Me gusta le hypertrophy


*Glute spreads*

Which changes would you recommend to my bottom position?

I'm conscious to keep my shoulders over the bar and not infront as I seemed to be default in to this position which was killing hip drive.

With lighter weights my hip drive & holding on the bar was causing me to actually get a little air and my feet to jump/move (might be mildly visible in the 60KG vid). Das it maaaane :cool:
I missed this little guy.

I think you'll want your hips very slightly lower, but most of the changes lie in the area of nuance. It might help to think about being tighter and taking more tension off the bar before you lift, and driving away hard through your feet and constantly pistoning your legs.

Chains would teach you this stuff in a few sessions.
I missed this little guy.

I think you'll want your hips very slightly lower, but most of the changes lie in the area of nuance. It might help to think about being tighter and taking more tension off the bar before you lift, and driving away hard through your feet and constantly pistoning your legs.

Chains would teach you this stuff in a few sessions.


My new gym has an abundance of chains. Is this something that would naturally become more apparent by using them? or would it need coaching?

In fairness I haven't been regularly deadlifting for quite a while so the motor patterns aren't really fully engrained yet and I very much doubt/know/feel that I'm not in my optimal position, so this could well improve of it's own accord with higher frequency deadlifting.
It would definitely happen faster with coaching, but as long as you are always aiming for maximal bar acceleration then you'll get there.
Box Squat - 140KG
RDL - 130KG
Inc DB Bench/ Flat Bench - 46KG's / 120KG
WG Pull Up - BW + 25KG
T-Bar Row (Machine - high) - 60KG
Lat Raise * OHP - 10KG * 65KG
Dips - BW + 45KG
EZ Curl Fat Bar - +40KG

Needed a spot for the 3rd/4th reps on bench but not a massive amount. Will leave this weight as it is even though technically it is slighter higher than I can actually achieve.

Everything else felt okay. My box squats aren't traditional box squats in that they're not a wide stance or glute/hamstring focused. More so a controlled decent on to a block with no bounce and a strong drive up.

I'm going to make a conscious effort not to take advantage of the stretch reflex on exercises probably one workout a week in a bit to help a bit with power/strength.

Whilst I would like strength & size I can't have my cake and eat it! So I'll see how I feel and what I've gained come the end of this cycle and injuries permitting re-evaluate if I want to focus on a strength orientated program for a period rather than dabbling with DC again.
So yesterday was the first session of 12's.

I can already say I much preferred the 12 rep range to 15's. It's obviously inherently less aerobic and made a nice change to the endurance style nature of 15's. It does feel like it's going to be a more productive use of 2 weeks in that the weights I'm using now do feel challenging, not that the 15's aren't productive, but if your tendons & joints are all feeling A-okay then they're not really necessary and the load in most cases is probably a little on the light side.

I think I might well be looking forward to the next SD!

I'm hoping working with some different rep ranges and using unfamiliar loads for working sets will have some positive benefits.

The second bench at the gym isn't quite level and my left pec took a beating beating because of this.

I wasn't able to complete the second set of bench, pull ups or dips so stopped just short of failure. The first workout back is always a tough one and I was keeping rests to 90s the majority of the time.

Fat bar curls delivered a promisingly strong pump :cool:

After having seen Syla's high bar squats I'm going to incorporate some in to my warm up to see how I get on with the mechanics as a whole and also if my hip gets on with them too.

Also I'll be adding any other exercises in that I feel necessary (as and when) along with some band/stability work in the evening to address a seating issue my right shoulder has as it's moderately internally rotated at the moment.
A brief update:

First week in the new 12 rep range went okay, either due to unconservative weights or the range itself it was much more challenging that I was expecting. But it feels good to be pushing myself right from the begining of the 6 week cycle. Completing some of the second sets is unobtainable due to accumulated fatigue from earlier in the workout, so I usually fall short but still avoid failure or any other draining reps.

A self diagnosis on what I thought was AFGS/Labral tear might just be a severly inflamed/tight iliopsoas tendon so am working on relieving this.
Final 12's
Box Squat - 102.5KG
RDL - 102.5KG
Inc DB Bench/ Flat Bench - 32KG's / 95KG
WG Pull Up - BW + 5KG
T-Bar Row (Machine - high) - 40KG
Lat Raise * OHP - 6KG * 47.5KG
Dips - BW + 25KG
EZ Curl Fat Bar - +22.5KG
DB Shrugs 28's 2 x 60 second static holds

Felt a little robbed on the 5th workout which was the final flat bench as the 1.25's and 2.5's in the gym are so similar :/ That said I managed more reps on the second set after having upped to the correct weight. Made some progress finishing slightly heavier on squats & SLDL's. Don't think I ever managed a full set of pull ups as the Tbar absolutely destroys my back & bi's!

Squats have been benched/boxed. Hip is holding out, feeling better with plenty of heat/ice etc.

Hovering just under 91KG at the moment. Looking forward to 8's next week :cool:

Few progress shots.





Trying to keep the bulk gut at bay! :p

Posing needs work but should give an indication. Will eventually get some post cut pics and compare them to the end this cycle.
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The right/wrong side of 93KG in the evening.

A much steadier increase in weight week on week than when I finished my cut :p Trying to keep any excess gain to a minimum though. Not really planning on any specific dedicated cutting period again until next year, at the moment. That said I will probably use the deload/decondition week between programs to recomp a little.
I'm considering switching out Pullups in favour of some more direct lat work, possibly a bent over DB row as I can twist and get a strong contraction and hopefully pump. As I don't have an 8 rep max for these I would have to play it by ear and just progress as I would normally. I wouldn't normally ommit vertical back movements but would like to thicken my back up a bit at the moment.

I'm still intending on giving DC another bash when this HST cycle is finished and as of late have developed a bit of a scratch for returning to a more traditional 3/4 day split with maybe reverse pyramids or some other structure as a bit of shock therapy. (providing my working week/studies allow enough time to train 4x a week.

I'd still be keen to keeping training group frequency at a moderate level and using progressive loads but with greater exercise variation.

Something like:
Mon: Legs
Tues: Chest & Bi's
Weds: Off
Thurs: Back & Tri's
Fri: Shoulders & Odds & Sods.
Sat: Off
Sunday: Repeat


Mon: Shoulders
Tues: Back & Tri's
Weds: Off
Thurs: Legs
Friday: Chest & Bi's
Sat: Off
Sun: Repeat

I'd like to avoid not training a group for several days and at least give each group some stimulation. Will have a bit more of a think.

Edit: Should mention I expect to respond well to a slightly lower frequency and higher volume/intensity workout when the time comes having used a HST style approach for quite a while now.
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4th session of 8's yesterday.

OHP: 60 x 8 PB x 2 (2 push presses on the last set)

Have been using the iso low row for some strong lat contractions. May switch back to pull ups with a nice wide grip and get the bar to my chest for the final 4's.

RDL's feeling joocey too at 117.5KG, core getting nice and strong and upper back feeling toight like a toiger. Hip hinge and bar hump bootiful.

Have been doing some static shrug holds instead of calf work so worked my way up through pairs of DB's, on for 32's next session. 2 x 1 minute holds with 30 second rests in a slight forward lean.

Incline DB press is also feeling laughably strong. 36's for 2 sets of 8's with brief pause at the bottom of each rep.

Did go out on the smash on Saturday and shove down about 8 pints and a KFC at 4AM in the morning. Followed by a beef, chicken, bacon, cheese, onion ring and pulled pork burger at midday on Sunday with mine and my friends chips and a side of garlic bread. No sleep did not affect my appetite. Weighed in at 91KG this morning, almost tipped 95KG on Sunday evening after my dreamer bulk session! :eek:
Felt under the weather due to my weekend yesterday but soldiered on.

Managed my bench @ 110KG x 8 quite nicely, had been neglecting pecs slightly on this lift so focused on them a bit more and managed 6 reps on the second set which is higher than any of my previous 2nd sets at lighter weights.

Some RDL's:

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