Militarism and London 2012 Olympics

29 Aug 2003
Speak for yourself... :p

In seriousness, I do agree with you there really. A large part of the armed forces really does have no real "job" when they're in this country. As you say when not on deployment or preparing for it a lot of the services just literally have nothing to do.

Not all of us mind!

You are our safety net really, our lads normally come out and help grit and dig when the snow hits hard and if it floods bad etc.

Manpower, and a good spirit to get a job done especially for the local community.

Still think 13,500 with missiles and SAS and stuff is a bit OTT but if you say so.. :D
10 Jan 2006
Still think 13,500 with missiles and SAS and stuff is a bit OTT but if you say so.. :D
when you say it like that it does sound quite OTT;) however when you actually think about it, the scale of the event, take into consideration the jobs needing done, the size of the area/venues needing to be covered, the fact that it wont be 13500 soldiers working all the time(shifts?) and some of them in command and control and planning positions, logistical sopport etc etc etc

SAS well i'd imagine they will just be on back up incase of kidknapping/hostage situations etc, which wether or not they announced it they would have been on standby for anyway, this release of info will just be to intimidate any would be trouble makers.
24 Aug 2010
the expensive security firms are being used to replace soldiers that are coming home from the middle east so that strikes savings off the list. i dont give 2 tosses how many military china had at their games, we know they are a totalitarian country and rule with brute force its no surprise. a lot of people on here must want that.
29 Aug 2003
when you say it like that it does sound quite OTT however when you actually think about it, the scale of the event, take into consideration the jobs needing done, the size of the area/venues needing to be covered, the fact that it wont be 13500 soldiers working all the time(shifts?) and some of them in command and control and planning positions, logistical sopport etc etc etc

See even that sounds crazy, it's a sporting event - ok a hugely massive sporting event - not a theatre of war.

SAS well i'd imagine they will just be on back up incase of kidknapping/hostage situations etc, which wether or not they announced it they would have been on standby for anyway, this release of info will just be to intimidate any would be trouble makers.

Yeah I suppose, just thought that's what the police are for. Army on standby.. but it doesn't really effect me just found it a bit comical in writing.
Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
You are our safety net really, our lads normally come out and help grit and dig when the snow hits hard and if it floods bad etc.

Manpower, and a good spirit to get a job done especially for the local community.

Still think 13,500 with missiles and SAS and stuff is a bit OTT but if you say so.. :D

13,500 troops are being employed in this instance because that is simply how many people are needed to control a terrorist attack of a significant size, with the increase in population that will undoubtedly happen due to the games.

Special forces personnel are by far the best choices for dealing with terrorists, they are trained and tasked specifically with counter terrorism duties. To not employ their skills in this case would be idiocy.

As for anti aircraft missiles, in the event of terrorists acquiring control of an aircraft our armed forces will be much better prepared to take action against them than if they don't deploy anti-air defences. Again, why leave London open to that kind of attack?

:edit: Reading the replies since I started writing this post, it's clear to me I'm trying to talk sense into people that have next to no idea what goes in to defending this country. I'm not going to waste my time doing that any further.
29 Aug 2007
I preferred it when the OP talked like THIS to emphasis his POINTS in case we MISSED THEM, and then posted annoying and terrible youtube videos posted by debunked and self-absorbed wackos.

Oh the glory days, how long ago they seem :(



10 Jun 2007
Yeah I suppose, just thought that's what the police are for. Army on standby.. but it doesn't really effect me just found it a bit comical in writing.
Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but I'd read/heard that there is always an SAS squadron (or troop) on standby in London anyway.

Probably beats hanging around Hereford.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
i dont think propaganda works on terrorists lol.

I think it does, why do they scope out jobs. You also have high risk of kidnappings.

Look at one of the f1 races last year wheRe several drivers where chased by armed assailants. Ok in brazil I think it was. But the risk is still there. From a large number of sides. Not just Muslim fanatics.
29 Aug 2003
13,500 troops are being employed in this instance because that is simply how many people are needed to control a terrorist attack of a significant size, with the increase in population that will undoubtedly happen due to the games.

Shouldn't that be prevent? :eek:

Or is control prevent in army speak?

Special forces personnel are by far the best choices for dealing with terrorists, they are trained and tasked specifically with counter terrorism duties. To not employ their skills in this case would be idiocy.

Of course. They are normally on standby anyway I was led to believe.

As for anti aircraft missiles, in the event of terrorists acquiring control of an aircraft our armed forces will be much better prepared to take action against them than if they don't deploy anti-air defences. Again, why leave London open to that kind of attack?

I suppose, I just thought the airforce itself could deal with that as they normally do.

:edit: Reading the replies since I started writing this post, it's clear to me I'm trying to talk sense into people that have next to no idea what goes in to defending this country. I'm not going to waste my time doing that any further.




11 Dec 2004
and il bet IF something happens and we find out they had a handfull of static guards on minimum wage many people would be crying about it.

the gov cant do right no matter what they do.
24 Aug 2010
13,500 troops are being employed in this instance because that is simply how many people are needed to control a terrorist attack of a significant size, with the increase in population that will undoubtedly happen due to the games.

Special forces personnel are by far the best choices for dealing with terrorists, they are trained and tasked specifically with counter terrorism duties. To not employ their skills in this case would be idiocy.

As for anti aircraft missiles, in the event of terrorists acquiring control of an aircraft our armed forces will be much better prepared to take action against them than if they don't deploy anti-air defences. Again, why leave London open to that kind of attack?

13,500 troops are being "deployed" not "employed" they are military personel not fresh out of a jobcenter.

Special forces would be the best because in this situation you want things to seem as normal as possible with SAS working behind the scenes. we dont want london looking like downtown baghdad which seems to be whats happening.

Anti-Aircraft missiles is completly out of order. with the insane security now at airports, a bearded man and a box cutter should never again joyride a 747. if it happens then it was allowed to happen, simple.

this whole operation is to put fear into the population so when the government takes away basic rights they can say its to make you safer. this extreme use of force is to desensitize the population so over a little time they are used to military being everywhere and being searched at will. its also to desensitize the military and get them used to watching their own people because down the line they will be on the streets if the economy falls apart.
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24 Aug 2010
"The Times reported that Section 44 of the Terrorism Act, which allows the police to stop and search without any cause or even suspicion, will be applied throughout Britain. This is combined with the Olympic Act, which gives the police the right to force their way into private property and remove protesters and banners. Limits on the powers of police have been lifted, and this has been extended to security staff contracted to the Olympic authorities."

read what this says. you dont even have to be suspicious and they can bater you with a batten. if they dont like what your saying and flag your waving they can bust into your house and do what they like. come on guys are you seriously ok with this. dont give me the karma crap that if i dont hurt anyone nobody will hurt me. these laws are not put in place for cave dwellers. its for the people of britain.
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Man of Honour
15 Jan 2006
Tosche Station
Oh ok then, I'll bite.

13,500 troops are being "deployed" not "employed" they are military personel not fresh out of a jobcenter.

I am in the military, currently "deployed" thousands of miles away from the UK. I know exactly what that word means. All your condescending tone goes to show is your pathetic eagerness to jump all over any weakness you perceive - in this case mistakenly - in someone's arguement. The word "employed" has multiple meanings. In this instance I meant it as they are being used, like a resource, employed to fulfill a task. In your apparent infinite wisdom I'd have thought you'd be able to work that out, but apparently not.

Special forces would be the best because in this situation you want things to seem as normal as possible with SAS working behind the scenes. we dont want london looking like downtown baghdad which seems to be whats happening.

You seem to be completely out of touch with reality here. How many special forces personnel do you think we have? Please, do your research before making yourself look stupid.

Anti-Aircraft missiles is completly out of order. with the insane security now at airports, a bearded man and a box cutter should never again joyride a 747. if it happens then it was allowed to happen, simple.

The anti-air defenses are there merely to protect against the eventuality, god forbid it should occur. You're right in saying that it shouldn't happen, but that doesn't mean it won't. Preparing for something like this is simply standard procedure, making it out to be anything more is sensationalism at best, insanity at worst.
18 Mar 2008
I don't see much wrong with this, even if i think the security in the sense that seems to be deploying in Airports and in general is destroying the liberty that its "supposed" to protect. (more the US frankly, which is a shame)

The only costs here would be the fuel for things, generally, the military are already getting paid, though im sure news agencies will involve that into a tally of the costs.

Either way, i really don't mind, its London, i don't care for it and i find the Olympics a tad boring nowadays, should really force them all to take steroids to make it interesting... :cool:
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