Militarism and London 2012 Olympics

29 Aug 2003
read what this says. you dont even have to be suspicious and they can bater you with a batten. if they dont like what your saying and flag your waving they can bust into your house and do what they like. come on guys are you seriously ok with this. dont give me the karma crap that if i dont hurt anyone nobody will hurt me. these laws are not put in place for cave dwellers. its for the people of britain.


V for Vendetta style eh?
24 Aug 2010
i think the security in the sense that seems to be deploying in Airports and in general is destroying the liberty that its "supposed" to protect. (more the US frankly, which is a shame)

well said, its the point im trying to make. its far worse in America but its starting to roll out here now. like i said the olympics is being used to speed it up and get people used to it. the US and UK military along with both populations are being told that the soldiers are fighting for freedom. the reality is that both countrys are turning into police states which is the complete opposite of what we are "supposed" to be fighting for. its completly insane and a lot of people dont get it and need to be aware of it.

Add: They dont want to kill us because we are a free people (supposed to be) they want to kill us because our military is being used to invade and overthrow governments, setup bases and build infrastructure to take their natural resources like oil. i think people would be a bit peeed if it happened to them.
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19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
For the truth;

This is down to poor planning from the outset, not some daft conspiracy to militarise London ( :rolleyes: ); the Olympics are severely undermanned for security, we were told this last month and that we should expect to cancel any leave/holidays if needs be to cover that short fall. I don't think you're going to see troops charging around London armed. Instead they're going to be stood around manning entrances and positions just like your standard security in a high vis vest.

Clearly by having a presence is just a deterrent, nothing more, the point about the typhoons being overkill... deterrent to 9/11 scenario perhaps??!

We know if there is going to be a strike it will happen, then all tin foil hat sensationalists can create a 50 page thread about how they would have administered the security plan instead.

believe it or not the country will be saving money by using the armed forces for this, we get payed wether we do it or not why go and hire private security firms to do it when you already have a massive force at hand? baring in mind the police force is already stretched to breaking point as it is. lets face it unless you are getting ready to deploy or are deployed we arnt doing much else why not keep us busy:D

Speak for yourself, we're maxed out 24/7!
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21 Nov 2004
perhaps we should look on it as a show of force by the uk as well?

similar to the military parades the russians were always so fond of.

show the world our fine troops out in their perfectly pressed uniforms and spit shined boots(plenty of tourists at the games) flash a couple of typhoons over the stadiums at various points. stick our biggest and best (ahem and only carrier-albeit a helicopter one) ship in the thames. its also about showing a bit of British pride as well I think.

add to that the fact whats the bigger detterent, a trained soldier with an automatic weapon slung over his shoulder or a rentaguard in a hi-vis If you were a would be terrorist or trouble maker your going to take one look at the security and think nope, its not a good idea
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5 Mar 2009
Of course they will be. Any half-decent armchair-General with a bookcase full of Tom Clancy novels will tell you that. :p

:D Just working my way through Rainbow Six at the moment, by the end I should be able to command a band of elite warriors, he does make it seem rather easy.

As far as the op is concerned, it's a major event, the world will be watching, what better place to stage an attack if you want maximum coverage, I think it's a good idea to deploy troops and extreme security measures as a means of stopping anything that may occur. Thinking that this regime will continue afterwards is pure tinfoil.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
God I wish we'd never won the Olympics the costs are ridiculous the 'security' bonkers and all so a tiny number of people can watch an even smaller number of people compete for some medals. Although this is the first time I've been glad we ditches the harrier at least we will only have Ocean flying helicopters instead of Invincible with a full air wing on the Thames!
22 Nov 2005
perhaps we should look on it as a show of force by the uk as well?

similar to the military parades the russians were always so fond of.

show the world our fine troops out in their perfectly pressed uniforms and spit shined boots(plenty of tourists at the games) flash a couple of typhoons over the stadiums at various points. stick our biggest and best (ahem and only carrier-albeit a helicopter one) ship in the thames. its also about showing a bit of British pride as well I think.

add to that the fact whats the bigger detterent, a trained soldier with an automatic weapon slung over his shoulder or a rentaguard in a hi-vis If you were a would be terrorist or trouble maker your going to take one look at the security and think nope, its not a good idea

or a look were not ruined , were still a major world power ......
12 Dec 2002
Totalitarian airport system??

You mean the control of our boarders and flight safety measures? Please explain.
I think the OP should go and visit China or a country with an exit visa system.
28 Dec 2009
I knew it was going to be a security wet dream at the tax payers expense. I was saying that at least 2 years ago. After seeing the Canadian winter Olympics security, where they practically turned the city in to a high security prison. This all goes back to the terrorist propaganda and terrorist hysteria that everyone was inflicted with last decade. They also like spending other peoples money on security because it makes them feel good.

The canadian winter olmpics cost something like $6 billion and they made a loss of something like $5.5 billion, with 90% of that on security.

It is a disgrace when they treat everyone like a potential terrorist and spend a $1 billion in two weeks. Even if there was one explosion from some loon it would still not be worth spending $1 billion imo.

I also guarantee that if you realy put your mind to it, you could walk right in to the restricted areas without a problem. It is all a show, they just like spending money on security. That is why there are these multi billion £ terrorist budgets, it is because they like spending money on it, not because there are £1 billion worth of terrorist to stop.
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10 Oct 2005
[TW]Fox;20809345 said:
Where have all the conspiracy theorists come from lately? They are everywhere these days.

Sadly so true, may be [FnG]magnolia's thread the other day was right .. maybe we should have a conspiracy theory sub-forum where this kind of thing can be kept ...
14 Aug 2008
North Sea
Switched off at the revelation that apparently the Olympics are about the new evil strawmen in society, banker's, extorting us for their pension pots.

Mastubatory Conspiracy Fantasists: block mind control attempts by eating a big handful of powdered glass.
11 Dec 2006
Erm, you do realise that most of us (I say us, I'll be a civi by then :D) will be stood around event venues and carparks telling people where to toilets are, pointing them to free parking spaces and other such boring mashalling duties. Exactly the same as we do for many football matches and other sports/public events. This is just on a bigger scale due to the size of the event itself. And 99% will not be armed in any way.

The Typhoons will be doing the same job they do 24 hours a day 365 days a year, just from a different location closer to London. The GBAD is there as a backup (it takes time to get fighters in the air, no much good against some nutter in a light aircraft).
7 Nov 2009
perhaps we should look on it as a show of force by the uk as well?

similar to the military parades the russians were always so fond of.

show the world our fine troops out in their perfectly pressed uniforms and spit shined boots(plenty of tourists at the games) flash a couple of typhoons over the stadiums at various points. stick our biggest and best (ahem and only carrier-albeit a helicopter one) ship in the thames. its also about showing a bit of British pride as well I think.

add to that the fact whats the bigger detterent, a trained soldier with an automatic weapon slung over his shoulder or a rentaguard in a hi-vis If you were a would be terrorist or trouble maker your going to take one look at the security and think nope, its not a good idea

Interesting view, and there's probably some truth in it. However, the troops won't be armed. They'll be in uniform with a high vvis vest and likely be wielding a clipboard.
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