Just watched the first trailer linked... wtf
This link direct to MGS ont he PSX?
He's been in a coma for 9 years according to the vid.
Everyone looks younger, Maybe a prequel to MGS?
Any day now its going to pop on Steam apparently!
Its going to be a console port with QTE + cut scenes galore which is probably why so low profile for a game still coming out this yearYeah Saw that the other day, Am I the only one in saying that I didn't mind the game, despite the weird storyline and ropey voice acting.
Lets just hope its not a bad Console port and it actually utilizes some of the PC power we have....doubt it though, still gonna get it, haven't played the DLC (IF, they've bringing the DLC to PC)
Imagine MGS4 properly made for PC...Visual galore right there.