I've been making mead for quite some time now. I currently have a 5 gallon batch aging.
Mead is drunk like wine. The old ancient recipes where they were typically drunk from horns and whatnot didn't use the sort of yeast we use today - it was also nothing like modern mead. Drink a glass of ancient mead and you'd probably get food poisoning! We have totally different tolerances to the crap they had floating in it in those days.
You -could- drink mead by the pint, however, mead has so much sugar in it that yeasties can quite easily keep chugging away for ages (depending on their alcohol tolerance of course). The mead yeast I use has a cutoff of about 22%, most of my meads finish at about 18-20%. I don't think I'll be drinking that by the pint.
I suppose you could use a lower tolerance yeast, but you'll have so much left over sugar, you'll end up with something that tastes like melted down pick n mix.
Meads are drinkable as soon as they've finished fermenting. Don't believe the myth that they need several years to age. It's all down to personal taste. Higher alchol meads tend to need a while to age to allow the alcohol to somewhat settle, and for the taste to refine. It also allows the mead to clear, letting the sediment and other crap sink to the bottom - this also refines the taste (though this can be done in 7 days with the use of bentonite).
I'd recommend doing a 1 gallon batch, to see how you get on. Mead is said to be really easy, but it actually isn't!
Oh, and for God's sake, use yeast nutes and energizers. Honey sugar is not the sort of sugar yeasties like to eat!