MGS4, worth getting?

One thing to try on the PSN there was something called the metal gear database, in it contains every character, storyline, weapon infact EVERTHING related to Metal Gear. One huge benefit of this is that spoilers are blacked out until you have done that part of the game in MGS4. So say for example you dindt know who big boss was or Zanzibar land the MGS database will tell you but not give any spoilers away until you have finished that story arc in the MGS4, best of all its FREE!

As for the game itself, dont be put off with the talk of long cut scenes, skip if you want ( i wouldnt though), its an amazing experience gameplay wise. Its one of my Favourite games of all time, and possilbe the best this gen (until i play U2 lol). Keep with it and you will have great fun with the game, if it gets a bit heavy stop playing for a while and come back later.
started my MGS4 over the weekend! just got ast the drebin cut scene.

overall like the game a lot.

bad points: i cant seem to get far without being detected ... so i always end up dusting off loads of bad guys and then hiding in a bin for a while. i try to creep i try to use octocamoflauge but i find that running up to my opponent grabbig him and stun knife or now i just use the silence handgun on them?!
Don't run! Sneak up behind them and whip it into weapon view to make him hold them up!

That's been my favourite part of MGS since #3.

<move round to front of them>
<shoot kneecap>
The game is awesome, take your time, enjoy it, go through the tutorials and become a pro at disarming and choking etc as this is a much more fun way of taking enemys out, play it on a hard setting imho as once its completed I found it got boring trying on a harder setting, don't know why! Proberly just me!
I bought the Platinum for £14 or so. Was really looking forward to playing it. Tried the first bit, dodged some guys and some armoured vehicle, got spotted by one and ran away to hide but for some reason he just kept on finding me. Ended up chasing me around half the level, couldn't get away from him like he had some kind of radar. Got bored/frustrated, turned it off, not played it since.
^^ thats what happened to me on the demo for ages i couldnt get past the APC...

i did it first or 2nd go on when i got the full game...

basically u need to go right and stick to the inside part...wait for the men to face the wrong way, then wait for the APC gun to face the wrong way, sneak around...

go into a house. pray no-one sees u.. if they do just run up to them and R1 them in the face followed by triangle...keep running...i think i made it to the end of the mission being chased by the entire army! but i made it!

keep persevering, first 2 levels are a bit alike (for me) in that respect that you are gonna get detected and u might have to fight yr way out/leg it and pray...alternatively u need to get around many walls so you are out of site and hide in a bin.. wait for the things to die down, and repeat!!
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