CPU temps are between 50-60 on all cores, when not in game thy drop to between 32-40.
Installed afterburner and set my temp limiter from 80 to 100, but now my graphics card hits 85-90 after about 5-10mins in the game, whats a dangerous temp for the card?
Settings in Afterburner are;
Core (greyed out)
Power Limit 100
Temp Limit 100
Core Clock 0
Memory Clock 0
Fan Speed auto (27 idle, 60 when in game)
I'll add that the GPU load hasnt ever gone past 67% when im in GTA V on the normal settings for everything, and i have vsync set to 59hz (my monitos refresh rate). The only game i don't have any microstutter on is FIFA 15, fully maxed out, and also GRID Autosport is fine too.