MemTest errors when CPU OC with Ryzen Master

Sounds like you are having similar issues to mine on the same motherboard. I was having a load of memory errors at stock on my Corsair 3200 kit. I had originally set XMP and manually set memory voltage to 1.35 as per spec. This just didn't work. Ended up using the same beta bios you have and reset bios and entered things manually from the Ryzen DRAM calculator. Did eventually get stable at stock but no higher. Seems like the auto settings just aren't right.
That SOC voltage of 1.5 sounds a bit on the high side too!
Still many errors in memtest after my last test.

I'm sending it back, thanks for the help from all of you!

I hope next MB will not be a pain ^^
I'll let you know!
Can't decide if I should return the cpu as well...
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When I had the similar issues I eventually just sold up my AM4 CPU + MB and switched to an 8700k + MB setup - Plugged it all in, set everything and never looked back.

I persisted with the 1700x from launch till 2700x launched, had that for a few months then eventually cut my losses. At the time the CPUs struggled in some titles too which just became too frustrating coupled with cold boot issues etc.

The platform/new chipsets etc will mature, but if you are tired of troubleshooting things that should just work then it's always an option.

Or if you keep the CPU and return the MB for one people are generally having a lot of success with.
that's my plan. PRice range for 3700X and the performances are just what I need. Not a hard core gamer, so Ryzen is perfect for me!
Just wondering which MB to order.... Any clue? (Don't want to go over 300 euros...)
I don't have any first hand experience with these new boards, but perhaps the Asus TUF Gaming is worth a look - seems good value I have always had a decent experience with Asus boards and you can usually find some good videos/guides for settings others have had success with.

There is a WiFi version for £10 more.

Hopefully some others more experienced with this gen of boards can provide you some insight or maybe change your thread to reflect motherboard help or post a thread in there for some advice.
I'm going for the MSI MPG X570 GAMING PRO CARBON WIFI.
Had a MSI with my 3570K, never had a single problem.
Hope this one will be as good, since it's 3 times the price :))))
I'll report this weekend when I get the MB!
Hi there!
First try : xmp not perfect with msi 570 gaming plus carbon wifi - over 90 errors in memtest in a few seconds.

Set voltage manually and main timings.

Still got 1 error, it's been running 2 and a half hours.

I need to install windows again, but I'm a bit lost as far as this memtest error is concerned.
I've already changed ram, changed the MB...
And I still get errors even after I set different things manually in the Bios.

I'll be testing different things during the week end, but if anyone can have an idea of what to do with my ram problem, I'm all ears.

I could use it like it is, but I understand even one memory error can lead to much bigger problems, right?

Next step after windows install, I might forget 3200mhz once and for all, and try 3000mhz.
A shame considering the price I paid for the Ram.

Edit - the error came on 2nd pass to be precise, finished pass #1 with no error.
Maybe it just needs more tweaking.
It’s possible your imc needs something tweaking for 3600mhz, if you run Xmp but lower ram speed to 3200, does that work ok? If fine check 3400.
Then look for some info on what needs tweaking for the imc etc.
Sorry this is quite vague
I know it's early Bios, but I've got a good set of ram, and still getting errors even at 3000mhz, settings on auto or set manually (haven't tried with bad timings like 16 18 18 at 3000mhz)

I'm currently testing everything on auto except ram V on 1.35.
That is ram at 2133mhz. If that gets errors, don't know what to change ^^

I've run the ram on an old pc, old MB, ram 2133mhz max. No errors.
set it with stupidly bad timings like 20 20 20 20 etc and see if you get errors. You can pass memtest but still crash in applications. Does the computer crash at all? if not then don't worry about it.

don't put your SOC at 1.5 volts either as you could kill your CPU IMC.
That's my question yeah : I've been using the PC only for a moment...
Not enough to make sure it doesn't crash, but I haven't had bsod or crashes...
It's when I got occt errors or memtest errors that I started to get upset ^^

The thing is I'd rather know it now, if something needs to be changed, because I can still return some parts!

I managed to get ram set manually and still have 'only' 4 to five errors in memtest...

Edit : if I test with bad timings, what speed?
end of MemTesting.
No problem yet in windows or light gaming, but MemTest still gets me errors when Ram set at 2133mhz, voltage 1.35 / SOC voltage 1.1
Timings 16 18 18 18 if I remember correctly.

what then? I keep it like it is, and pray my system holds on for a few years? :) Or RMA the CPU while I still can? I don't know what it can be at this point...

Here's the report :
Last test finished.
Bios reset at stock values.
Getting same memtest errors as before with faster frequency / voltage boost.

They happen just like the report above, starting from the 2nd pass.

I just don't understand why.
I hope sending my cpu back will help, since that's what I'm about to do!
What do you think?
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