Minecraft 1.15.2 Vanilla Server now up and running!!

Is this on the roof? or in the nether?

You guys still amaze me with the scale of some of these builds

It's just under the roof in the Nether, the reason being that overworld travel is truncated through the Nether! If you go through the portal at spawn it will take you right there - there will be a track to your place via the generic mob farm. I'll join your track to the mob farm one.
Thank you :)
Nether Station is coming together - Sylvet @hegemon has done a great job with the lighting and decoration! I've built up the selector redstone housing but not sure I like the block palette, but it's a start!!


End wall piece - can't decide if I like it or not. Opinions welcome!

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Sylvet @hegemon has come up with using NetherWart Bricks as the blocks for the selector housings. I think it's a good idea and has legs, so I've collected up some soulsand and netherwart and I'm growing a butt-tonne of it. What do y'all think?

I think it looks good you have all done a great job there. I will admit it took me way too long to work out how to change which stop you want. I didnt know that item frames can be used for redstone!

It's coming together nicely! Yes, you can compare to output of an item frame and it will change depending on the rotation of the item in it. To use this system you right click the arrow in the frame until it points to your required destination. The Redstone Lamp will light up to confirm your selection and then you hop in the minecart and off you go!! I'll bung up a sign there somewhere.

I've added some more Red Nether Bricks to the chests there. Made about 8 stacks and growing more netherwart if we need more.

Ive gone end busting and realised I have run off with the sword from the nether farm. (My nice diamond one is in the farm still :p )

I will attempt not to die!

Trying to get my first shulker boxes, cant believe I didnt have any yet.

I have just found some more elytra tho :)

Also if anyone on the server needs honey blocks I have a steady supply now. Will happily gift them or trade for slime blocks!

You stole the Iron Loot III Mending sword!!!!!!! Lol Have fun End busting :)

I'll trade slime blocks for honey blocks - how many slime blocks per honey block is good for you?
After emailing Mojang support saying my account has been hacked, I finally got a response today saying 'it looks like you were talking about the Windows 10 promo that has now ended, if it's not start a new ticket' and they closed the ticket. There are not enough face smashing onto keyboard/picard facepalms on the internet to describe the way I feel. :(:mad:

Awww jeez - that sucks. :(:(
Things have moved on nicely, I've been working on all the Westbound routes to complete the outbound and return lines, all these lines are now complete except one as I don't know the location of the endpoint. @haaammit do you have the coordinates of the portal to the Mesa?

Coolio - looking good! Great progress there!

Had a quick jump on and the Mesa portal is at -307 -353

We going to line the walls the same - netherbricks? If so I'll smelt a load up. I need to complete the rails and tunnels for the East bound lines - I think there's 3 left to do IIRC (Mushroom Island, Ice Spires and Jungle&Desert biomes). I need to carve out the tunnel to the Mushroom Island and widen the two tunnels. That leaves one rail spare on the Eastbound line! Nice!
All westbound routes are done and I've finished off the 3 existing eastbound routes, do you have the nether coordinates for the Mooshroom Island and Ice Spires?
I would say line the main tunnel that runs east and west but the side branches leading to the destinations themselves I'd leave as is.

I just hopped on to get the coords and well, what can I say? Outstanding work - all lines to all 15 destinations are in place!! (Leaving us 1 spare at the current platform/station) Epic. Just got the main East/West tunnel to line/decorate and then the North/South track tunnels to be decorated! Looking great!! :)

Just some interesting numbers pulled up from Coreprotect - in the last 8 weeks since this project started there has been 17376 rails, 2084 powered rails and 532 detector rails laid in the Nether for this project - a total of just shy 20,000 rails laid. 20 km of track lol! Anyone want to guess how much netherrack has been mined out in the last 8 weeks? I'll give you a clue - it's a lot!
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I'll be looking to update the server to 1.16.1 as soon as GriefPrevention updates. Spigot already has a 1.16.1 build, as does CoreProtect. As soon as GriefPrevention updates, so will the server :) (There may be a delay updating DynMap, but that's not super critical!)

Cheers - Ham :)
Apologies for the delay - server now running Spigot 1.16.2 plugins are still CoreProtect, GriefPrevention, Dynmap and UltimateTimber! Voxelmap is available on Fabric - Optifine seems to been soon.

Edit: Some of the automatic farms will no longer work. The Iron Farm at spawn is a case in point. I'll have to look at new designs to get it back up and running. I'll spend the day today checking out the autofarms to see what does and doesn't work and will update the list accordingly!

Hop on and have fun - Ham
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Can I be added? MrKnifeyRTW. Sorry for the same old questions, what mods do I need?

Added - it's a mostly vanilla server with a few server side add-ons like GriefPrevention and CoreProtect to protect your builds. You don't need any client side mods :)
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