Me gusta le hypertrophy


Final Smolov 10 x 3

130KG x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3 , x 3, x 3, x 2, x 2, x 2, x 2

Some Front Squats.

(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 count)
70KG x 5
90KG x 5
90KG x 5
100KG x 5

As you can imagine chest & niggles feeling pretty beaten by this point. Most of these felt a bit groce, I felt I could be tighter and more powerful. I'm planing on taking a few days off to really recover and let some of the fatigue of biting ff more than I can chew disappear so I can peeb on Wednesday, I think you're supposed to wait the full week? but need to read up.

I was really struggling come the 3rd rep, so triceps need to respond. So decided after they began turning in to battlers and requiring a spot that I would finish off with doubles. Bit of a shame but these final few reps are the only ones I missed on Smolov so can't complain too much.

Decided to have a play with front squats. I did 2 sets at 90KG using my paused/progressive method but only 1 filmed. After each rep the following rep's pause is 1 second/1 count longer. So 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 seconds/count pause.
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Can confirm, strong PB delivery.


Bench Press - Smolov Jnr Cycle finished, 5 days rest.

60KG x 12
80KG x 7
100KG x 3
120KG x 1
135KG x 1
150KG x 1 - PB + 5KG
152.5KG x F

Deadlifts - COAN

60KG x some
100KG x some
120KG x 3
140KG x 2?
160KG x 1

180KG x 3, x 3, x 3

Speed Deadlift

147.5KG x 3, x 3, x 3

Power Shrug

100KG x some

125KG x 5, x 5, x 5


90KG x 5, x 5, x5, x 5, x 5, x 5

Good Mornings

60KG x 5, x 5, x 5

CG-Pull Down

Something x 5, x 5, x 5

Can't complain at a 5KG increase and a much cleaner lift overall after 3/4 weeks of Smolov Jnr. Shoulder strain felt much better with some proper rest, everything felt nice and powerful but as I got near my top end found my tightness at the bottom of the rep was lacking and my triceps were becoming the weak point. Hopefully some floor press should sort this out again.

Deadlift felt good though my WS felt like hard work and quite slow off the floor. My brace wasn't great and though my leg drive felt better but poor brace kind of negated this and my hinge disappeared.

Powershrugs were new so finding my feet with these.

Good Mornings movement pattern is better though the bar does move/roll forwards a little towards the end ROM though I am getting almost parallel so might lessen my ROM...

Think I'll be 'smart free-styling' for a few weeks as I progress with Coan and just keep my other lifts ticking over and rebuild my squat.
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Serious workout is serious!

Big numbers on some big lifts. Nice.

Oh, and why not put that muscle to some new and freaky use whilst smart free-styling? ;)

You owe yourself some big Olympic lifting numbers. :D
Can confirm, will continue learning the snatch :cool:

The powershrug might help quite a bit actually, in terms of the movement pattern and building the confidence not to catch myself in the cawwwwk.
Bro, please tell me you weren't taking 90 second rests on those squat sets you missed reps on :(

Bro, I have sum bad nuwz. You said 90s rests?! y u do dis?! Eitherway my reps were not feeling as tidy, tight or powerful as they had been since starting RMSR.

Deadlifts looks tight and handsome

Ta, room for more tightness and powah.

I said as short as possible while not compromising the next set!

On most programmes like this, you feel a lot ****ter before you feel stronger.

I said as short as possible while not compromising the next set!

Lawl :o

On most programmes like this, you feel a lot ****ter before you feel stronger.[/QUOTE]

Will bear that in mind for next time. Going to go back to my variation approach with possibly widowmakers or at least 1 heavy work set followed my volume, for now at least. It was working before so if it ain't broke.

I wasn't enjoying RMSR either, enjoyment is paramount to me. That said, you know that my take on enjoyment isn't a walk in the park :p

Floor Press

110KG x 10, 3, 2

Savickas Press

45KG x 10, 5, 3

2ct Lying Fat Bar Hammer Grip Skull Crusher

=20KG x some, x some, x some

Hack Sqauts

200KG x 5
120KG x 12

Easing myself back in to it. Floor press felt unfamiliar, unsurprising though, chest/left pec tightness because obvious still.

Savickas press I really like, such pump, did enjoy, very mire.

Hack squats, took it easy with these, quads/hips felt nice and loose during the stretch where they had been tight previously.

Fridays & Mondays will be basically become 'Push' (Presses & quads) and Wednesdays (while Coan continues) will be 'Pull' (Hamstrings & back). General rest pause/widowmaker/straight set principles as before with DC, extreme stretching and decent intensity.

Brief update as I'm knee deep in study texts and course exams until the end of May :(
200kg wtf!
What does your hack squat machine look like?
80KG on mine with full ROM makes me want to vomit as it is.

You probably saw it at the meet. Filmed my sets on it further back in the log. Has pads that sit on the shoulders, hinged at the back of the lever arm and a foot plate angles towards you. Some of the lads call it the 'Front Squat' machine but the foot plates and positioning of these are different. It's reaaaal joocey.

We have a sled hack squat which is horrible in every aspect and much harder by comparison.

Strength of dem teds. Lawd :cool:
You probably saw it at the meet. Filmed my sets on it further back in the log. Has pads that sit on the shoulders, hinged at the back of the lever arm and a foot plate angles towards you. Some of the lads call it the 'Front Squat' machine but the foot plates and positioning of these are different. It's reaaaal joocey.

We have a sled hack squat which is horrible in every aspect and much harder by comparison.

Strength of dem teds. Lawd :cool:

Sounds like V-Squat to me.


Hack Squat:
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