help via their Facebook page though, the members of staff are great but the page is full of fan boys who are very quick to criticise.

It was very satisfying after some of the members had gone to town on me slating my prep, telling me how they know best etc, only for mMayhems to come out and say actually there's an issue with the fluid :D:p
OK, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for it.

Annoying as I spent 50 quid on the EK Loop Connect which is also defective and now possibly 2 bottles of pastel white fluid.
Just bought a new EK quantum Kinetic FLT to redo my loop. Was about to put my foot in to get the Pastel white again as i quite liked it last time i had it. Glad i didn't after reading this thread!

Does anyone have any experience with any other paste white colours from other brands that doesn't separate?
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