Poll: Merge in turn - why does nobody get it?

Who was in the right?

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13 Apr 2009
But by merging earlier - like all the other morons - he would be incorrect, and be contributing further to the already dire state of that traffic jam. The queue would be half that length if people merged properly.

This sort of thing annoys me more than I would like to admit.

:Edit: Ok Squerble, good point, fixed.

Thanks, Zefan.

Most things on the road I'm happy to let go (being cut up, people pulling out on roundabouts), but this one really annoys me.
7 Feb 2004
North East
I agree with the merc driver. I dont think the road layouts help though in a lot of cases, where it looks by design as though one lane carries on and the other merges into it. It might get the message across better if it were a Y and both merged into a new lane.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Two people now.

Beerbaron, Calm. Maybe neither have a license as it is? :confused:

It's annoying I see it daily, not exactly the same situation but same principle.

Roundabout from supermarket with dual exit, either lane can be used for straight on, but obviously you need to be left hand lane for going left. Yet everyone ques up in left lane, blocks the roundabout whilst traffics lights are red, jamming roundabout. Yet 95% of cars go straight on as that's the main route.
7 Dec 2011
It's a bit cyclical really - too many don't realise both lanes are for using all the way along or for whatever reason are happy to wait.

People further back get frustrated by this and in turn end up putting the foot down blasting along the queue. A bit more restraint from them in terms of speed (A class guy is a prime example) and a bit of brain power being exercised from those just sitting there means the world is a happier place all round
28 Sep 2012
Monterrey, Mexico
Some angry dad in a brand new X1 tried to do this to me last year when I was on my way to get my alloys refurbed. Unfortunately for him, the lane was easily wide enough for both of us so I simply drove alongside him, safe in the knowledge that if a wild kerb appeared it wouldn't make any difference to me anyway.

I'll give him credit, he was fairly committed to blocking me; so committed that he burst a tyre and ruined two alloys when the kerb inevitably appeared on his side. My dad was a few cars behind me and stopped to inform him of what an idiot he was, which apparently did little to improve Mr Angry's temper.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Their really needs to be a TV add campaign, I wonder how much it costs the economy, lost man hours, extra fuel, CO2 Emmons etc. I bet traffic James would say a significant reduction.
21 Jan 2003
What you do is create a far worse traffic jam, that affects unrelated routes.
500m que in one lane, or 250m que using two lanes.
Now if there's a roundabout 300m from the narrowing, by queuing like an idiot you've jammed the roundabout up in all directions.

Alternately with merge in turn you've blocked two lanes of carriageway one of which could have been used for emergency services.

That said, I've nothing against MIT in principle, but if 90% of drivers decide to form one long queue, the other 10% are simply taking advantage of the situation, majority rules.
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Doesn't have to be signposted.

Yes it does. If there is no sign saying "Merge in Turn" then you are required to move as soon as it safe to do so, and before your lane runs out. ONLY if that sign is there will the correct option be merge in turn. And you will never see that sign on fast roads, because on a fast road merge in turn is a stupid idea. It only works on slow roads, where all lanes move at the same speed - the slower the better. Because (a concept many here struggle with) if a vehicle moving at 70 tries to merge into a lane moving at 56 then a lot of braking is required. And someone is going to time it wrong, over-brake, cause a concertina effect and cause yet more frantic braking etc. Seriously, why do so many people not understand this? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that all the people saying "merge in turn" are the one shooting down the right-hand lane and pulling in at the last moment, before feeling desperately smug about how only they use lanes properly. No, you aren't.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Alternately with merge in turn you've blocked two lanes of carriageway one of which could have been used for emergency services.

That said, I've nothing against MIT in principle, but if 90% of drivers decide to form one long queue, the other 10% are simply taking advantage of the situation, majority rules.

What, they aren't taking advantage their driving properly. People should learn and use two lanes, not force others to drive in one lane.
Great so those six junctions and side rodes you blocked, means the ambulance is 3 miles further back, because that's all jammed up. And that actually happens often, what should be a small tail back, is extended by using one que, which blocks one junction and from their it multiplies as cars that could use other routes are now blocked as well. Making the que grow exponentially.

Utterly silly comment.
21 Jan 2003
What, they aren't taking advantage their driving properly. People should learn and use two lanes, not force others to drive in one lane.
Great so those six junctions and side rodes you blocked, means the ambulance is 3 miles further back, because that's all hammed up.
Utterly silly comment.

Wow calm down dear. If everybody else is queuing you should respect that, just like somebody else might have a difference of opinion. :rolleyes:
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Wow calm down dear. If everybody else is queuing you should respect that, just like somebody else might have a difference of opinion. :rolleyes:

Why should I respect that. Merge in turn is quite clear. It's there for a reason.
It's you who needs to learn.

Most people lack a bit of critical thinking and don't realise what's happening behind them due to stupidity. Use all lanes available.
That's why busy exits on roundabouts have dual exits, with merge in turn. So you don't cause massive tail backs.
Man of Honour
5 Jun 2003
Yes it does. If there is no sign saying "Merge in Turn" then you are required to move as soon as it safe to do so, and before your lane runs out. ONLY if that sign is there will the correct option be merge in turn. And you will never see that sign on fast roads, because on a fast road merge in turn is a stupid idea. It only works on slow roads, where all lanes move at the same speed - the slower the better. Because (a concept many here struggle with) if a vehicle moving at 70 tries to merge into a lane moving at 56 then a lot of braking is required. And someone is going to time it wrong, over-brake, cause a concertina effect and cause yet more frantic braking etc. Seriously, why do so many people not understand this? I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that all the people saying "merge in turn" are the one shooting down the right-hand lane and pulling in at the last moment, before feeling desperately smug about how only they use lanes properly. No, you aren't.

If people weren't so selfish and encouraged people to slip in in front of them, they could keep the average speed to 30-40 mph or so and this would be a higher speed than cramming together for miles on end.

If you make a gap for the car in front then people can merge more effectively. Packing yourself together is not efficient if you look at the fluid dynamics of it it just doesn't add up. Merging in turn is more efficient.

This is what people end up doing because they're being selfish:


If people spaced themselves out and let people in whilst keeping a higher average speed you'd get a much more efficient bit of filtering:

21 Jan 2003
action similar it

Why should I respect that. Merge in turn is quite clear. It's there for a reason.
It's you who needs to learn.

You need to learn to be more tolerant clearly. I said I agree with MIT in principle, however, what people are doing on the road at that exact moment dictates the correct course of action and response.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
You need to learn to be more tolerant clearly. I said I agree with MIT in principle, however, what people are doing on the road at that exact moment dictates the correct course of action and response.

I'm perfectly tolerant, this has nothing to do with tolerance.

It in no way dictates the correct course. Yay majority are doing something wrong lets all do that.

I'll try saying that in my safety course tomorrow and watch it drop like a lead gallon.

Yet another silly comment by you.
Mass usage, does not make it correct, does not mean the people with knowledge should bend to doing it wrong.
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