McDonalds Monopoly

Why anyone would think that someone with a winning, rare, low produced card would want to 'team' up and lose half or more of their £500k prize, confuses the hell out of me!? It doesn't need explaining.

You are the exact people McDonalds marketing staff aim their ideas at, because you eat everything they throw at you. Literally.
this is retarded and if you think you can win, then you are as well...

if there is one prize of 500k then they print off one Mayfair and as someone already said, it's likely that it has already been thrown in the bin.
Why would you take £5k for it? you'd pick the other off the floor outside of mcdonalds because the rest are just common.
Bottom line:

Anyone who has Mayfair does not need to look for an offer to combine and split.
Mayfair will be a rare card.
So, if you were lucky enough to get Mayfair, you could simply go and do 10 trips to McDonalds (at the most) and you'll have yourself a Park Lane.

It will be exactly the same for all of the rare cards.
If you're lucky enough to get one of the rare cards you will not need to split your prize because getting the non-rare cards will be a walk in the park.
This thread is making me serious anxious, as my mind is telling me i had a mayfair which i threw away a few weeks ago and was joking that park lane must be uber-rare.

Gotta hope to hell i was wrong :p
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