Mixed bag - Crossfit/Stronglifts/Spin


Barbell Cycling with Partner

Did this with one of the girls in the gym, she's had an amazing transformation over the last 15 months losing 5 stone.

3 Min Rounds

5 C&J for me, then partner goes 5 C&J, then back to me etc - max reps for the 3 mins. (I did 40kg, she did 30kg)

1 min rest

Same again but upping the weight - I was 45kg, she was 35kg, and then 3rd round 50kg, and 40kg for her. We got 126 reps total for the 3 rounds. Hard work with only 1 min rest between. Shoulders were blowing big time.

9.30 Conditioning Class

Worked with the wife on this one again.

6 min rounds - 3 stations
  1. buy in was 45 seconds of D&U's each for 2 rounds, then max cals on Bike for remaining 3 mins split how you want. Think we hit 58.
  2. buy in was 45 seconds of mountain climbers each for 2 rounds, then max ski cals for remaining 3 mins between you - didn't look at the numbers at the end! Too knackered
  3. buy in was 45 seconds of Russian KB swings each for 2 rounds, then max row cals. Again - didn't look as was done in by the end!
Who says you can't enjoy time with the wife!!:laugh::laugh:
Saturday Session

30 cal row into 100 single unders x 4 rounds for time. 11.56.
4 x 10 lat pull down @ 40kg
3 x 10 incline press @ 30kg

Short session whilst son was at his crossfit class.

Monday morning


30 seconds on/ 30 off - 10 rounds. Max Cal Ski

Total of 107 Cals over the 10 sets straight into death by Double Unders starting at 15 and adding 5 every round (1 min rounds)

I did single unders and started with 20 and added 10 per round. Got 85 done in the round of 120. Calves on fire!!!


Complex : Power clean into Front Squat into STOH into Squat Clean into Front Squat into STOH.

6 Rounds - increasing weight each time. Managed to do 50/55/57/62 then failed 64.5kg on 5th set but got it on 6th set. STOH caused the fail - the rest are not to bad at that weight.
Monday - Squat Homework

Back to 10's - yuck - anyway - 3 sets of 10's @ 75% of 1RM - 90kg for me. 3 sets done fine. Could have gone a touch more probably.



  • 250m row
  • 250m run
8 Rounds. Actually quite enjoyed this one despite not liking running. Rowed inside and ran outside. Paced it pretty well, fairly even on the row each round and finished in 19.01 which I was very happy with. Even ran the last leg with one of the girls who was struggling after I'd finished! Of the 5 of us doing this I was the fastest by about 45 seconds which I was chuffed with.

The weakness work :
  • 10 Min EMOM - 5 green banded pull ups
  • 4 x 10 @ 40kg lat pull down
  • 3 x 5 ghd's
  • Double under practice - still officially rubbish at them.

- 1 min on/1 min off x 8 rounds.

Assault Bike Max Cals- all aboard the pain train......Anyway 24, 21, 21, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21 - total 167. Totally empty legs after.


6 sets to find max complex:
  • 1 power snatch
  • 1 OH squat
  • 1 SQ snatch
  • 1 OH squat
  • 1 SQ snatch
Legs wrecked after conditioning and lack of a proper breakfast!! Anyway - worked up to 40kg before ending it there with jelly legs in the OHS. Will probably go again tomorrow or Friday at this with no conditioning before it!
Squat Bootcamp

Building towards a heavy 5 rep max, then drop 10 kg and get some sets done.

So did 100kg, 105kg (which is a PR for 5 reps), then dropped to 95kg and got 5 sets of 5 done. Really trying to get some volume in the legs for now. Hard session but felt good.


Weakness work all the way in a PT session.

- 10 min EMOM - 5 Knees to Elbow plus 13 reps to finish
- 20kg Kettlebell Alt arm rows 4 x 10reps
- incline dumbbell bench press 3 x 10 reps
- Then Incline press into shoulder press 2 sets to failure.
- 5km Cybex Arc trainer - 8mins 49 seconds.
9.30 Conditioning Class
  • Ski
  • ball slams
  • bike
  • box jump
  • row
  • sprawl bar touch

4 Rounds, 30 seconds on/ 30 seconds off.

10.00 Barbell Class

10 min EMOM - 3 Power Cleans @ 60% of 1RM

10 rounds - 2 Power Cleans every 90 seconds @ 80%

Then 12 mins to find 1RM - 65/70/74/77kg - 2kg PR :):) - then failed 80kg 3 times.
Nice to have the weekend off - 2 days without any training was nice to have a break.

Monday Conditioning

7 Mins to complete 1200m row into Max single unders (doubles are still working in progress)
=186 reps

2 mins rest

7 Mins to complete 1200 ski into Max 9kg wall balls

7 Mins to complete 60 cals assault into Max burpees

EMOM - 4 Rounds of each
  • 15 v sitsup
  • 15 russian 20kg KB swings.
sweaty work all round. short on time so no lifting today.


  • 400m Assault Runner - 90 seconds off
  • 12 x 10m shuttle runs - 90 seconds off
  • 400m AssaultRunner - 90 seconds off
  • 12 x 10m shuttle runs - 90 seconds off
  • 400m Assault Runner - 90 seconds off
  • 12 x 10m shuttle runs - 90 seconds off
time each segment.
  • 400m - 1.40
  • Shuttles - 36
  • 400m - 1.35
  • Shuttles - 36
  • 400m - 1.35
  • Shuttles - 35

Running not my favourite but went at it hard. Those assault runners are brutal. If you've never tried or been on one it's hard to describe how much different it is to just running 400m on the flat.


Power Clean - 10 ascending single reps to find 1RM, Then 3 mins max reps at 80% of that 1RM.
  • 60kg
  • 62.5kg
  • 65kg
  • 67.5kg
  • 70kg
  • 72.5kg
  • 75kg missed one
  • 75kg hit
  • 77.5kg hit - 0.5kg PR
  • 80kg hit - 3kg PR thanks to a quick tip from one of the other lads working with me. Chuffed with that as that is another PR on top of Fridays 2kg PR.

3mins @ 80% (64kg) - 20 reps. Happy with this as well.

Good session all round - hard work but PR's are coming along nicely at the moment.


  • 5 x 500m rows - 2 mins rest between each one. Aiming for 4-5 seconds off your max single 500m
Not sure my max single 500m is but went out fairly hard and seemed fairly consistant.



Power Snatch - 10 ascending single reps to find 1RM, Then 3 mins max reps at 80% of that 1RM.

55 (missed twice)

Then 19 reps @ 80% (42kg)

Some Double under practise as well.


PT session - Worked on T2B, and linking them. Not a strict EMOM but worked on doing T2B, then kip, then T2B, then kip etc - Got 4 t2b in a set - pleased with this as singles was all I could get before. So whilst I'm having to put the extra kip between them, it's improving my grip strength and time on the bar

4 x 10 Australian pull ups
4 x 10 Lat pull downs

Kipping pull up

Conditioning Class

8 Mins - You go, I go
  • 7 Cal Row
  • 7 Burpee over rower
  • 14 20kg
2 Mins Rest

8 Mins - You go, I go
  • 7 Cal Ski
  • 7 15kg Slam Balls
  • 14 Alt Leg V Situps
Good session with a new chap who has just started - think I got 5 rounds of each done in the time.

Barbell Class

DT Practise

3 Rounds - increase weight each round if possible.

  • 1st Round - 3 Mins on - DT - Split reps anyway you want between partner and yourself. I started at 40kg for 1st round and did full DT round then partner went (again new chap so he was just getting used to movements etc) - We did 3.5 full rounds between us.
  • 1 min rest
  • 2nd round - I went 50kg and we split it into 9 reps each and got 3 full rounds done between us
  • 1 min rest
  • 3rd round - I went 60kg, partner stayed with 40kg. Aimed for 6 reps each of DT and got 2 full rounds plus 12 deads done.

Then Power Cleans
  • 2 reps every 90 seconds @ 80% of 1RM. 64kg for me. 10 Rounds
Then 5 Rounds of singles every 90 seconds for a 1RM.

Started at 70kg/74/77/80 to equal my PR, and then 83kg. Missed 83kg 3 times but stayed on it as I was certain I had it. Coach gave me a small tip and finally got the 83kg. Walked it out a little but still well chuffed with that. Power clean was 75kg at the start of the week, now 83kg!

Good weeks training, and some real signs of progress for me personally.

Quick session as son at his crossfit class.

Hero WOD - Randy

75 Power Snatch @ 75lbs (35kg) - 6 min cap.

Not good one for me as my snatch isn't great. Went with a plan of doing 12 then 11, then 10 etc however didn't go to plan!! Weight is ok but just reps start to get a lot. Completed 68 reps - not bad I guess - first time doing this one but something to re - test down the line.

Also did some work on T2B etc.
Sunday Night - Bootcamp homework

Back Squat 3 x 10 reps @ 92.5kg done.


  • 7 sets of 2 reps @ 90% of 1RM - Squat Cleans
  • Go every 2 minutes.

I've temporarily lost access to beyondthewhiteboard.com where I log all my numbers but I "think" my squat clean was 80kg for 1RM but not tested in a few months. So I did the 7 sets at 72kg


15 min cap

Max Row distance but every 3 minutes do 10 Burpee box jumps, start with 10 as well.

I think I'm coming down with a cold/sore throat etc as I was completed ruined by the end of this and still am feeling less than 100% - I always go hard but feel pretty lousy today after it.

Managed 2336m total. Also fell over the box once so that was no rep. I was aiming for 2500m as I could easy hold a 2min/500m pace but the BBJ took a little over a minute and ultimately cost me hitting the 2.5km mark.

Conditioning on treadmill 8 x 250m runs with 30 secs rest between each set


Squat snatch @ 87.5% of 1 rep max - 6 sets of 2 reps

1 rep max 50kg - 87.5% was 45kg

2 reps for 6 rounds - 2 reps hit every round. - However technique was poor and I felt that I was halfway between power and squat. Not really getting deep enough into the squat position.

HSPU - Still just working on getting into Handstand position and holding that against the wall for 5 seconds. 6 x 5 seconds hand stand holds.

Weakness work -

4 x 10 @ 40kg - Lat pull down
4 x 10 incline press

Double under practice - still work in progress.

Only had an hour this morning whilst my son was at swimming at 6am! Decided to do the Weekly Comp WOD.

In 3 mins complete:
  • 9 Deadlifts
  • 6 Hang Power Cleans
  • 3 STOH
  • 9 Chest to Bar (banded pull ups for me)
  • then max Cals on Assault Bike for what time left.
90 seconds off, 3 Rounds - Score is the Cals on the bike

70kg was the Rx weight but I scaled to 60kg.

Doesn't sound bad but damn it's a "grippy" workout. By the 3rd round my forearms/grip was struggling.

Hit 29 Cals /21 Cals /18 Cals

PT session again

Worked on Squat Cleans as I wasn't happy with them the other day. Just working various techniques and areas and the worked up to 47.5kg which was my old PR, Hit 50kg easy, then missed a bucket load at 53kg!!!

Also some OHS to keep the flexibility in the shoulders and solid core etc

Then conditioning

EMOM - death by
  • 6 Wall Balls (1st min)
  • 20 Double Unders (2nd min) - scaled to singles for me
  • 9 Wall Balls (3rd Min)
  • 25 Double Unders (4th Min)
  • 12 Wall balls (5th Min)
  • 30 Double unders (6th min)
etc etc

Got the 21 Wall Balls and 50 Single unders round done, and then 15 wall balls of the 24 round done.


30 seconds on - 15 seconds off - 3 rounds each station before moving on.
  • Russian Twists (15kg plate)
  • Assuault Runner
  • Box Jumps
  • 24kg KB single arm cleans
Then 40 seconds on - 20 off - 3 rounds each station before moving on
  • Plate touch and press (15kg)
  • Assault Runner
  • Burpee Box Jumps
  • Plank position onto hands to elbows
Phew - another sweat session.

Barbell Class

Yuck - what was it - yip - Squat Cleans!!

Again some technique work to start, then in a 9 min window complete -
  • 10 reps @ 40kg
  • 10 reps @ 45kg
  • 10 reps @ 50kg
  • 10 reps @ 55kg
  • 10 reps @ 60kg
Scale accordingly - So I started at 30kg and did 35/40/42.5kg in the time. Missed a fair few lifts so only got 39 lifts in but probably attempted about 50!!

Then push for 1RM.

Hit 40/43/45/48/50/52 and finally 54kg! Super happy with that after having a struggle earlier in the week with Squat cleans - some good technique work done and a great jump this week from 47.5kg to 54kg in my squat cleans.
Sunday Night Squats

3 x 10 reps @ 95kg. Up 2.5kg on last weeks 10's

  • 20 cals any machine
  • 50 Double Unders
5 Rounds - 12 min cap.

Doesn't look too bad but my doubles are still crap so cost me time there - I still go single single double, single single double. Finished round 4 and got 10 cals on round 5 done.

  • 18 V Situps (or 6 HSPU)
  • 18 Air Squats (or 9 T2B)
  • 9 Hang Clean & Press dumbell 22.5kg
6 rounds - 12 min cap.

Another stinker - I have a few T2B but not enough to complete a round in a reasonable time. situps and air squats were ok but just took time, left shoulder was giving me grief on the press. 5 rounds complete.

For most Rx athletes this was fairly quick and easy 2 workouts - I felt that I just sucked today from the start. Just not at the races today - called it a day and went home. Tomorrow is a new day.


30 seconds on/30 seconds off - 4 Rounds each station
  • Ski max cals
  • Assault Bike max Cals
  • Down and Up's
  • 50kg ball throw over.
Ski - 13/11/11/11

Bike - 16/13/12/12

D & U - 11/10/10/10

Ball Throw 50kg - 4/3/3/3

Clean and Jerk - Lifting

50/55/60/63/65/69/72kg - failed 75kg 3 times on the split jerk.

Conditioning - 12 x 100m sprints


Strength Bootcamp - Back Squats

3 reps @ 105
3 reps @ 107.5
2 Reps @ 110 (failed 3rd)
2 reps @ 110 (failed 3rd)
3 Reps @ 100
2 Reps @ 105 (failed 3rd)

All round rubbish week of training - I think I've let my food intake slide as I'm feeling super tired this week, everything is hard work and just lacking in energy all round. Also checked the scales this morning and I've dropped 6lbs in last 2 weeks which is unheard of for me as I'm not training to loose weight. Food has been clean, no alcohol etc but thinking back, I'm way under my calories over last 7/10 days.

Need my holiday next week - 2 weeks off training - Lanzarote.

Just feeling in a rut/struggle at the moment.
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