for every one that said he/she got an issue there are probably another 100 don't have any issues. if you actually read through any of the issues, it is usually down to user installation erorrs, or not undertsanding bios settings with the odd few having actual hardware issues ie bad ram/cpu/board which will result in RMA.
people who has problem there are 100 other users who has none. the ones who have problems and dont know the remedies will likely to post on forums way more than happy customers. so issues arising on forum or reddit is not a holistic view of any particular trending issues. unless there is hard evidence it is much more wide spread.
also these issues can stem from user installation errors, the odd bad board or CPU, incompatible hardwares, not updating latest stable biosm, no doign fresh install coming from intel platform, dodgy software, overclocking without doing stress testing. these problems are also symptonmatic to intel related hardware and intel users. if you search forum for "intel high temp" "inte Ram not working" you get a gazillion of results. so your view point is extremely biased.
regardless of the post by Dg.
the OP just games and having a £600 part that is way over the top is not necessary. a £400 CPU from either intel or AMD will do you good now and for years to come and be at the same gaming perforance as the £600 part. that extra £200 can be used to pay the scalper for a new GPU or put towards a new PSU if you intent to go down the route of 3080 or 3090.
the thing is generally its true what i put about running a intel cpu over a amd one. far less drama to just get it working. go read through amd threads. you will see . amd to get the best out of them messing with progs for voltage , heat , matching memory lala you get the idea. intel cpu put in works.