Me gusta le hypertrophy

Bet you'll wear the shoes more anyway :):)

Would definitely front squat more that's for sure!

Stable base gains.

Will try and keep my chin buried in my chest so my back angle is easier to perceive during the lift.

Relatively tidy 120KG:

Want to get involved in some high bar action too.
only one rep?!
you make everything look so easy!

Bru pls, bench, back squats & deads before :rolleyes:

Only just caught up on your log, you've come such a long way, congrats :cool: You made those front squats look easy!

Ta :) Good to see you're still lifting!

Going to front squat a lot more now I've realised how much more comfortable & enjoyable proper shoes make them.
It was a complimet, implying you made it look like you could do 10! :)

Oh :) watch this space. :cool:

For comparison: (no more duck feet)



And I jaffed my left tfl/hip good and proper shortly after the 185. 10KG heavier BW too :p
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Some of the exercises/workouts have been changed/switched to mark the start of a new 6 week phase. Should take me up nicely to the new year meet for more PB's.

A1 - 0.12.13 - Dat pump?

Flat Bench: RP - 11/15
115KG - 8, 2, 1 = 11 (Same as last time though I was close to hitting 9 on the first set, up to 117.5KG next week in the interests of progression)

Push Press: RP - 15/30 (swapped & switched with DB press no back rest)
60KG's - 10, 5, 4 = 19 - joocey.

CGBP: RP - 15/20 (have dropped dips for this 6 week phase)
80KG's - 11, 3, 2 = 13 (less weight that I had been using for CGBP but did a lot of pressing work prior)

CG Chin Up: RP - 15/20
BW + 7.5KG - 12, 3, 2 = 17 (Same reps, more weight)

Deadlift DOH : 5-8 / 8-10 - I'll be adopting mixed grip shortly in the interest of a stable base and ultimate progression.
167.5KG x 6 (2/2/2 (reset)) (Less reps but with more weight)
147.5KG x 12 (less reps, more weight)

B1 - 04.12.13 - Wheelchair pls.

EZ Curl Machine: RP - 20/30
15KG - 15, 7, 4 = 26

Hammer Curl: SS - 11-20
14KG's - 18 = 18 (more reps, same weight) - weight to increase next workout.

Standing Calf Raise - SS, 5s.neg/15s.hold/0s
47.5KG's - 10 = 10 (same reps, more weight)

GHR: RP - 15/20
BW - 15, 8, 6 = 29 (big increase/ lots more reps)

Front/Hack Squat: 5-8 / 20
205KG x 8 PB (same reps, more weight)
145KG x 20 (more weight, same reps, 3 paused reps at the end)

A2 - 06.12.13 - Floor press Friday

Floor Pin Press - 20/30
105KG x 13 PB, 5, 2 = 20 (more reps, more weight, feelsgoodman).

Seated DB Press w/backrest - RP - 11/15
26KG x 12, 5, 3 = 20 (needs to be heavier)

Lying Paused Fat Tricep Bar Hammer Grip Skull Crusher - 2ct - RP - 20/30
Bar10KG? + 22.5KG x 12, 4, 3 = 19 (Less reps, same weight, but paused added)

Wide Hammer Grip Lat Pull Down - RP - 15/20
Pin 10, 5, 4 = 19 (could be a little heavier)

BOR - SS - 10/12
87.5 x 12 (more weight, same reps) - Nice and tidy

Some treat's arrived:



This didn't arrive but is a treat for viewing my lawwwg.

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Dog carp does seem interesting, don't think the static holds will help me though :p
Also, nice plastic shoes brah
B2 - 09.12.13 - Squatasaurusrex

Standing Fat Bar Curl - RP - 20/30
Bar + 25KG x 16, 5, 3 = 24

Cable Rope Hammer Curl - SS - 11/20
Pin 9 x 13 = 13

Seated Calf Raise - SS - 10/12
35KG x 12 (same weight, same reps) - still, who cares about calves?

GHR - RP - 15-20
BW x 10, 5, 3

Back Squat - 4/8 [120s] 20
170KG x 7 PB (more weight, more reps)
120KG x 20 (more weight, more reps) - this used to be my 10RM at the beginning of the year, feelsgud.

Absolutely covered the mirror in spit & screams. Strong laid there for 5 minutes after my minute stretch until the agony in my legs passed.

I felt pretty 'deflated' if you will training this afternoon, had the day of work and didn't really do a lot. Headphones in & music on when it came to squats and I was hungry for more so went for a 5KG increase rather than the 2.5KG. :)

So I've decided, in light of my possesion of adipowers and all these extra range gains, I'd like to give snatches/overhead squats a go. As it'll add a bit of variety and is something to work at along side my regular training.

In shooting the following two videos I managed to knock my DSLR over and the lens now looks like this (as I attempt to fix it) :mad::(


The first video I'm aware my 'bar' (read strap) positioning would be way too far back and my torso needs to be more upright.

The second is better I think. Pls obamanotbad?

I'm quite tight from yesterdays squats and with a proper warmup & mobilisation up all knee cracks and bum tuck would hopefully disappear.

I'm focusing more on thoracic extension & shoulder/bar positioning rather than anything else (duck feet) at the moment.

FLOL - hello backward arms.


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Sad face for the camera... :( More money for a new lens... Like a 17-55?

Regarding the overhead squats, I am not going to comment on the first set as you know what was wrong with that. Just so you know, there isn't anything wrong with duck feet provided your knees track correctly. :)

Second vid looked a lot more healthy... I have never really got on with strap squatting because it is quite different to a bar (the revelations keep on coming!), and spent most of my time concentrating on keeping the strap taught which - as it had no weight - wobbled around all over the place, as you discovered.

Practically, I would use some of the skills from your front squats and apply them here:

- aim to slot your bum between your ankles;
- the brace on the bar should pull with your pecs against your lats and traps/rhombs (imagine bending the bar in half to bring the ends together in front of you.... Meaning:
- the bar should start, travel and end up over the crown of your head (I.e. Back of the top if your head);
- keep your thorax as upright as possible at all times, but crucially at the top and bottom of the movement. You will understand why once you put some load over your head. :)

Whilst keeping your adductors warm, do some work on your calves, too, to assist with that there ankle mobility.

Good work, however! Once you get your balance sorted, you obviously have more than enough strength to handle a lot of weight in this... I would honestly just use a bar and some weight as this - believe it or not - will actually help. :cool:
Sad face for the camera... :( More money for a new lens... Like a 17-55?

Possibly, I very rarely use it, was a bit of an impulse buy so will have a look at my options if a repair isn't possible.

Regarding the overhead squats, I am not going to comment on the first set as you know what was wrong with that.

So many lulz watching it back!

Just so you know, there isn't anything wrong with duck feet provided your knees track correctly. :)

Roger that.

Second vid looked a lot more healthy... I have never really got on with strap squatting because it is quite different to a bar (the revelations keep on coming!), and spent most of my time concentrating on keeping the strap taught which - as it had no weight - wobbled around all over the place, as you discovered.

Agreed, I was using the strap initially as I found (without a second set of eyes & no mirror downstairs) putting it all together was too difficult and a lot of things were off point which didn't help. Have my oly bar in my lounge so might try some more later, once my house mate his home so I don't get a '*****' / bertstare.

Practically, I would use some of the skills from your front squats and apply them here:

- aim to slot your bum between your ankles;
- the brace on the bar should pull with your pecs against your lats and traps/rhombs (imagine bending the bar in half to bring the ends together in front of you.... Meaning:
- the bar should start, travel and end up over the crown of your head (I.e. Back of the top if your head);
- keep your thorax as upright as possible at all times, but crucially at the top and bottom of the movement. You will understand why once you put some load over your head. :)

Whilst keeping your adductors warm, do some work on your calves, too, to assist with that there ankle mobility.

Good work, however! Once you get your balance sorted, you obviously have more than enough strength to handle a lot of weight in this... I would honestly just use a bar and some weight as this - believe it or not - will actually help. :cool:

Ta :) will bring some plates in to the lounge and try not to smash my living room / ceiling up in the process of practicing!
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