Men of Honour 2012

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Iirc, when I first had the title, I was 'woman of honour' but it changed back to 'man of honour' when it was re-instated. :)
You realise those who don't remember those times will now wonder why it needed to be re-instated :p:D
"You can take our lives, but you'll never take our pancakes!"

You need an avatar with that too? :D

That could be a sig. The Declaration of A G Barr.

"You can take our lives, but you'll never take our Irn-Bru" as I take my knew found status off on a seditious rampage far into the South-East of England to destroy Brit-Vic HQ in Chelmsford.
Nitefly....because he is a sad panda at not being mentioned (some are simply so obvious they don't need it), but mostly for encouraging me to read Life of Pi.
It was more fun when Spie chose who he wanted as you could sit back and laugh at all the people who disagreed with him or complained about his choices getting banned :D I'm sure many of the very long-term members here all have their own lists of 'How the **** did they become a MoH??!!' Posters too...;)
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