Memory Latency should be lower?



28 Jun 2014
PC specs in signature. Timings from Ryzen RAM Calculator. Ran a stress test for a while with no errors.
Also played Warzone for hours with no issues. I just feel like things could be better that maybe somebody with experience in memory overclocking might see.

I also can't get it to run at 3800mhz and 1900 fclk no matter what the timings are. I know my CPU can run 1900 FCLK because I was running it for quite some time on my other ram kit.

New kit is also Samsung B-Die

Old RAM kit was G.SKill Trident z Neo CL 16-19-19-39 running at 3800mhz / 1900 FCLK


New RAM is G.SKill Trident Z Neo CL 14-14-14-34 Running at 3600mhz / 1800 FLCK and at timings posted below.


Appreciate any input!

One thing to note with Aida is when running the benchmark you can't have any programs open at all. Even having Discord open can hog resources as it constantly checks to see if people are online/offline. OneDrive in the background etc.

Also as soon as you click start benchmark don't move the mouse. Yes even moving the mouse can change numbers.

If you have Windows 11 apparently that's pretty bad with latency and stuff atm (can't tell from screenshots sorry). If everything is how it should be, I would think 55 is correct.

Also it might be worth turning on just XMP (save your current BIOS profile) and see what numbers that gives you. My 14-15-15-35 kit gives me 57ns on a 5800x.
I have no extra programs running or open. I just ran it again to be sure and got 58 ns.

When I first got the kit installed, I ran it just with XMP and it was at 66 ns! I will try again just to make sure nothing funny was going on.

I would think even just at XMP this kit would have had me below 60 ns before tuning.

I am on Windows 11 but I think they fixed those issues already?
Yes you should be at around 57-58 before tuning.

They said they fixed the issue but I still wouldn't trust it 100%. There was multiple fixes issued afaik. Also I think you need latest amd chipset drivers for the proper compatibility with 11 so ensure that is done.

11 would be my guess. Nothing else makes sense.
Did you reset CMOS after installing the new kit to let the memory train?

Should easily be able to do 3800/16 and most likely 3800/14 on the new stuff.
Yes you should be at around 57-58 before tuning.

They said they fixed the issue but I still wouldn't trust it 100%. There was multiple fixes issued afaik. Also I think you need latest amd chipset drivers for the proper compatibility with 11 so ensure that is done.

11 would be my guess. Nothing else makes sense.

I have the latest bios and chipset installed. I switched back to XMP and here is the results.

Did you reset CMOS after installing the new kit to let the memory train?

Should easily be able to do 3800/16 and most likely 3800/14 on the new stuff.

Yes CMOS has been reset a few times. That was my thoughts as well.

I thought for sure I would be able to still run at 3800mhz on the new kit with much tighter timings. Was not a cheap kit so rather disappointed in the results.
I have the latest bios and chipset installed. I switched back to XMP and here is the results.

Yes CMOS has been reset a few times. That was my thoughts as well.

I thought for sure I would be able to still run at 3800mhz on the new kit with much tighter timings. Was not a cheap kit so rather disappointed in the results.
If you drop the fclk down from 1900 to 1800 will it let you run 3800mhz on the ram?
Might have to give that a try. Almost tempted to put Windows 10 back in and see if that helps any.
Put Windows 10 back in. Not much changed really.

RAM at XMP 14-14-14-34 @ 3600mhz = 60.6 ns

RAM at tuned 14-13-13-26 @ 3600mhz = 57 ns

So Windows 10 looks to be roughly 1 ns faster than Windows 11. I still feel I should be lower with my setup.
I would defo agree your Latency should be lower, your read speed should higher as well.
To give you an idea of where you should be, the screenshot below is mine with 4x8gb sticks of B-die at 3733Mhz. With your timings i would expect latency to be similar to mine and your read speed as well.

Here is the latest result. A little better but still not where it should be in my opinion. Also still annoyed this kit won't run 3800mhz when my cheap kit was able to just fine.

Mine won't run 3800 with 4 sticks, but it runs 3733 fine and always has done. Try yours at 3733. Ryzen cpu's do have a memory hole and it varies from one cpu to another.
For instance, mine has always refused to run 3800 at 1:1 with 4 sticks but will run fine at 3800 and beyond with 2 sticks. Your ram is Dual rank, so may well have the same issue as me even though you only have 2 sticks.
Mine won't run 3800 with 4 sticks, but it runs 3733 fine and always has done. Try yours at 3733. Ryzen cpu's do have a memory hole and it varies from one cpu to another.
For instance, mine has always refused to run 3800 at 1:1 with 4 sticks but will run fine at 3800 and beyond with 2 sticks. Your ram is Dual rank, so may well have the same issue as me even though you only have 2 sticks.

The RAM I ran at 3800mhz was also dual rank. I posted the kits in the OP. I haven't really messed with the frequency to much. I get errors pretty quick with just XMP and setting it to 3800 mhz. My cheap kit ran at XMP and set to 3800 mhz no problems.

So I just been focusing on lowering the timings as much as possible. Though it might be a waste since AMD does not seem to benefit from RAM overclocking like Intel.
Though it might be a waste since AMD does not seem to benefit from RAM overclocking like Intel.

Is that a genuinely serious statement ? Intel has nearly always been so so about ram overclocking. Amd on the other hand and Ryzen in particular absolutely has big gains from ram clocking.............................did you not read anything before buying into Ryzen ?
Let me specify that I'm talking for gaming. In particular Warzone, where intel users see a massive jump in fps from overclocking their RAM. AMD on the other hand does not really seem to gain much of anything as far as gaming performance goes.

I mean, just from going from 3600mhz 16-19-19-39 XMP to a better kit with 3600mhz tuned 14-13-13-24 did not seem to gain me much of anything. So from what I have seen others say, and my own experience I'm not impressed.
Good to hear. What voltage are you applying to memory?
It's at 1.45v. I could get more out of it if I upped the voltage to 1.5 but it tends to get over 50c. So I need to find a good cooling solution before I go any further.
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