Me gusta le hypertrophy

A3 - 11.12.13 - Pin Press of Prosperity.

Pin/Floor Press - RP - 11/15 - pin press x 2 a week now, bench x 1
105KG x 13 PB, 3, 1 = 17 (More weight, less reps) - an extra rep on the first set though and I only last pin pressed 5 days ago

Klokov Press - RP - 11/15
40KG x 9, 4, 2 = 15 (trailing this, felt good)

Dips - 11/15
30KG x 11, 3, 2 = 16 (new to workout A3, less weight than previous cycles but triceps heavy pressing carried out previously)

WG Pull Ups - RP - 15/20
BW x 10, 3, 2 = 15 (new to workout A3)

T-Bar Low Row - SS - 10/12
40KG x 12 (new to workout A3)

B3 - 13.11.13 - Front Squat Friday.

Machine EZ Curl - RP - 20/30 - RP - 20/30 (again)
15KG x 16, 7, 5 = 28 (same weight, more reps)

Cable Rope Hammer Curl - SS - 11/20
Pin 9 x 15 (same weight, more reps)

ISO standing calf raise - SS - 10/12
Dropping calf exercises while I work on mobility for front squats & snatches.

Paused RDL's 3ct - SS - 10-15 -
120KG x 10 (reset for rep 6 (grip) (Benchmark - new to workout B3)

Front Squat - 4/8 [120s] 20
130KG x 4 PB (Using my Adipowers, bit greedy here as it's probably too heavy this early on)
90KG x 15 (Again too greedy and fell 5 reps short, heavier set was too taxing)

Need to remember to walk out further as I bailed the bar into the squat stands and sent them flying/spinning towards me, again :/

That marks the end of the first 2 week phase of my second cycle of DC.

Friday's workout is going to be moved to Monday as I want to have some proper practise at snatches and run through some movement drills. Have a mini-meet on the Saturday too so it'll also leave me fresher for PB's.


I've dropped calf exercises to work on my snatch/mobility more. It's coming along well, what I thought was 'active shoulders' in the rear rack position I think was actually just rear delt/delt weakness & lack of endurance in maintaining this position, it's become much more stable & comfortable but still plenty of room for improvement in lots of areas (the overhead squat this is).

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Wait, that's wrong, lol Derp - 90KG :( (140 x 20 was from an old - hack squats I think)

Takes me so bloody long to write these workouts out! (even using a template!)
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Edit: This week I seem to be suffering from anxiety. I've had this before (when buying a house funnily enough) where I am unable to take a 'full deep breath' and feel the need to yawn almost every minute. I do eventually manage to take a full deep breath/yawn but it is frustrating and doesn't really help when you're gassed in the gym! Fine in the day, probably just getting too excited about lifting :/

A1 - 16.12.13 - DOMS in all the right places

Flat Bench: RP - 11/15
117.5KG - 6, 3, 1 = 10 (More weight, less reps) I'm not counting reps that were unassisted, no matter how little (1 on each set)

Push Press: RP - 15/30 (swapped & switched with DB press no back rest)
62.5KG's - 8, 2, 3 = 13 (more weight, less reps) These didn't quite click today :/

CGBP: RP - 15/20
80KG's - 14, 4, 2 = 20 (Same weight, more reps)

CG Chin Up: RP - 15/20
BW + 8.25KG - 11, 3, 2 = 15 (More weight, less reps)

Paused Deadlift 3ct: 5-8 / 8-10
140KG x 8 (benchmark)
120KG x 10 (benchmark)

I've switched to mixed grip on Icecold's advice, it feels a little alien though my T-spine is much tighter in the lift, there is a little lumbar movement during the 3ct, probably due from this no longer occurring in the t-spine. Will keep an eye on this before/as I progress weight wise. Should strengthen up soon enough.

B1 - 18.12.13 - Hack Squats of Hope.

Snatch Drills:
Soft Press
Hang Snatch
Snatch Balance
Snatch Pulls

All x some either @ bar / 30KG / 40KG, Snatch Pulls up to 70KG, need to get the hang of these, I'm not familiar with pulling myself under the bar just yet.

EZ Curl Machine: RP - 20/30
16.25KG - 16, 7, 4 = 27 (More weight, more reps)

Hammer Curl: SS - 11-20
14KG's - 20 = 20 (more reps, same weight) - Forgot to increase weight, will do next time.

Standing Calf Raise - SS, 5s.neg/15s.hold/0s
Scrapped as above.

GHR: RP - 15/20
BW - 13, 3, 2 = 18 (less reps, a little disappointing but paused deads did rape my hamstrings quite badly!)

Front/Hack Squat: 5-8 / 20
210KG x 8 PB (same reps, more weight)
150KG x 20PB (more weight, same reps)

Quite happy with these, consistently adding 5KG every 2 weeks and getting all my reps as easily as the week before :cool:

So snatch drills feel like cardio! Wut is this?! Effectively cardio during a bulk?!

40KG Hang Snatch x 3

40KG Hang Snatch x 3 - Slow Mo (slow mo processing at time of posting)

40KG OHS x 4

Bit off balance on the 4th hence the step back at the end.

Feel like I'm making good progress with the snatch/OHS. Planning on having a coaching session in the new year (chap unavailable Friday unfortunately) before I develop any bad habits.

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Nice drills. :)

The hang snatch has good leg drive (start moving to just above your knee but pushing your bum back), but make sure you keep right over the bar - your lats should be on fire by the end of a set.

And where is the shrug? A man of your trap-acity should be able to snatch that weight with just your shoulders. ;) Harder!

Overhead squats could do with some more uprightness in your trunk, but looking a LOT better than your first attempts. :)
Nice drills. :)

The hang snatch has good leg drive (start moving to just above your knee but pushing your bum back), but make sure you keep right over the bar - your lats should be on fire by the end of a set.

And where is the shrug? A man of your trap-acity should be able to snatch that weight with just your shoulders. ;) Harder!

Overhead squats could do with some more uprightness in your trunk, but looking a LOT better than your first attempts. :)

All noted! Feels a lot more comfortable, watching things in slow mo highlights I need to try and keep the bar path a bit closer to my body which will probably happen with more of a shrug and leaning back a bit more after the bar passes the hips. Would also make for getting under the bar easier I imagine.

I felt a bit tight in the shoulders/chest but did thing I need to be a bit more vertical for the OHS. Will have time to properly mobilise tomorrow before drills.

Drills again tomorrow \o/
I think I see what you mean, and keep the bar just below the hip crease with your lats? I can see how being further over the bar allows you to generate momentum as it gives you greater distance to throw.

Also <3 hero.
Mirin, will go a bit deeper on the hang snatch :cool:

My point is that you're coping fine with the drive phase, so time to increase the ROM and put the pieces together.

Typical teaching pattern is from the top down...

POSITION 3: Standing straight, knees slightly bent...
POSITION 2: Start from 3, push bum back with shoulders over the bar until the bar passed your knees...
POSITION 1: Snatch from floor.

Do it.
Some of yesterdays snatch drills.

Struggling a bit with the second pull once I go from below the knee so need to reenforce this movement as it's not explosive enough and doesn't feel like second nature yet (not surprisingly).

Breaking from the knee & knees forward has helped my torso position, replicating more of a high bar squat, quite a bit of tucking going on though.


Snatch 40KG

Snatch to OHS 40KG

Snatch Balance 40KG

Snatch Pull 50KG & 60KG

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