Metal Gear Solid. The Phantom pain.

MGS 5 Online start today open Beta.

Cant link atm Google :D

Been waiting for this since the games launch!

Hopefully it'll be as great as single player and play just like it, but much much better due to playing with other real players.

Cloak and dagger mode looks good

Cloak and Dagger is basically Team Sneaking.
One team is the defending team, and has only lethal weapons. Their job is to defend two data discs from being stolen by the attacking team.

The other team is the attacking team, and has only non-lethal weapons, and infinite stealth camo. The stealth camo for the whole team temporarily goes off if anyone is shot. Their job is to steal one of the discs from the enemy and get it to a terminal. If they can do that they win, if the time runs out and they don't, the other team wins.

The maps also look really good, lots of dips and crevices to hide in etc.
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Ok been playing a bit of MGO, there are some bugs some people are having, game crashing, not launching etc..

Had a few rounds online and it's pretty good, 3 different classes to choose from.
Will comment more once I've got to grips with it a bit more.

Few screenshots:






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You will have to wait a little while for me to replay that mission, I can't select it any more as a side OP. What triggers whether I can replay them again?

That said, I am now completing side objectives in the main missions, but doing it with ALL markers off. Reticule, position, ammo icons... everything. It feels great to be honest, much more immersive. As I said I would not have done this from the start, but now I have completed it, its the right way for the game to stay fresh.

Oh and roll on MGO!
How are the keyboard and mouse controls for this game?

I've played this exclusively on mouse and keyboard. You can tell it was designed for controllers in that the same keys are often used in different ways contextually, but overall I've been comfortable with it.
I've played this exclusively on mouse and keyboard. You can tell it was designed for controllers in that the same keys are often used in different ways contextually, but overall I've been comfortable with it.

So it feels just as clunky as the Splinter Cell and Assassin's Creed games?
^ TBH no, the mouse and keyboard for movement and aiming works fine. It's more the secondary functions (e.g. object interaction, Choke hold actions) but those soon became second nature.
I may try it once its out proper, but MGS is all about single player imho. Always has been this way :)

I sort of disagree. One of the major highlights of MGS is the sandbox nature of gameplay.

Which in theory could make for some fantastic MP experiences. I have never tried MGO in any of its forms, but am looking forward to it when it finally gets sorted for PC.
Must say after 10+ missions I've lost the desire to carry on playing.

This is not the sort of MGS I've come to know and love.

Where is the storytelling?
Where are the cut-scenes, a series staple since MGS2?
Where are the character interactions?
Where are the cool/weird bad guys, ala Dead Cell or the Cobra Unit?

This "MGS" is basically anything but. It's more like a typical open-world game like Far Cry or something.

And for me the loss of story, loss of cut scenes, loss of character interaction has drained the magic that MGS used to have.

I have to say, Revengeance was more of a typical "MGS" style game than this. And that wasn't even a stealth game. But it had the bonkers plot, cool characters, cutscenes, dialogue in spades...

In MGSV, my character is basically mute, and what "story" there is is delivered via audio-only cassette tapes. Really poor :(
And for me the loss of story, loss of cut scenes, loss of character interaction has drained the magic that MGS used to have.

I have to agree. The gameplay is great, but the storytelling we're used to from other games is lacking. 'Part two' of the game is basically replaying the same missions from the first part and you have to get the 'Real' ending via the bonus DVD or on youtube because it was cut from the game.
There are quite a few cutscenes and weird/unique baddies but these come in to play over the course of the game and the game does take a while to complete.

In certain respects it is repetive, but if you've only played the first 10 missions you won't have seen much of the weirder and quirker side of the game.

Nothing really gets as mental as a flaming man riding a unicorn and a whale swallowing a helicopter in episode 1 though.
I have to confess, I've given up too and uninstalled it. First time I've never bothered playing an MGS title to the end. Game was fun for a while but ultimately as others have mentioned, rather repetitive.

Still, look on the bright side.......more gaming hours I can devote to Fallout 4!! :D
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