Missing forum member

Are they? Still the busiest forum I am on, with far less crud to trudge through like Reddit. All of the other 5 forums I have frequented over the years have faded in to near death, including one that was massive globally 10 years ago. OCUK forums have stood the test of time imo.

Well, there's quantity and quality that can decline, you're never going to short of 'Spec me a thing to spec things with..', 'Where shall I go on Holiday?', 'What common insect is this?', 'How do I do life?',' Someone looked at me funny and I don't know what to do?' not forgetting the ubiquitous 'What chair?' and 'What desk?' Threads here for sure...
Well, there's quantity and quality that can decline, you're never going to short of 'Spec me a thing to spec things with..', 'Where shall I go on Holiday?', 'What common insect is this?', 'How do I do life?',' Someone looked at me funny and I don't know what to do?' not forgetting the ubiquitous 'What chair?' and 'What desk?' Threads here for sure...

If you step outside GD this forum is actually interesting. I've learnt a lot from the Cuisine and Home/Garden forums!
If you step outside GD this forum is actually interesting. I've learnt a lot from the Cuisine and Home/Garden forums!

Not only that, pretty much every forum has a GD equivalent, which tend to be the busiest and silliest. GD here is still leagues above the competition even in that respect.
Loads of people just stop posting, the Forums are in decline, arbitrary censorship due to Moderator personal likes and dislikes rather than any actual 'Rule' infringement, and an awful lot of Moderator favouritism going on (X gets banned but Y doesn't for the same thing) so people just don't bother with the place any more.

What's the point in posting something or replying to something if a Moderator can come along and just remove it or most of what it is in context to? :confused:

No doubt this will be removed.. Sweep it all under the carpet. That'll fix it. :(

Not for a second implying your post was directed at myself alone, but I guess I can see how my 'No thanks' delete messages at times could be construed as a 'personal' dislike, just don't forget about the RTM function. Plenty of people on here quite rightly use it to raise issues within the forum so it's never just as simple as a moderator liking or disliking something.

If there is ever anything you're unhappy with, then contact anyone from the moderating team HERE.
I miss theo =( he was a git, but some of his posts made me giggle.

Lysander.... Was he the one that asked for people to attend his wedding? He seemed alright, apart from the strange theories

He is indeed, he asked for a witness for his wedding and I stepped up to the plate :).

I haven't heard from him for a while, last contact was on the anniversary of his wedding.
DanielMMS doesn't post much these days either, which is a little worry some given his public bout of fisticuffs with Cancer. :(
Well, there's quantity and quality that can decline, you're never going to short of 'Spec me a thing to spec things with..', 'Where shall I go on Holiday?', 'What common insect is this?', 'How do I do life?',' Someone looked at me funny and I don't know what to do?' not forgetting the ubiquitous 'What chair?' and 'What desk?' Threads here for sure...

I have to agree. Some of the best characters on the forum have been banned over the years, which always leaves a big hole. Leaving the forum filled with rule abiding, boring posters, like myself :(.
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