Barbell Cycling with Partner
Did this with one of the girls in the gym, she's had an amazing transformation over the last 15 months losing 5 stone.
3 Min Rounds
5 C&J for me, then partner goes 5 C&J, then back to me etc - max reps for the 3 mins. (I did 40kg, she did 30kg)
1 min rest
Same again but upping the weight - I was 45kg, she was 35kg, and then 3rd round 50kg, and 40kg for her. We got 126 reps total for the 3 rounds. Hard work with only 1 min rest between. Shoulders were blowing big time.
9.30 Conditioning Class
Worked with the wife on this one again.
6 min rounds - 3 stations
Barbell Cycling with Partner
Did this with one of the girls in the gym, she's had an amazing transformation over the last 15 months losing 5 stone.
3 Min Rounds
5 C&J for me, then partner goes 5 C&J, then back to me etc - max reps for the 3 mins. (I did 40kg, she did 30kg)
1 min rest
Same again but upping the weight - I was 45kg, she was 35kg, and then 3rd round 50kg, and 40kg for her. We got 126 reps total for the 3 rounds. Hard work with only 1 min rest between. Shoulders were blowing big time.
9.30 Conditioning Class
Worked with the wife on this one again.
6 min rounds - 3 stations
- buy in was 45 seconds of D&U's each for 2 rounds, then max cals on Bike for remaining 3 mins split how you want. Think we hit 58.
- buy in was 45 seconds of mountain climbers each for 2 rounds, then max ski cals for remaining 3 mins between you - didn't look at the numbers at the end! Too knackered
- buy in was 45 seconds of Russian KB swings each for 2 rounds, then max row cals. Again - didn't look as was done in by the end!