Oh of course, I do actually feel really threatened by a tea boy :'(
If only you knew some of the stuff we used to say in the DR about you peasant folk.
Oh of course, I do actually feel really threatened by a tea boy :'(
If only you knew some of the stuff we used to say in the DR about you peasant folk.
Oh of course, I do actually feel really threatened by a tea boy :'(
If only you knew some of the stuff we used to say in the DR about you peasant folk.
Well, at least Duke can spell "honourable"
and hes childish enough to correct peoples spelling and post silly gifts in reponse to peoples genuine posts which should rule him out straight away
Corecting people' speeling isjt childish.
Correcting people's spelling isn't childish.
It can be
It is unless your genuinely trying to educate people but the majority of the time I'm pretty sure the person in question knows the poster would realise there mistake if they had bothered to read their post instead of typing with haste
It is unless your genuinely trying to educate people but the majority of the time I'm pretty sure the person in question knows the poster would realise there mistake if they had bothered to read their post instead of typing with haste.
It was entirely international ! and extended to grind some goatees and to prove a point
If you didnt notice i evren nijetsoo edeated my post to make that transparent
What's happening here... Burnsy on a post editing spree?
What's happening here... Burnsy on a post editing spree?