Me gusta le hypertrophy

I do not want those feels.

Poor pec activation and anterior delt loading is generally a form and shoulder/capsule organisation issue. More arch, more scaps back and down.

I feel almost nothing in my front delt.

I don't really feel it in my anterior delt but I agree I need to activate my pecs more, will emphasis squeezing my chest more. I've never struggled with this but I've always gripped slightly wider so have had to rely on using my pecs properly.

Either way I need to really sort this before **** starts getting heavy.
My scaps are as far back and down as I can get them. It's the same set up I've used for floor press and activation felt very strong for that. Perhaps it's a stability issue?

I was thinking that maybe it's a weight issue but have dismissed this. Bench felt fine during DC so I'm not too sure what it is I'm not doing anymore. I'm definitely not fully activating my pecs.

I could try bringing the bar slightly lower down my chest as it is quite high? or just arching more to provide the same effect?
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If the bar is high then this could be the only problem. Arching kind of accomplishes this, as well as helping whole body tightness and eventually leg drive.
Presumption here: arching will in effect replicate more of a decline bench for the shoulders? Only voicing as Benny said about decline earlier.

I know it's not as simple as that, so hopefully you get what im saying!
Presumption here: arching will in effect replicate more of a decline bench for the shoulders? Only voicing as Benny said about decline earlier.

I know it's not as simple as that, so hopefully you get what im saying!

It does, hence the superior pec activation and stability of decline :p. The whole point of arching is to get a humerus angle closer to decline, similarly you'll find most people are stronger decline than flat. I know I keep saying this lately but no one seems to understand lol.
It does, hence the superior pec activation and stability of decline :p. The whole point of arching is to get a humerus angle closer to decline, similarly you'll find most people are stronger decline than flat. I know I keep saying this lately but no one seems to understand lol.

I know that, I was clarifying due to this:

That's it precisely though I've never got on with decline work. Very much just feeling pec tendon/delt DOMS at the moment.
So I earned myself a little holiday....

WEEK 2 - W/O 1

Skipping, dislocations, hack squats, knee floss, BW banded squats, (forgot hip capsule mobilisation)

90s rests all round
Back Squat

bar x some
60 x some
80 x some
100 x some
120 x 3
140 x 2

165 x 2, x 2, x 2, x 2, x 2, x 2

Bench Press

Press ups x some

Bar x some
60 x 12
80 x 6

120 x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3

Lateral Raises

8KG x 10, x 10, x 10

Walking Lunge & Plate pinch (combined)

10/10KG x 9/9, 9/9

DB Inc Curl

14KG x 10, x 8, x 6

  • Squats felt a bit groce in places, coming on to my toes but not off my heels entirely.
  • Knee movement still not grey but is improving
  • Feeling a bit more comfortable at 165KG now, need to remember to brace properly
  • Almost fell backwards on set 5, tfw **** yourself.
  • Bench felt good today, happy with my grip width a nice balance of pec's & tri's, thought I would struggle with triples at 120Kg but felt strong hopefully it shows.
  • Left shoulder had a minor complaint at the top of the left socket so will address this with some stability work.
  • I need to remember to lock my shoulders before lifting off, I didn't do this on all my sets.
  • Used walking lunges as an opportunity to squeeze the trailing leg glute and really stretch the hip.
  • Decided to combine with a plate pinch, just because.

(dat knee collapse doe :(:p)
WEEK 2 - W/O 2

Skipping, dislocations, hack squats,

90s rests all round
Bench Press

bar x some
60 12 some
80 x 6 some

102.5KG x 6, x 6, x 6, x 6, x 6, x 6


RDL - Bar x some

70 x some
100 x some
120 x 3
140 x 2
160 x 1
180 x 2 (1 raw, 1 strapped)

Speed Deadlift

147.5 x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3

Snatch Grip RDL / BOR
Alternating 60-90s rest

85KG x 8/8, x 8/8, x 6/8

Good Morning/ CG Pull Down
Alternating 60-90s rest

50KG / Pin 7 x 8/8, x 8/8, x 8/8

  • Bench didn’t feel particularly explosive, chest felt quite drained from the 10 triples tbh.
  • Bench form felt good, conscious of my shoulder niggles.

  • Deadlifts I was focusing on staying tight and trying to increase my leg drive/get more flutes involved in the first pull
  • Also trying to keep form/back angle consistent.
  • Held the bar a bit longer at the top and rushed reps less.
  • Wore long socks as the power bars knurling hashed my shins last Wednesday, scabs managed to bleed through my socks.
  • SG RDL’s felt much better, Icecolds cue for ‘active lats’ and to push the bar back against myself helped, as did remembering to push hips back which you can see after the first few reps.
  • Good mornings I have a video of but need quite a bit of work, still feels awkward & unnatural.


My tripod also arrived which is quite handy/versatile

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Dude I just ordered the gorilla pod, how is it?

It's great, one of the legs fell out the day I got it but it slides back in. Just needed gluing in properly.[/quote]

Also what app are you using to edit all your videos

iMovie, it's pretty straight forward, trim your videos before inserting them to the project, it's quicker/easier.

PS Welcome back

Ta, I forget I can actually reply/post :p
WEEK 2 - W/O 3

Skipping, dislocations (lots of these), hack squats, knee floss, BW banded squats, hip capsule mobilisation.

90s rests all round

Back Squat

bar x some
60 x some
80 x some
100 x some
120 x 3
140 x 2

165 x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3, x 3

Bench Press

Press ups x some

Bar x some
60 x 12
80 x 6
100 x 1

110 x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5, x 5

Lateral Raises

8KG x 10, x 10, x 7

Walking Lunge & Plate pinch (combined)

10/10KG x 9/9, 9/9

DB Inc Curl

Not even once.

  • I was struggling before I even stepped foot in the gym. Dead to the world when I had to get up in the morning :(
  • Gave myself a kick up the jaxie and M'dTFU
  • Squats, I feel I need to push my hips back a little further as at the expense of knees out I'm sitting further forward in the hole and coming off my heels slightly sometimes
  • They look much better than they felt though.
  • Bench, 5th set, which was the best, didn't film :mad:
  • Trying to keep really tight as I think I strained something in my left shoulder by not being tight enough and allowing the barbell to come lower on that side on my first 10 x 3 session.
  • Felt good overall considering, for the first time in a while, I wasn't really feeling it that day.
  • No curls as, as silly as it sounds, I want to recover properly for next week as it's going to be tough and demanding by comparison and didn't want to waste any more energy. Not sure if doing inc DB curls would also irritate my shoulder further due to the positioning.

    Pearoast for those not in the group:


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