Minecraft OCuK Forum Members Server Thread

Well yes, got the wood in the crafting square, clicking output but nothing happens..

EDIT: oops... wasn't using wood.. some other thing what looks like it :p
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Here's my contribution to the project for tonight (excluding the mining and step laying :D)


'night guys.
Also - I'll have a go at hosting a server at work tomorrow. If it works and garsands wants to send me the files I'll up it up to 24 slots for free.
How are you guys getting the resources for the Parthenon? Just legit mining and teamwork?

well for a start the site used to be a series of mountain sand valleys :p

That got us a slot fo stuff and there's huge cavers full of trees etc where we just paved over valleys :p

then al lover the place there's 1 wide shafts going down opening out into massive cobble stone mines :p

Feel free to join in an help use we're running low on coble asfter having to dig up the floor and relay it.

2 cobble stone for every 1 block of 2 high half step is a pain :p
Yeah but you only need it for the top layer at least, well, I hope you're only using it for the top layer anyway :p

It's looking awesome, it's inspired me to play online again, I'll come help out at some point
Got new error both servers now

Minecraft servers disabled for updates

What updates I am not sure

Your right Unknown error #123 is No Parthenon found, been replaced with a little wooden hut with a flower garden.
Minecraft - Updates
Oct 20 2010 09:07:26 by Killing
All Minecraft servers will be going offline now to allow us to update them to the new systems we have developed over the past few weeks to help enhance support for Minecraft.

We will post again once this work is complete.

Better control over the server I hope as I have very few options at the moment.
There are loads of mods garsands that give you extra options and controls :) Just check the minecraft forum, but I would wait and see what this update produces! Hopefully it won't be down for too long.
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