Global Corporation.........................ROFLMAO.
All your servers and "experts" are being outsourced to Bangalore. IT is just button pressing. Real skill comes in programming, designing architecture and systems.
That is why in the global corporation, I do business with (note: not work for), pays buckets of cash for 21 year old c/c++ linux gurus, who turn up for work, half stoned, at 1pm and bash a keyboard for 100 euro an hour. None of them have a certificate, but they all have Phds in real tough subjects such as Maths/Physics etc.
Show me an "IT" expert with a Phd in Maths/Physics.???????????????
You really have no idea. Firstly I must have missed the outsourcing e-mail. I thought Global (for someone with a PHD) would have been self explanatory but obviously not. By Global I mean we have branches around the World. All of the IT is centrally controlled in the UK - I hope that clears it up. We have a team of 60 developers. A mixture of Java / C++ / .NET All of the other developers are currently outsourced to Russia (another 20 or so). However the internal IT support team is to valuable. If you outsource to other countries you get crap service no matter what you outsource. You also then have data protection issues (or the lack of it). Having someone onsite who you can go to (and chase if it's not fixed in an appropriate SLA) is invaluable.
If you want to be arsey I know our Cognos Developers get paid £700+ a day and theres no programming involved. They don't have PHDs nor do they have certs but that also means once the development is done they're out of there. So you must be stupid to program when you can earn a lot more by learning Cognos. You can also earn a lot more by becomming an MP so why not go do that.
Anyone can use version control, yes. But why rely on a developer to do it. All developers I know don't care about it - in fact most release modified code under the same version numbers. Having a tool whereby it forces you to do this is invaluable because every one knows that Devs are lazy when it comes to the admin part of the job. Especially when version control is FSA regulated and needs to be proven (for somethings like Solvency 2). Saying 'I put 1.2 in my code' doesn't really cut it.
You keep with your Indian chaps I'm sure they're not to fussed with getting back to you. You may get a call back in around 8 hours or whatever there SLA is (and lets not forget about the time difference). It's also well known that all IT support do is connect mapped drives. They don't install and maintaint the entire infrastructure you need to work. Button pressers? What the hell do you think you are?
How many people, let alone programmers, RTFM? Surely if you're that good at your job as you seem to claim to be then why would you RTFM?
Judging by your posts you sound like an absolute idiot. Why would any company pay a 21 year old, with no past experience, a high wage? Do they specifically have contracts on job boards for these 21 year olds? Is that a pre-req? All of the Devs that I've worked with have been over 30. Why? Because they have a proven record of delivery. I'll also tell you that they weren't on anywhere near 50k. The lead developer was on £40k and he managed the entire team.