I was reading the recent article in the Daily (fail) mail:
Picking through all the crud, the only important bit of information is really that he is in the minimally concious state. If you want to know in more detail what this is, take a look here:
My own Quick (total noob) summary after reading this is below:
There are two main parts of conciousness, Arousal (Wakefullness) and Awareness (of the environment and self).
Michael is likely to have retained Arousal, but impared awareness to be classed in this state.
This might be simply eye tracking, or small physical gestures, and perhaps some basic vocalisations (not actual talking), or any combination/variation of the above.
This state can continue indefinitely, or patients may recover slowly going through a confusion phase before recovering well (Think Richard Hammond)
Extreme Cliff notes:
Essentially, Michael is likely to be partially concious
This is pretty much exactly what was said in the great blog by Gary Hartstein back in January:
"Whereas a patient in a vegetative state shows no signs of awareness, a patient in a minimally conscious state will show definite signs of awareness of either self and/or of the environment. This may include obeying simple orders, some intelligible language use, or other behaviors that seem “goal directed”. Examples would be appropriate emotional responses, appropriate eye tracking, consistent and appropriate movement or vocalisation in response to language (not just sounds). These signs usually fluctuate through the day, and over time. Importantly, the chances of meaningful recovery from a minimally conscious state are higher than from a vegetative state. They are however, still disappointingly low."
So essentially, we know no more now, than we did then, in terms of his recovery
Still, with all that said, I hope he proves everyone wrong!