I had to have it running today no matter what. No other way to order the shopping for mum. I came back at it today. Fixed the RGB, tidied the wiring up and have that nearly finished and etc.
I've also realised what was "wrong" with this GPU. The memory is factory overclocked. Hence why when I removed that overclock by underclocking the memory it was OK on air in UE. The thing is it was 100% temp related. I could literally watch the VRAM temps and say "here come the orbs !". Obviously that isn't a problem any more. Not with temps like these. It's also running like a bat out of hell now.
Last time I was here I cut some graphics for the left side panel.
Nothing OTT. And today I made the cover plate for the right side that hides all of the cabling.
I've also realised what was "wrong" with this GPU. The memory is factory overclocked. Hence why when I removed that overclock by underclocking the memory it was OK on air in UE. The thing is it was 100% temp related. I could literally watch the VRAM temps and say "here come the orbs !". Obviously that isn't a problem any more. Not with temps like these. It's also running like a bat out of hell now.
Last time I was here I cut some graphics for the left side panel.
Nothing OTT. And today I made the cover plate for the right side that hides all of the cabling.