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Melted CableMod 4090 90 degree adapter

20 May 2020
Hi all, I had my 4090 installed with a CableMod 90 degree adapter now for around 4 to 5 months with zero issues.
However yesterday I started having random black screens in gaming and even just browsing the Web. Tried updating drivers etc to no effect, finally thought I'd reseat GPU cables and found that the 90 degree adapter had melted slightly at the bottom and completely fused itself to the GPU power connector.
Now I'm unable to remove the adapter and obviously the GPU is pretty much bricked.

Anyone have similar issues, contacted both Asus and CableMod support so hopefully can get this sorted under warranty.

Wish me luck
20 May 2020
Thanks for the replies guys, have contacted both Asus and CableMod support, just a waiting game now. Not helped by the fact its a bank holiday weekend, hopefully won't be without a GPU too long
20 May 2020
I can't believe that this is even an issue on a card that costs £1600 - what exactly did they skimp on?
Seems like the 12vhpwr connector is just poor design, I'm willing to bet that the 50 series is using an entirely different connector. While the 4090 performance was great once I get it sorted with either refund or replacement I'm seriously considering selling it on and just buying a 7900XTX instead
20 May 2020
No idea, does the 3090 use as much power as a 4090 even?
Yeah it's a different connector, has sense pins across the bottom which are apparently the cause of a lot of these issues.
Had a 3090 previously with zero issues, the connector always felt solid on that card. Even when fully plugged in the 4090 connector feels wobbly, such a poor design for a £1500 GPU
20 May 2020
As for reports of user error, I can confirm my 90 degree adapter was always connected flush with no stress at all on the cables, checked it every couple of weeks when cleaning out my system etc and I've seen varying reports of this happening even on the supplied Nvidia adapter and the ATX 3.0 native 12vhpwr cable.

Not entirely sure what's going on but I think we can all agree the connector is fundamentally flawed and Nvidia should be held to account.
20 May 2020
Just to update the thread, I've had a response from CableMod today, who have told me to contact Asus and if they refuse RMA then they will cover the cost of any repairs for the 4090 themselves.
Very helpful and it's good to know if Asus try to wriggle out of a warranty claim then CableMod have your back, can't fault them really.
Will update the thread once I've heard back from Asus
20 May 2020
Well had my first response from Asus this morning and it was exactly as I expected, they've said its a Customer induced case and I will be unable to RMA the card, so basically I've got to send it to a 3rd party for repairs and luckily CableMod are going to reimburse me the costs including shipping once it's finished.

Very poor from Asus, but again I think all the AIB companies would probably do the same. I'll be thinking long and hard before I ever buy a Nvidia GPU again, spent the best part of 2 grand on a GPU with a supposed 3 year warranty and now I'm left with this, Crazy
20 May 2020
Thanks for all the replies guys, I've decided to send the GPU to a repair company here in the UK, CableMod did recommend Krisfix in Germany but would probably take twice as long and not too comfortable sending my GPU on a tour of Europe tbh lol.
The UK company have said they've repaired a lot of these already, had over 20 4090's in last month alone, all using a wide variety of cables and all failed on the same row of bottom pins melting, I don't think this issue is as rare as Nvidia would like people to believe.

I don't hold Asus accountable, they are working on slim profit margins and they are within their rights to void warranty with 3rd party cables much like all the other companies do. It's completely shocking from Nvidia, every single one of these things should be recalled and fixed.

When a fairly small GPU repair company says "Oh another one" over the phone when you tell them the problem, then it's not exactly a rare issue is it.

If Nvidia are still using this connector on the 50 series cards then I'll be using AMD from now on
20 May 2020
So reading your post (I'm sorry you had to go through this nightmare) I'm taking a few things from it. I'm currently using Cabelmod braided cables pci-e for corsair 16-pin to 3 x 8 pin and I'm guessing by doing so if same thing happens to me I'm voiding my warranty with Nvidia? I'm using an 4090 FE by way. If this is so I'll go back to Nvidia octopuses adapter. Can you name the repair company for future reference in case it happens to any of us and tell us what the cost is please.
Hi mate, yes with those cables Nvidia will probably void your warranty. The company is called B-Hawk Gaming based in Wales they repair CPUs, GPUs etc, very good reputation.
They've quoted me around £120 for the new connector including postage back with Royal Mail Special Delivery, not a bad price at all imo. Its not a big job I've been told, just a case of removing the old connector and soldering on a new one, so should be a pretty quick turnaround, they are usually repairing cracked PCBs etc which obviously take a lot longer.

Krisfix in Germany is another option, they have an expedited service but again I didn't fancy sending my GPU abroad, you never know if you'll get hit by customs tax etc when it comes back.
20 May 2020
According to the guy at Asus I spoke to the only power cable covered under manufacturer's warranty is the 4x8 pin to 12vhpwr cable included in the box, anything else is considered aftermarket.
Crazy really, but I guess they are just covering their own backs.
Nvidia should be doing a lot more really, it's their **** up after all
20 May 2020
Yeah I saw the Gamers Nexus video, was pointing mainly to user error for the melting cables, have no interest in dragging up all that again tbh, what's done is done. In fairness from what I'm hearing the CableMod 90 degree adapter does have more of these melt issues than just a direct cable connection, but obviously it still happens, just less often.

If anyone is still using the 90 degree adapter I'd recommend taking it out for now, CableMod are working on an upgraded version apparently, but I've pretty much lost interest at this point.

I'm probably gonna sell the 4090 once it's repaired/replaced and go with a 7900XTX, I'll lose 15-20% performance but I'd take that over a bricked GPU any day of the week.

Appreciate all the replies, hope to hear more regarding the GPU repair over the coming days, will update this thread till I'm all sorted.

Cheers guys
20 May 2020
Random black screening while trying to play tonight , followed by a distinct smell of burning plastic ... yep another 90 deg adapter melted in a 4090 :mad: I've reached out to Cablemod as want this card repaired rather than a replacement:rolleyes: check those adapters and cables people ,checked mine once a month and was always firmly pressed home ....


Sorry to hear that mate, get in touch with CableMod support and they will help you out, Asus were pretty much useless for me but you may have more luck with your AIB, worth a try.
My TUF 4090 will probably be going on Ebay once it's repaired, still waiting for the company to fix atm.
Been doing some research on the 7900xtx while I'm waiting, and I'm about 90% sure I'm switching over to AMD, not going through all this again in a year or so.

Best of luck mate, let us know how you get on
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20 May 2020
I have sent them an email tonight along with pics so hopefully they will get back to me sharpish , as i mentioned above i actually want this GPU repaired and returned ( brilliant oc card :cry: ) and not after a replacement so hopefully they offer to pay for the repair which i will be happy to accept. It is actually an FE card albeit in a EK Active water block ( which now has a nice burn mark ) , i could contact Nvidia and possibly get a warranty replacement if needed but would mean i don't get this card back so want to avoid that . Have Cablemod recommended a place to send it to repair in the Uk and if so who ? I was thinking of sending it to Krisfix in Germany to fit a new Power connector which looks like it will be around the £200 figure if i get stuck ....

Will keep post in this thread any updates i get etc :)
Yeah CableMod recommended Krisfix but I didn't fancy sending my card overseas tbh.
Sent mine to B-Hawk Gaming based here in UK, very good reputation and obviously costs less for shipping, They did say they are pretty busy right now, up to 2 weeks for turnaround.
Very reasonable price also, around £120 including postage back I've been quoted.
Fingers crossed they get to mine soon

I think there are a few other places here in UK who can do the job as well but Krisfix is probably going to be the quickest turnaround, especially if you pay for expedited service etc.

Best of luck with it all anyway mate, and I'll post back here once my card is back
20 May 2020
Emailed KrisFix in Germany this morning about repair and they said the are in a partnership with Cablemod and need to wait for them to get back to me which i am currently waiting for... decided to dismantle the card to see exactly what has gone wrong and it seems the socket has mainly melted from behind which has then made the adapter get stuck in place , can also clearly see it was pushed all the way home and would not go any tighter yet still melted , the PCB seems ok with no burn marks on it just the plug .

Edit: I have just received an Email back from Cablemod saying 2 options which are return card to Nvidia for RMA or they will pay for the repair at KrisFix. I have accepted the repair so will get it sent off for Monday.


I had an update from B-Hawk Gaming about my 4090 yesterday, he's managed to remove the adapter and is now awaiting delivery of the new connector so he can remove the burnt one and solder on the new part. There's been a delay on the shipment of the connectors apparently so it's taken a bit longer than he initially thought.
It's a fairly quick process he's assured me so once the new socket is delivered it should be be back with me the next day.
Thankfully there is no burn damage to the rest of my card either, some aren't so lucky I hear.

Hope you hear back from Krisfix soon mate
20 May 2020
From what I've heard it's more common with the CableMod 90/180 degree adapters, but even direct cable connections have been known to melt also.
Once I get my 4090 back I'm very tempted to sell it and buy a 7900XTX, but I play on a 32:9 5120x1440 Neo G9, so need all the performance I can get really, so may have to just suck it up and keep the 4090. It will always be in the back of my mind though, couple of my friends with 4090s have been checking their cards every day since I told them about my problem, it's a joke really, Nvidia should recall them and fit the new connector to every card
20 May 2020
Update from my end, finally got my 4090 back from B-Hawk Gaming today, fitted with new connector and all working fine. They did a great job of the soldering, very quick turnaround and sent pictures all the way through the process, total cost was £114.50 including return shipping. So for now the 4090 is up and running again. Have sent invoices over to CableMod and they are gonna put the refund in my PayPal account in the next 2-4 days.
Can't complain at all really with the service from B-Hawk Gaming and Cablemod, both did a great job.
Only thing is now I just don't trust it not to happen again, really considering selling it on and switching to a 7900XTX but running a 32:9 ultrawide I need all the performance I can get tbh. Plus I guess the resale value of an opened 4090 with no warranty remaining isn't gonna be all that great is it. Decisions decisions lol
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20 May 2020
Can't say I could tell the difference, if it was the newer connector or not.
Although I did notice the new one had way less play when plugging the cable in, the original socket would wiggle back and forth even when clipped in all the way, on the repaired socket it sits super tight with no movement at all. Guessing that's a good thing.
But again I'm not convinced that it won't happen again at some point. I'm not using any more angled adapters for sure, will maybe wait for revised versions before trying again
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