Except 3 was very narrative driven like the other good games in the series, whereas 5 largely pushed that to one side in favour of repetitive missions, an open world completely devoid of any life or atmosphere and making you act as HR manager for the base. MGS5 is proof that open world gameplay doesn't necessarily improve a game.
The game wasn't perfect, but there's so much fun to be had and so much to do in 5 just like 3 that you can just get lost in it all. Sucks it didn't have the overall narrative the others had, but it had some amazing cutscenes and you name me one open world game that doesn't have parts that are devoid of life or atmosphere. Even The Witcher 3 had big clumps of filler space between the settlements or monster dens. The game's not perfect by any means but saying it's a bad game is just... It had the Fallout 4 curse, on launch and for a few months people were fapping themselves senseless over the game and then a year or so later a couple of them pipe up and say 'Hey that game sucked actually' and then a bandwagon is formed, minor flaws are strawmanned into giant ones and the game sucks all of a sudden. Starting to see that a lot with stuff nowdays.
With 5 I mostly ignored the base management and soldier capturing crap, the tacky RPG/Strategy mechanics can be ignored in favor of the glorious Action/Stealth, and when you focus on the games strengths it's almost as glorious as Snake Muncher. The stuff you can do to mess with the AI and the way you can use practically anything to kill or complete an objective took me back to when I was a kid. Sucks the story wasn't there but eh... If you kinda just waddled through the previous games only really enjoying the cutscenes and the story you're probably not going to like 5 as much, but 5 was gameplay-wise a remake of 3, something I'm very glad it returned to.
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