
Got this message.

"You may not publish or post other people's private information without their express authorisation and permission."

Something to do with an injunction?

Edit - Independent is reporting it as a bug...

It sounds like a silly situation and something Twitter shouldn't be getting involved with.

How does Twitter know you don't have whoevers express permission?

How do they know you know what its about?
"it's a bug" covers everything and says nothing. It's better than "the dog ate my homework", but it works for that level of excuse as well.
From what I've read French Football player Memphis Depay has managed to trademark 'Memphis' although this is unlikely to be the reason for the Twitter ban, it's more a badly configured filter on their end.
Old news. Just like when you type your password on these sites and it obfuscates it.

e.g. my password is *******
It's a private company they can do whatever they want. If you want to talk about Memphis start your own platform and then when your servers get shut down host it in Russia, then when your payment processors refuse to have you as a customer operate on a cash only basis, then when cash gets replaced by digital currency go and live on the street with all of the other far right, free speech/freedom of expression/freedom loving and anti-"private corporations having too much power" Nazi's.
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A place where all the idiots of the world go to post crap which no one else would allow them to.

That is why Trump and is merry band of cultists tweeted all day. Since the orange cheato was banned the average IQ of a tweeter increased by 17 points!
Trying not to tweet it is like when you’re a kid and an adult tells you not to touch something. You just can’t help yourself
I'm unbanned now. Given I only use my twitter account to follow F1 teams posting pics during races, the ban wasn't exactly an issue!

Memphis tweet remains available
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