mcdonalds to close 25 "resturants"

Psyk said:
Yeah where the hell did that Subway come from? I was on holiday for a week and when I came back it was just suddenly there.

Burger King... burnt down.... :confused:
What happened? When? I've been away from home too long (in Bristol at the moment).

P.S. Please say it took ****ernity with it :p

Rofl I wish it took eternity with it....along with its clientele :p

Some kitchen fire I think, it happened it the afternoon so probably wasnt arson, but its a total write off! A good thing imo, that place attracted chavs and was the cause of way too much litter.
Feek said:
You people are joking, right? Subway is absolutely bloody awful.

Find a decent small sandwich shop, one probably owned by the person serving behind the counter and then you'll get a decent sandwich, not like the garbage Subway serve up. Commercialised crap in a roll.


Wise, wise, words my good Feek.

Just down the road from where I work is a sandwitch shop. The woman who owns it serves behind the counter (nice baps!) and I have not tasted a better or more value for money sandwitch shop.

Screw Micky D's and all that other fast food crap...
Whitewater said:
It would help Mac Donalds' cause a great deal if they started to serve food.
Hit the nail on the head there. :)

Feek said:
You people are joking, right? Subway is absolutely bloody awful.

Find a decent small sandwich shop, one probably owned by the person serving behind the counter and then you'll get a decent sandwich, not like the garbage Subway serve up. Commercialised crap in a roll.

Couldn't agree more, although I've never been in a Subway shop, just generalising about all the fast food places. Only one I used to (very) occasionally use was BK, I think I only had about 3 or 4 burgers from them ever :p . I wouldn't use any of them now, I'd use the local sandwich shop (local butchers makes a nice hot filled roll) or make my own. ;)
I've out grown subway tbh, as has been said, it just tastes like fast food :/

I'm all for local fresh sandwich shops!
I've started to get sick of subway as well. They've taken over liverpool uni as well!! There's one on each of the three roads leading from the city centre upto the main campus!
Feek said:
You people are joking, right? Subway is absolutely bloody awful.

Find a decent small sandwich shop, one probably owned by the person serving behind the counter and then you'll get a decent sandwich, not like the garbage Subway serve up. Commercialised crap in a roll.


I walked past the local one yesterday, and was almost sick from the smell comming out of the vents to the back, it was HORRIFIC, [edit]nearly[/edit] put me off my mature chedder and sausage with red oinion marmalade (someone spell that for me pls) from the deli.
if i can't find a mcdonalds i'll hve burger king or KFC.

But KFC is like liquid lsd it is nice stuff but mcdonalds just does it 4 me :D

and yes i am quite young 18 but i do a lot of excercise as i work most days lifting heavyish stff and constantly on my feet so thts y i dnt get fat !

my weight is 9.6/7 stone depending on how much i have eaten beforre i weigh myself :)

My boss an i eat at exactly the same time he eats 2 burgers n chips for his dinner i eat chicken n mushroom pie n chips when we cntget to a mcdonalds. last year his doctor told him he had high blood pressure and had to lay of the mcdonalds which he has.

but i havn't :S
luckily we only have a mcdonalds in arbroath, none of this kfc/Burger king, we do have a subway, but again its better to go local - delights etc for sandwiches.
its my choice to eat unhealthly dammit!

I like mcdonalds, but only ever go around once a month, subway on the other hand are a big pile of ****, bloddy 3.50 for a tiny lil sandwich with just cheese and tomato sauce on it, and it tasted like carp, sod subways, sod mcdonalds, sod burger king, dixys rules them all
All this commerical food is rubbish lilke it has been said local isthe way to go, got a local sandwich shop near me and they do a lovely feta cheese and olive sandwich, infact they are the only sandwichs that beat M&S.
Mcdonalds have finally realised that they cant go the American way in this country and open up a store just about everywhere ( if i rememeber correctly there philosophy in America was to have a mcdonalds within 6mins of everyone). Where i live they opened a drive through and now the town centre one is dead most of the time, wouldnt be suprised if that is one of the 25 stores going.

Subways not got the same problem as McDonalds as it doesnt really care about store profits as it makes most of the money of the franchise, ive read some viscious rumors that subway try force more than one store in a town so that one will go bust and they can reclaim and resell the franchise to some other mug.

Anyway rant over!

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